Monday, July 28, 2014


That is the title of the full page ad in the Los Angeles Times on July 27, 2014 by UCLA Medical Center. U.S. News and World Report gave UCLA "Number 1 Ranking - Best in the West" for 25 consecutive years...  Has anyone at that paper actually had surgery at UCLA Medical Center as I have?  I can report from personal experience that they are corrupt and only interested in money, and do not give a damn about their patients, only profits.

They hire foreign nationals to perform surgery on patients for profits and experience... they do not pay a medical professional the same from a foreign country as you do - an American citizen.  Then these foreign nationals can just pick up their passports and flee when they are responsible for using patients for profits, as happened to me with Dr. Oliver Dorigo, who fled to Germany after he performed major cancer surgery on me that I did not have, and he knew in advance that I never had cancer.  It was for profits that UCLA Medical Center support.

All the people at UCLA should be replaced forthwith and held responsible in a criminal court of law for what they have done to me and hundreds of women before and after me in May, 2008.  At least in Michigan, they arrested a doctor who gave patients chemotherapy when they did not need it, but just for profits, and in both cases it involved people over 65 who were on Medicare.  There is worldwide corruption in the medical profession and UCLA Medical Center is at the top.  U.S. News & World Report should be shut down.