On May 28, 2008 I underwent a radical hysterectomy for cancer, and I never had cancer as Dr. Oliver Dorigo knew and all the people in the operating room at UCLA Medical Center. And to date, no one has been held accountable to my knowledge. UCLA Medical Center should have been indicted when the CEO of the Medical Center was fired, or he left on his own Dr. David Feinberg.
The whole point of this delay is because to save money, UCLA hires foreign nationals to perform cancer surgeries in the OBY/GM Department like Dr. Oliver Dorigo from Germany. No patient is told or made aware of this situation before they undergo surgery and what the damages are when they flee with their passports I was 65 years old and had just qualified for Medicare coverage. I was a gold mine for UCLA.
And now 15 years later UCLA Medical Center, Dr. Oliver Dorigo, Dr. Elizabeth Wagar, Dr. David Feinberg and last and the most despicable of the defendants Carole Wells Doheny Karabian.are all free not arrested or indicted by a Grand Jury to arrest them. Thank God my case was referred to the federal agency Health & Human Services in 2011 who decided my case was ELDER ABUSE and referred my case to the California Department of Justice which was and is a joke.
I went to the FBI in 2015 as a victim and Whistleblower to ask they take over the investigation. Because it is under investigation, I can not speak to them directly, so I let my Blog let them know what they should know on and up to date information, especially anything regarding Carole Wells Doheny Karabian whereabouts.
I've had to endure a family practice doctor Megan E. Chen who did a hatchet job on me with false information on the internet for medical professionals such as "I am delusional because I would not believe I had cancer". As a result I went to another primary physician who told me "Have a glass of whiskey before you call for your lab results" I asked "WHY?" and he said It will relax you". Almost every doctor I've seen since I made a formal complaint against UCLA Medical Center as prescribed drugs for me for whatever, but the prescription was really for Carole Wells Doheny to pick at CVS. AS I have alleged Wells Doheny is involved with the drug cartel and or organized crime and she has many people to call upon to make my life hell.
An example of her crap is a new tenant moved into my apartment building a week ago, and I opened my door to see they have painted their front door Rose pink. I called the manager and she knew nothing about it, but PINK is one to her colors after grey and lime green. They were made to take it off.