Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Elder Abuse Counts in this Country as a Felony

Elder Abuse does not get the publicity as other felonies against women as sexual assault does why?  Is it because a woman over 65 years old isn't as important as someone under?  Tell that to your mother, wife, sister or good friend.

Fifteen years ago I was subjected to major surgery for a radical hysterectomy for cancer and never had it as now 15 years later proven I didn't, I'm still alive and no medical treatment since May 28, 2008 for cancer proves it.  Aren't you only supposed to have a 5-year survival rate?

UCLA Medical Center hires foreign nationals to save money and in doing so subjects American citizens to danger as I was with Dr. Oliver Dorigo from Germany.  I could have died on the operating table on May 28, 2008 and I thank God and my son Tony does as well I didn't.  But because UCLA Medical Center has such a hold on this city nothing has been done.  No one has been indicted to my knowledge.

This year 5500 women filled a class action against UCLA Medical Center for sexual abuse/assault and UCLA settled for 700 million dollars and just this year the doctor involved for 35 years; James Heaps was sentenced to 11 years in prison.  He is an American not a foreign national and could be arrested, charged and convicted.  A foreign national only needs a passport to flee.  

I ask the FBI if there is anything else I can do as a Whistleblower to help to arrest, charge or convict all involved with my fraudulent cancer surgery on May 28, 2008?

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Four Years Later How President Biden and I Look for Justice.

I never thought when I posted my Blog on June 20, 2019 regarding "If Dr. Dorigo Had Been Charged" that the 14th Amendment would have an important play in both our lives.  I stated, "I am a Whistleblower in addition to a victim entitled to the guarantees of the 14th Amendment of "Equal Protection Under the Law".

Because no action was taken by the California Department of Justice between February 2011 and December 2012, Dr. Oliver Dorigo was allowed to the flee the United States with no consequences for his homeland of Germany never to be seen again so far.

President Biden will have the opportunity to invoke the 14th Amendment for the Debt Ceiling if needed.  The United States cannot default on paying our bills.  At least it is an option for him.  What are the odds, 4 years ago when Trump was President that I wrote my Blog, the thought the new president would need the 14th Amendment as I do for justice?  

Never give up hope.

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Equal Protection Under the Law This the Fourteenth Amendment

The 14th Amendment is now center stage as the possible solution to the debt ceiling debate especially if President Biden has no other choice than to invoke it before June 1, 2023 to avoid a financial catastrophe as described by Janet Yellen, the Secretary of the Treasury.

When I found out that Dr. Oliver Dorigo had performed a radical hysterectomy of me for cancer only to bill Medicare and to be paid by Carole Wells Doheny in cash, I tried to contact Medicare to report it but could not get through.  Only by chance I received correspondence from Medi-Cal that I had a name and address to contact, and I did. That office sent my letter to the Department of Health and Human Services (a federal agency) who sent 2 investigators to my homer within 2 weeks to investigate and Thank God they did.  It is the only Justice I have received thus far after they wrote me a LETTER telling me they were referring my case to the California Department of Justice for ELDER ABUSE.

Unfortunately for me, Medicare is a federal agency and not under the jurisdiction of the California Department of Justice but rather Medicaid.  Since February 4, 2011, nothing has been done by them, so in 2015 I went to the FBI and made a complaint as a victim and now Whistleblower. 

I learned at the same time regarding the 14th Amendment and the phase "Equal Protection Under the Law" that applies to me and now President Biden may apply it for the protection of the United States government and global stability.  I never thought President Biden and I would look to the same Amendment but for different reasons.

Hopefully we will both be successful with the use of it.

Sunday, May 14, 2023

I Ask Again Just How Corrupt is the University of California System?

 Based on what just happened at the UCLA Jules Stein Eye Institute on May 10, 2023, I ask the question I posted on my Blog on September 23, 2020 "Just How Corrupt is the UCLA campus in the system?  They proved they have a pattern of conduct that has not changed in 15 years of hiring foreign nationals.  In 2008 it was Dr. Oliver Dorigo from Germany who fled the United States in 2012 and has not been found since, and now its Dr. Lynn Shi the foreign national from China.

I couldn't understand how Dr. Lynn Shi could be assigned my case for a blindness in my right eye overnight and sent to Jules Stein Eye Institute for treatment from the Reagan Emergency room. I did not know at the time she was a foreign national from China and was not a permanent employee of UCLA. I now believe Carole Wells Doheny Karabin was behind her assignment because the Doheny Eye Institute is connected with the Glaucoma division of Jules Stein that I never knew.

What happened on May 10th was an alleged conspiracy to cause me emotional distress at the thought of having Dr. Shi treating me so she could submit paperwork to Medicare as attending to me since 11/8/22.  I told 2 people I would not have anything to do with Dr. Shi after she scared the hell out of me and absolutely freaked my son Tony out at the possibility, I would go permanently blind unless I had surgery by her before Christmas which was an absolute lie.

I ask the FBI if it is possible for them to investigate if Carole Wells Doheny Karabin was behind the paying off nurses in the Glaucoma department to have Dr. Shi coverup wear a mask, hair net and scrubs so I would not recognize her?  I didn't trust her on November 8, 2022 and I wouldn't trust her now.  She just has to get her passport and flee the USA like Dr. Dorigo did with no consequences. 

I do not trust UCLA Medical Center or Jules Stein Eye Institute and as a result will not return.  I will seek medical treatment elsewhere.  I just want all involved in this conspiracy to be held accountable and fired and UCLA fined for infliction of emotional distress.

Thursday, May 11, 2023

A Day in the Life of a Whistleblower Against UCLA Medical Center

Yesterday I had a real Emotional Distress Day at the Jules Stein Eye Institute on the UCLA Campus, and it was horrible.  I had called the Friday before to speak to my doctor regarding the new reading glasses prescription.  My calls were not returned so I tried for a 3rd time.  Finally, I was directed to "Bobby" in administration and describted my problem with the prescription and needed to know if the mistake was the making of the lenses or if my doctor had reversed the lenses?

It means nothing to have surgery for Glaucoma and Cataracts if you have reading glasses made up that don't satisfy the problem.  Bobby said I could come in at 3:15pm, but never telling me the doctor I would see was Dr. Lynn Shi the very woman who scared the hell out of me when I first went to Jules Stein on November 8, 2022 that "I would be blind before Christmas if I didn't have surgery by her".  I was never permanently blinded before or after Christmas. And as a result of her scaring the hell out of my son and myself before Christmas, I looked for someone else to see what my situation was. 

I found on the internet Dr. Coleman head of the Glaucoma department and called her office.  I was referred to a permanent employee Dr. Joanne Giaconi who did the surgery.  I have no problem with her only Dr. Lynn Shi. But yesterday, because it was an unexpected appointment, I was at their mercy.  When I checked in I was told Dr. Shi would see me.  I told the receptionist "If its Dr Shi I am out of her I will have nothing to do with her".  The second receptionist to the right LIED and said "Dr. Shi is not in today". I also told Bobby I would not have Dr. Shi and she said she would notify the front office.

So, when did the alleged conspiracy go into effect to have Dr. Shi see me?  I was called by the aide to check my eyes and glasses and recognized the problem.  At 3:50pm she finished and said she would get the doctor.  40 minutes later no one showed up so I told my son to find out what was going on.  I found out 5 minutes later after THE OFFICE CLOSED AT 4:30PM when Dr. Lynn Shi walked in with a mask, hair in a net and scrubs so I did not recognize her.  I asked if she was Dr. Mei the name Bobby had given me and she had to be honest and say "No, I'm Dr. Shi".  I almost fell off the chair and said "I will not deal with you, you are the person who told me in November if I didn't have surgery before Christmas I would go blind and that was a lie get out of here".

I told my son I wanted to go to the office and report what happened.  We left the examination room and headed for the office - it was closed and if the the business office had not been open down the hall, I would have no recourse and that is what they wanted.  I demanded to see a manager.  Finally a manager arrived a tall 6'4 man and I explained what happened and I was LIVID.  He lead me down the hall to be seated to find Dr. Mei to help me and he did.  She took me to the examination room with the computer and my file and explained what happened with my glasses.  My eyes will never be the same and glasses can't help maybe surgery, but I will not do it again.  This is what I get 15 years later emotional distress.

Monday, May 8, 2023

In July 2021 I asked If I Had Exposed the Missing 2 million Dollars? PS 5/9/23

When I had my business as Survive A Divorce, I heard over and over again about a "missing 2 million dollars?"  I couldn't understand why I was asked this until a dear friend of mine sons was murdered in a condo at a ski resort with a gunshot in the head. At this time, I saw 2 Hispanic men outside my duplex in Beverly Hills across the street watching me get into my car to go to my office.  The shock came when I went to my office the receptionist announced my 9:30 appointment was there.  It was the same two men outside my duplex but he had made an appointment, so I had to keep it.  It scared the hell out of me.

When I looked up Carole Wells Doheny and found she had remarried to a man named Vanier, it also said she was "worth 2 million dollars" and the light went off.  Did she have the missing 2 million dollars and that is the money she has deposited around the world or did she open investment accounts with the money for the stock market?  Did she work alone or was Terry Karger Melton involved as well?

It has been since 1987 the three of us were at my sons Bar Mitzvah dinner at the Century Plaza Hotel and I believe they reconnected.  All I know is my friend's son was killed for that amount of money, and I don't know if I was next with the Hispanic men who knew where I lived and worked.  Carole Wells Doheny knew all of that.  Now I think people can understand why I am so careful where I live, and I do not list my home address or phone number anywhere. 

I have given the FBI all the information I have to get Wells Doheny arrested and sent to federal prison.  If they need anything else just let me know.  I am more than ready to testify before a Grand Jury.

PS  Did Carole Wells Doheny Karabin start using my name as Janet Winston because she had the missing 2million dollars and wanted the people who the money belonged to think Janet Winston had it?  Is that why the Hispanic men were outside my duplex and at my office?   It cost one person their life was I second and would leave two sons motherless?

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Fifteen Years Later Since I Had Fraudulent Cancer Surgery

On May 28, 2008 I underwent a radical hysterectomy for cancer, and I never had cancer as Dr. Oliver Dorigo knew and all the people in the operating room at UCLA Medical Center.  And to date, no one has been held accountable to my knowledge.  UCLA Medical Center should have been indicted when the CEO of the Medical Center was fired, or he left on his own Dr. David Feinberg.

The whole point of this delay is because to save money, UCLA hires foreign nationals to perform cancer surgeries in the OBY/GM Department like Dr. Oliver Dorigo from Germany.  No patient is told or made aware of this situation before they undergo surgery and what the damages are when they flee with their passports I was 65 years old and had just qualified for Medicare coverage.  I was a gold mine for UCLA.

And now 15 years later UCLA Medical Center, Dr. Oliver Dorigo, Dr. Elizabeth Wagar, Dr. David Feinberg and last and the most despicable of the defendants Carole Wells Doheny Karabian.are all free not arrested or indicted by a Grand Jury to arrest them.  Thank God my case was referred to the federal agency Health & Human Services in 2011 who decided my case was ELDER ABUSE and referred my case to the California Department of Justice which was and is a joke.

I went to the FBI in 2015 as a victim and Whistleblower to ask they take over the investigation.  Because it is under investigation, I can not speak to them directly, so I let my Blog let them know what they should know on and up to date information, especially anything regarding Carole Wells Doheny Karabian whereabouts.

I've had to endure a family practice doctor Megan E. Chen who did a hatchet job on me with false information on the internet for medical professionals such as "I am delusional because I would not believe I had cancer".  As a result I went to another primary physician who told me "Have a glass of whiskey before you call for your lab results" I asked "WHY?" and he said It will relax you". Almost every doctor I've seen since I made a formal complaint against UCLA Medical Center as prescribed drugs for me for whatever, but the prescription was really for Carole Wells Doheny to pick at CVS.  AS I have alleged Wells Doheny is involved with the drug cartel and or organized crime and she has many people to call upon to make my life hell.

An example of her crap is a new tenant moved into my apartment building a week ago, and I opened my door to see they have painted their front door Rose pink.  I called the manager and she knew nothing about it, but PINK is one to her colors after grey and lime green.  They were made to take it off.