Wednesday, November 23, 2016

MEDICARE, I ask you investigate University Foot & Ankle Institute for Fraud & Torture

I received my Medicare Summary Notice on November 7, 2016 informing me you had sent a notice to University Foot & Ankle Institute for an overpayment of $116.13, which I did not have to pay.  The overpayment was for fraud.  This business refuses to refund me $61.58 for the difference between the $400.00 I paid in the months of August, September, October and November of 2015, payments which are not posted to my account and deducted from the balance owed.  This is fraud.

I ask you conduct a criminal investigation of this office, located at 2121 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 101 in Santa Monica, CA.  I now allege they are connected to UCLA Health as part of the UCLA Health system. And not just a business that happens to have an office there (in addition to the many offices they have throughout Southern California).  I was misled, especially since I told Dr. Jason Morris - the doctor who performed my surgery on my ankle - on 2/12/15 BEFORE the surgery that I had a big problem with UCLA Health and that they had performed major cancer surgery on me when I never had cancer and would not have anything to do with them – when he suggested performing my ankle surgery at UCLA where he had privileges.  Therefore, he knew the night before the surgery after I had told him about my BLOG, and had given him the web address to log in and read it, that I wanted nothing to do with UCLA.  He and the supervisor of the office Dr. Gary Briskin intentionally concealed that fact from me.  I allege they conspired to perform the surgery on the 3rd floor of their office instead of referring me to Saint John’s Medical Center in Santa Monica, so I would not have the ability to INFORM the medical community what UCLA Health had done to me, which I now call TORTURE.  I allege they are responsible for the problems I now have with my Sciatic Nerve (which is damaged), and I have been told by other doctors that “there is no cure for it and the damaged nerves in my foot cannot be repaired.”  I now use a walker, in addition to a cane. 

I ask you read my blog for August 9 and September 26, 2016, which explains my total damages in detail.  I believe I was tortured by University Foot & Ankle Institute on purpose because I am a Whistle Blower.

I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and New Year for all of my viewers in 50 countries around the world.  See you in 2017.

Monday, September 26, 2016

I Call It As I See It With Facts: University Foot & Ankle Institute

I started this BLOG in December of 2009 after I found out I never had cancer at UCLA Medical Center, that now I describe as Torture (which I refer to in my blog of August 9, 2016).  I am now going to address another problem and one I bleive my viewers in the 45 countries around the world (including the newest country of Turkmenistan located in Central Asia) will want to know about because it deals with an “independent” Doctor’s office/surgery office instead of a hospital where all doctors are located for any medical need..


I am talking about University Foot & Ankle Institute located at 2121 Wilshire Blvd., Santa Monica, California.  I think everyone understands the word “Hungry” regarding a business. And that is what this business is from my personal experience.  I did not know they are a Podiatrist practice and not an Orthopedic one.  And that is what I needed on February 9, 2015 when my son took me there after being released from the Marina Del Rey ER for my broken ankle and tibia bone in my left leg.  Dr. Gary B. Briskin the head of the office saw me on February 9, 2015 but turned me over to Dr. Jason Morris after the CT scan showed I had major injuries to my ankle and needed surgery to repair the break, which required a steel plate and screws to hold it together to help it heal – which will remain there for the rest of my life.  That is for an Orthopedic surgeon and not a Podiatrist (for bunions, etc.)


Instead of referring me to an Orthopedic doctor or to Saint John’s Medical Center in Santa Monica, or Cedars Sinai Medical Center just 8 miles from my home, I was scheduled for this major operation on their 3rd floor where they had one operating room.  But it represented $15,672.00 which Medicare would be billed for (all doctors did their own billing), and the more than $600.00 that was demanded up front at the reception desk for the surgery. 


Medicare does not work that way. They send in a bill, and Medicare pays what the doctors know they will pay, but tell the patient how much they will be billed for at 20%.  They charged me more than Medicare would allow so I demanded a refund and a check came from an office on the EAST COAST, but without the word REFUND printed on it.  That is important because I now realize this practice does not include PAYMENTS made by the patients.  I made 5 payments altogether and none of them were applied to my bill.  So when I left in July of 2015, I still had a balance of $600.00, but only billed for half and the whole bill was sent to collection (even though Medicare was not billed yet as harassment) 2 days after I requested my file to be sent to an Orthopedic practice I was planning on seeing.   I made payments totaling $400.00 after I left, but none of those amounts were posted to my account – only the amounts that Medicare paid.  Do they pocket the money that the patient pays because there is no record of it for the IRS or partnership?  That is “Hungry”.


As I mentioned before, my ankle had to be opened up and the doctor inserted a steel plate and screws to hold it together until it could heal, but they will remain there for the rest of my life..  (Does that mean the alarm will go off when I’m going through the TSA at the airport?)  Within 6 hours from arrival to release, I went home by a medical van transport which my son hired at a cost of over $300 round trip. I had expected to spend the night after the surgery and was very surprised after having a major operation that I was released the same day as an “outpatient” when I really should have been an “inpatient” as Saint John’s or Cedars would have called it.


Because my break was so bad, Dr. “M” said I had to keep off my feet for 8-10 weeks because he had never seen such fragile bones. He said he “could have crushed them with his hands”.  I followed his orders and only got out of bed for doctor’s visits with the help of my son Tony in a wheelchair; my other son I have not seen since his graduation from Beverly Hills High School in 1992 but we live in the same city.  I will however acknowledge the help from his wife who I have never met, but she helped Tony with obtaining my medical equipment and all my needs with respect to being confined to 10 straight weeks of bedrest.  I have been told by my physical therapist that this length of time was “very unusual” and it should have been 6 weeks to get me up and start therapy to walk again.


My problems started the night of April 13, 2015 when I went home with the “Boot” on my left leg (almost up to my knee).  I do not know what the Asian-American male nurse did, but by 10pm, I was writhing in excruciating pain.  Before the boot, I had had a plaster cast on my leg and had experienced no problems.  But after having the boot put on, it felt like I was walking around with a cement block on my foot.   What I did not know until December of 2015 was that my left foot was actually “fractured” and had not been properly cared for, after the boot was put on.  With the weight of my body, I was walking around with a broken tibia, along with a severely damaged ankle on a fractured foot.  This resulted in my SCIATIC NERVE being damaged, which has left me with CHRONIC PAIN SYNDROME and I take pain pills daily specifically for damaged nerves, not like an Advil for overall pain.  I will most likely need to continue this for years to come. 


Did any X-ray show prior to April 13 that I had a weakness in the area between the ankle and toes, both on top and underneath the foot?  Did the two straps on the boot which held it closed (right where the first strap covers that area) cause my foot to fracture?  Even though I had complained of the pain from the pressure and tightness of the boot?   Nothing was done, and I only found out about the fracture 8 months later and Dr. Morris was nowhere around.


I found out in June, 2015 that University Foot & Ankle Institute has an office on the grounds of UCLA Medical Center and if I had been told this before the surgery, as I should have been due to a “conflict of interest” I would never had agreed to the surgery.  I believed the fractured foot and the conflict with UCLA Health, and all the problems I have had that are long term are life altering.  That these to facts were never told to me.  UCLA is a power house in California and the entire United States, and especially in Southern California, all doctors on the “Westside” of Los Angeles from Beverly Hills to Malibu are beholden to them for work and referrals.  I experienced Torture I UCLA Health, and I have also now experienced Torture at University Foot & Ankle Institute.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

"U inspire us to be the best"... U.S. News & World Report

On August 7, 2016 the above headline appeared in the Los Angeles Times, and I believe it is time for the newspaper to explain how they can say in their advertisement “for the 27th CONSECUTIVE YEAR “UCLA ranked #1 in Los Angeles, #1 in California, and #5 nationwide”?  What facts does U.S. News & World Report have for that statement?

I will state facts from my blog:( that dispute the 27 years. 

In the year 2008, I had major cancer surgery that I now describe as TORTURE, because I never had cancer as confirmed by the fact that I am not on the National Cancer Registry as required by FEDERAL LAW! 

What do you call subjecting a patient to major surgery for anything that is a lie known to the doctor one week before the surgery? 

What do you call subjecting a patient to taking out of her body everything that she was born with as a female for no reason other than getting money under the table, in addition to billing Medicare & Medicaid for the surgery… certainly not to save a life! 

What do you call subjecting a patient to waking her up every 2 hours to take blood from her arm only to bill the insurance company? 

What do you call subjecting a patient to 2 ER visits because the operation was sloppy and caused an infection where she had to wear a catheter for 5 days (24 hours a day) for the cover story of “leaking urine”? 

What do you call subjecting a patient for bleeding from her vagina so much so that she thought she was going to bleed to death before reaching the ER? 

What do you call the Director of Clinical Labs (Head of Pathology) who changed the medical records so that it would appear she did in fact have cancer, but from another woman who shared the same operating room -  as she was wheeled out to recovery for this other woman (Carole Wells) to be rolled in, using the name of Janet Winston (the name reported to the National Cancer Registry) and not Janet H. Winston, as the woman whose name was used for insurance billing, but who never had cancer? 

Furthermore, what do you call subjecting a patient to emotional distress by telling her she had “a very rare cancer” and needed “36 hours of chemotherapy because it attacks the soft tissues”?  

It has taken me 8 years to find out the facts that prove absolutely I never had cancer.  Tell me another public hospital owned by the State of California and its people who built a huge addition to its medical center at a cost of 1 Billion Dollars so that it could design hospital rooms that are more like hotel rooms at a cost of over $500 per day for their “elite” patients - while I was told that any further stay at UCLA would be in the annex at the Santa Monica Hospital when the building was opened in 2008?

In 2015, I was told by two different doctors attending me that there had been a complete overhaul at UCLA Health.  One doctor told me “they’re all gone” and the other doctor told me that after Dr. Fata had been arrested in Michigan in July, Dr. David Feinberg was “gone” by the end of that same month.  Was that due to the plea agreement from either the state or federal authorities?  Or was it with the Regents of the University of California?  In either case, it was not made public, and I am doing that now.  Dr. Feinberg was the CEO of UCLA Health and was directly involved with my case, since his office referred me to Dr. Dorigo per my Medicare summary. 

Have you heard of the REPUBLIC OF MAURITIUS?  This is an island located in the Indian Ocean off of the southeast coast of the African continent.  It is 2,040 km in total and was once owned by France and has no extradition with the United States.  This is where I believe many of the people who were involved with my surgery and cover-up are now, and waiting out the results of the investigation.

I analogize my case with UCLA Health to that of the sexual abuse of children by priests for decades, and covered up by the Catholic Church (as high up as the Vatican), or TV icon Bill Cosby’s alleged sexual abuse and his drugging of young women over decades before 50 women finally came forward to speak of what he had done to them.  No one believed them.  The VOICE of the public from personal experiences spoke to the nation to take action, and they did.  The same is true of U.S. World & News Report, who continues to “deny” UCLA Health is anything other than a fabulous medical center with their outrageous ratings at Number 1 in anything!  No one has challenged their rating system alone…. until now.  I am doing that now. 

No one denies the “Power of the Press”…. But there is a greater power and that is “Of The People.”

Monday, May 2, 2016


Finally I can say with absolute certainty that I never had cancer before I entered UCLA Medical Hospital on May 21, 2008, when the CA-125 Test showed I had no cancer in my body one week before I underwent the fraudulent surgery on May 28, 2008.  This is more than ELDER ABUSE – it is a criminal act by Dr. Oliver Dorigo who masterminded this fraud for money.  This was an assault on my body with the intent to do bodily harm, I would even say TORTURE.  This was not surgery to save my life, it was surgery for all involved in the operating room and Dr. Elizabeth Wagar who was the head of pathology as Director of Clinical Labs to be paid off with hundred dollar bills which Carole Wells supplied - I now believe Dr. Christopher Wray was to supply the staff in the operating room who were all independent contractors, including Dr. Dorigo.  I have only found this out since April, 2016.

It is truly mindboggling to comprehend the premeditated fraud by all involved after I obtained the list of staff who were in the operating room.  No one would have known, if I died, what this fraud is and how many people were involved.  I wonder how many other MEDICARE patients were subjected to a similar fraud for money?  Everybody knows about the 4 Japanese Mob Bosses who paid 2.2 million dollars in cash for 4 liver transplants which is worth more than gold, but they got it at UCLA.  How did they know they could do this?  That was reported by the Los Angeles Times and CBS’s 60 Minutes.  Just how corrupt was UCLA Health when I had my surgery on May 28, 2008?

Dr. Fata in Michigan was sentenced to 45 years in federal prison in July, 2015 for giving chemotherapy to patients who didn’t need it over a 6 year period of time… what will await Dr. Dorigo and all of his co-conspirators for fraudulent cancer surgery, CT scans, and chemotherapy over a 6 year period of time before he fled to Germany in December, 2012 after my complaint was referred to the California Department of Justice on February 4, 2011.  Didn’t anyone in the legal authority think to check with the National Cancer Registry to see if I was on the list?  If they had, they would have the answer and would call in the Medicare authorities to arrest Dr. Oliver Dorigo and everyone else from the operating room, as well as Dr. Elizabeth Wagar.  But by not doing this, Dr. Dorigo fled the country for his homeland of Germany.  I do not know how many of the defendants are still in the United States, but I would think INTERPOL could help to find these people.  Dr. Wagar fled to Texas and I think Russia as well. 

What happens to patients who are involved with medical malpractice lawsuits?  Are their cases thrown out because the doctors have left the country as foreign nationals?  No one gives a damn about the patients!  It is beyond belief to think ULCA Medical Center had FOREIGN NATIONALS and INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS to operate on vulnerable men and women and especially the elderly, we were lead to slaughter by greedy men and women who do not believe in ‘DO NO HARM’.

I want everyone to know - who has wondered - where Carole Wells got her money and the power to totally corrupt the medical professionals at UCLA.  Believe me, it doesn’t stop with UCLA.  There are two other medical facilities that I am dealing with now where she has had medial services before I got there, but she used my name as Janet Winston and paid cash!  Her first husband was a “Doheny”, however he killed himself in either an accident or suicide while he was married to her.  She personally told me, “The family blames me for his death” but her money does not come from the family – as she said to me when I was still representing her as a divorce consultant from her second husband who divorced her.  She wanted 2/3rds of the money he paid me (at her request), saying “I need the money.”  So after I checked with my corporate attorney, he told me to pay her out of my “personal account” and not the corporate account, but I then had to declare the total amount on my tax return, even though she walked away with 2/3rds of the money that I originally received. 

Weeks later she asked me to represent her again and that she would pay me, but I refused.  That is when she verbally threatened me in 1987 and said “Don’t say I didn’t warn you” and what happened to me at UCLA Medical Center was part of that threat, because UCLA Health accepts cash.

Her money is “dirty”.  I do not care if she invested it in apartment buildings, homes or businesses… it’s all “dirty” and the federal government would seize everything if they could track it down.  She has friends and trusted associates buy everything in their names so her name does not appear on any legal document.  She lives in New York, Florida, Maryland, Arizona, California (both northern and southern), Washington and Minnesota.  Maryland and Minnesota have large medical hospitals with The May Clinic and John Hopkins, and with her cancer she wanted the best.

This eight years since my surgery has proven to be very productive for my case.

Monday, April 4, 2016

NEW EVIDENCE; Inside the Operating Room

This newly discovered evidence shows that only two doctors were on “staff” with UCLA, Dr. Christopher Wray and Dr. Hamid Nourmand  - and is that the reason Dr. Elizabeth Wager met with me in secret on May 21, 2008 in the Conference Room on the 6th floor of the Anesthesia office?

DR. CHRISTOPHER WRAY was the doctor who administered the anesthesia to me on May 28, 2008 on the following times:  08:00 to 11:15, and then took a 35 minute break so DR. HAMID NOURMAND could take over from 11:14 to 11:49, and then WRAY returned at 11:49 to 14:04… where did he go?

ANGELA PARKIN was the Anesthesia Resident from 08:00 to 11:18, and then returned at 12:00 to 14:04

DR. JENNIFER HARKINS was the Anesthesia Resident from 0:800 to 09:52 and then again from 10:17 to 11:19, and finally, 11:53 to 14:04

FELICIANO SAMSON was the Circulating Nurse from 08:00 to 9:40, and 9:56 to 11:11, and finally, 13:18 to 14:04

SARA ROBERTSON was the PG Nurse from 08:00 to 09:40, and 09:56 to 11:11, and finally, 13:08 to 14:04.

JENILEE GANKEE was the Scrub Nurse from 08:00 to 12:02, and then again from 13:03 to 14:04.

DR. TEVY TITH was the Assistant Surgeon from 08:25 to 14:04 and was the only doctor who apologized to me in the ER on June 6, 2008 for putting me there.  Dr. Dorigo and Dr. Delic said not a word of “sorry”.

There is no mention of a Pelvic Washing, as the records show, which I posed on January 11, 2016.

I was told by Dr. Dorigo I had no complications and bled very little, so how do you account for 5 to 6 hours, instead of the 3 hours I was told by Dr. Dorigo which would be the total duration of the surgery?  I believe this new evidence shows there were two patients in the operating room on May 28, 2008… the other was Carole Wells as Janet Winston, and that is how the records show as the patient name… not Janet H. Winston

Is it possible that everyone in the operating room except WRAY and NOURMAND were independent contractors and not on salary at UCLA?  If that is the case, it would be much easier to pull off this fraud – payoffs!

Friday, March 11, 2016


This is an open letter to the Secretary of Health & Human Services in Washington D.C., and I ask her to take this blog to heart as factual.  It is mind boggling how much crime has infiltrated Medicare in all regards.

In 2009, I sent my complaint to Health & Human Services in Washington D.C., and found out much later that she never saw it because it had been sent to the Seattle office regarding UCLA Medical Center.  It was then sent to Tampa, Florida to handle, and they “handled” it so that all medical professionals at UCLA would be set free as having “met the standard of care”.   Doctors take the Hippocratic Oath to “Do No Harm” … good luck with that one!  Money comes before any oath!  And the CRIME SYNDICATION that has infiltrated Medicare will make sure of that!

HSAG (Health Services Advisory Group) is a fraud, and was just the beginning for me and the tip of the iceberg as to how much cover-up goes on in Medicare… it is massive!  There is so much money in Medicare and the “Crooks” as I stated in July, 2013 are there for the long haul.  The legal community cannot know to what length unless someone spells it out for them to prosecute.  Well I’ve done that, but now I want them to know what is happening now and I didn’t have the evidence to prove the cover-up, until now, regarding another company.

I sent an APPEAL for money paid to Burbank Home Care in the amount of $2,880, because I had fired them after only 30 days even though they had already been paid in full for a 60 days. Burbank Home Care was a joke – They sent a woman to basically “show up” and then spent 45 minutes of my time with Carole Wells.  I wrote my complaint of September 29, 2015 and on November 12, 2015, a woman called to say “the case had been dropped and that they would repay Medicare all the money that was originally paid to them.”  That was the last I heard, until I called Medicare again to ask if I get a revised summary regarding them.  I was told “THERE IS NOTHING IN THE COMPUTER REGARDING AN APPEAL.”  I told the woman what had happened and could not understand why no appeal was listed.  She said she would send it up for review as to what happened.

On March 1, 2016, a woman called and said her name was Casey Shields of National Government Services (a contract agent).  She told me she had my appeal and the reason why it was not in the computer and that she would be responding to my inquiry by mail.  Because she had withheld my appeal, Medicare was never aware that I had filed this appeal against Burbank Home Care, who received $2,880 for only 30 days of work, even thought that amount was supposed to be for a full 60 days of work.  Burbank Home Care had kept the entire amount of $2,880 and Medicare never knew it.   

When I get her response on March 8, 2016 in an envelope with no postage on it or any governmental seal for the postage, I decided to ask my postman how it was possible to send something through the mail with no postage of any kind.  He told me it was not possible and looked at the envelope, saying that “it looks like an office sent it, or someone placed it in your mailbox by hand, but they would need a key to open it.”   So like what happened to me in Tampa Florida, more fraud was taking place.  And Ms. Shields addressed it to Janet Winston (not my legal name as Medicare has it).  It was another cover-up for the crime syndicate to protect the home care business and Carole Wells as Janet Winston.  In addition, Ms. Shields did not sign the letter, either by hand or by some sort of signature stamp, so she cannot be charged with mail fraud!

I ask Medicare and the legal authorities to prosecute my complaint as soon as possible so that these criminals be stopped, like Dr. Fata in Michigan was, and sentenced to 45 years in prison. 

Monday, January 11, 2016


There are two situations that I became aware of in July and October of 2015 that were unknown to me before and therefore unknown to the Medicare and Medicaid authorities to prosecute against UCLA Health, Dr. Oliver Dorigo et al., and if there is a statute of limitation limit this should prolong that statute.

1.   In June of 2015 I found out I never had cancer because I was not on the National Cancer Registry as required by federal law, which I then posted on my blog.  That has not been disputed.  This is an ABSOLUTE and the heart of my case… Dr. Oliver Dorigo and his associates in this matter (especially Dr. Elizabeth Wagar, Director of Clinical Laboratories for UCLA) knew at least one week in advance of my surgery on May 28, 2008 that I had no cancer in my body but still went ahead with the surgery anyway and tried to cover up the fraud by telling me I had a “very rare cancer that affects the soft tissue and therefore needed 36 hours of chemotherapy” in addition to the total hysterectomy they had already performed on me. 

2.   In  October 2015, I went through my files and found documents that I did not fully understand until I re-read them more thoroughly. The documents are from my medical file which they sent via fax to the new doctor I had, who was associated with St. John’s Medical Center in Santa Monica, which are:

A.  Discharge Summary by Dr. Tevy Tith (P24541) on May 30, 2008 that states “This biopsy showed endometrial adenocarcinoma per THE PATIENT, this was then subsequently reviewed here at UCLA and the decision was made TO TAKE HER BACK TO THE OPERATING ROOM FOR CYTOREDUCTIVE SURGERY”

B.  NON-GYN CYTOPATHOLOGY REPORT for Janet H. Winston dated May 28, 2008 Specimen CO8-14268 that shows surgery was performed on May 28, 2008 for this matter a WASHINGS, PELVIC that was not mine and was sent the following day (May 29, 2008) to the lab and not with the other specimens taken from my body on May 28th because this was for Carole Wells using my name as Janet Winston – and she was rolled into the operating room after I was taken to recovery.  That is backed up by what Dr. Tith had in her report and she was in the operating room.

I was given intravenous anesthesia at 8:55am, and Carole Wells was given intravenous anesthesia at 12:55pm and ended at 13.31 hours.  This was a fraud for my surgery that resulted in two visits to the E.R.  This Cytopathology was never billed to Medicare as my surgery was with Medicaid as a second insurance.  This was the reason Dr. Elizabeth Wagar, the head of pathology for UCLA met with me secretly on May 21, 2008 in the conference room of the 6th floor in the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center, to meet with me and discuss my anesthesia.  I did not know who she was, as she introduced herself as Elizabeth Wagar, and not a doctor – and certainly not the Director of Clinical Laboratories for UCLA