Sunday, January 24, 2021

Terrance Karger Is Not A Man and How Wrong The Internet Is

I want it known just how wrong the internet can be when researching people you have known.  I will use the example of Terrance M. Karger and the internet state "He is the son of Freddie Karger and Patti Sacks"., that is  totally false.  How they could post that is shocking to me, because if Terry did it herself the question would be why?

Terrance Meredith Karger ("Terry) is the ONLY child of Freddie Karger and Patti Sacks.  I know because Terry and I were roommates staring in 1960 to 1963 when I was working as a model and actress and she was a student at USC where she graduated from with a teaching degree.  The picture on the internet is that of her father Freddie Karger and at the piano with Marilyn Monroe who he did date at some point and was the musical director at Columbia Studios but never composed the theme to "From Here To Eternity" as she told everyone.  He composed with two other men "Reenlistments  Blues" which was sung in the movie  From Here To Eternity and nothing more.  She was my maid of honor at my first marriage and I was her matron of honor at her marriage.  I have had no contact with Terry since 1987 at my sons 13th birthday sit down dinner at the Century Plaza Hotel in Los Angeles.

Also, I want it known that according to the internet my maiden name as Janet Helen Watson list a black women as me.  I am not black.  I further want it known that I am not married to Seymour R. Winston as the internet says for over 40 years.  I divorced him in 1983 and have had no contact with him either since then.

The point being, that the internet is not the gospel truth.  It's one thing if they are innocent mistakes, it is something else if it is on purpose to mislead the public on an individual.  So my advice to everyone is try and double check any information you get for the first time if it doesn't sound right, or you know it to be false.

Saturday, January 16, 2021

Why Is 60 Minutes So Successful To Expose Crime That No One Else Is?

 I say this now on January 16, 2021 after Donald J. Trump has been exposed for his high crime and misdemeanor that has resulted in his second Impeachment?  60 Minutes had nothing to do with his Impeachment, but what they did have direct involvement with was the 4 Japanese Mob Bosses as described by them who paid UCLA Medical Center 2.2 million dollars for 4 liver transplants.  This "selling of organs "resulted  in men higher up on the list died.  Was nothing done to UCLA Medical Center because of who they are and the political pull they have or was it because it involved Japanese citizens and nothing could be done to extradite them to the United States to testify?  But 60 Minutes and the Los Angeles Times exposed them as I referred in my May 2, 2016 blog EIGHTH ANNIVERSARY OF FRAUD AT UCLA MEDICAL CENTER.

Why was the State of Michigan successful in arresting and charging Dr. Fata that resulted in his being sentenced to federal prison for 45 years for giving women chemotherapy that didn't need it?  How come Michigan could be on target and arrest and charge this man before he could flee, but had to post 9 million dollars bail?  This happened in July of 2015.  I believe 60 Minutes exposed this doctor as did the television series "Whistleblower" also on CBS.

60 Minute also exposed the University of California San Francisco campus for hiring foreign nationals just like UCLA Medical Center did, and fire their American employees to save 50% of the salaries paid.     Why wasn't anything done about this?  The fact the University of California just settled a class action lawsuit by 5500 or 6600 women for 73 million dollars says a lot after 35 years of sexual assault by their doctor James Heaps.  All of this was covered up until the settlement - why?

The point being to all this is that I'm sure there are hundreds of unsuspecting women who had surgery at the hands of Dr. Oliver Dorigo, the UCLA Medical Center Oncologist Gynecologists', who do not know they NEVER HAD CANCER, and only when it is exposed, either by my case alone if needed, or 60 Minutes could get involved and investigate as they have the cases above, UCLA Medical Center will again get away with the acts that are not Medical Malpractice, but criminal acts of Medical and Elder Abuse.  I ask women who may think now they never had cancer at the hands of Dr. Dorigo who fled the country in 2012, to respond to this blog or contact the FBI in the Los Angeles office and tell them.

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Justice For The American People Trump is IMPEACHED PS 1/14/21

Today, the House of Representatives voted 232  to IMPEACH Donald J. Trump as the 45th President of the United States.  For the first time in the history of the United States, Trump is IMPEACHED  for a second time.  

.Look what has happened in just one week.  Trump promoted at a rally on January 6, 2021 to go to the Capital in Washington D.C., and "take back the election" by storming the Capital to make sure the Senators inside who were counting the election votes would not complete the task and thereby thought that would prevent them from declaring Joe Biden the President-elect.  They were thugs and rioters who vandalized the inside of the Capital Dome, and went from office to office looking for Nancy Pelosi to kill her and tried to find Vice President Mike Pence to "hang him" and yelled out "Hang Mike Pence".

That is why President Trump was impeached today.  He is a danger to our country and its people even with just 7 days left.  They will not have a trial in the Senate until after Joe Biden is sworn in as President, but they wanted it known now he is finished,  

His world is shattered.  The only two banks that will do business with him, said just two days ago they will no longer do business with him and he owes one of them 300 million dollars.  All social media, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Google,  Apple and all others have permanently banned him from their companies.  The City of New York says they will no longer honor any contracts with him.   The name TRUMP is poison.  He can't do any business because no one will do business with him as the Professional Golf Association just cancelled his golf club for their big tournament in 2022.

He has a taste of his own medicine.  He is destroyed as he has destroyed so many others who could not fight back.  The United State Constitution gave us Impeachment and no one person is above the law as Donald J. Trump has just found out. 

PS.  Trump has just informed his office NOT TO PAY Rudy Giuliani's legal fees and wants to see all reimbursements before they are paid for expenses.  So Rudy will not only loose his pay check (which he needs since no one else would hire him) but probably WILL NOT BE PARDONED which is more valuable than money.  Trumps last word to Giuliani is CHECK MATE. 

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Trumps Mob Storm The Capital In Washington DC

What happened on January 6, 2021 in Washington DC was nothing more than a COUP instigated by the President of the United States to try and save his presidency from being over on January 20, 2021 at 12:00pm.  He promoted his "trumpeters" to come to DC on January 6th to take back the illegal election that made Joe Biden the president-elect and will put him out of office on January 20th.

Unbelievable that Rudi Giuliani told this mob to take 'TRIAL BY COMBAT', and that is exactly what they tried to do with their Confederated Flags to replace the the Stars and Stripes that flew over the Capital  as they stormed the Capital with breaking windows trying to get into locked doors from the Senate in session.  They did breach security and invaded offices such as Nancy Pelosi's with a mans feet on her  desk wearing a Make America Great Again hat.  It was an insurrection promoted by the President of the United States and an attack on her democracy.

The 25th Amendment HAS TO BE INVOKED immediately as even The Washington Post has posted on the front page of their paper.  I posted on this blog on November 10, 2020, Nancy Pelosi made a horrible mistake by not invoking the 25th Amendment, because Trump is "unfit and mentally ill for the office of President of the United States".  I do not have a law degree or any political experience, but I do have COMMEN SENSE.  This man is a danger and with 13 days left until Joe Biden is sworn in as president, he can still do a lot of damage - look what he did in 12 hours on June 6th.

 Also, the two Senators Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley who wanted to over turn the electoral college votes after the riots, to forbid Joe Biden from taking office in the Senate vote last night, should be stripped of any senate committee and the American people should be made aware in 2024 when they both want to run for president, they committed almost an un-American act.

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

We Won The Hat Trick, The Presidency, Senate and House of Representatives

 Congratulations to the American people.  The Democrat's have won the Presidency with Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as Vice President.  They have just won two senate seats in the Senate that gives control as majority, and finally Mitch McConnell is out as its leader.  The American people will get justice such as the $2000.00 stimulus check.  The House of Representatives was won in 2018 and still held in 2020.

Donald J. Trump will no longer be president as of January 20, 2021 at 12:01pm when Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are sworn in as President and Vice President.  The telephone call that was released by the Secretary of State for Georgia shows just how desperate Trump was to turn over the election and he failed.  Justice won out.  Our Constitution guided our representatives,  that put the country over  ambition,

The American people should be so proud of our freedom to select our leaders.  I look forward to 2021 and all it has to offer with President Joe Biden at the helm.  I'm sure our allies are pleased at how our election turned out and the fact Trump is out.  Our allies will trust our word once again.  NATO will be supported as will the World Health Organization.

I am proud to be an American.