Monday, May 2, 2016


Finally I can say with absolute certainty that I never had cancer before I entered UCLA Medical Hospital on May 21, 2008, when the CA-125 Test showed I had no cancer in my body one week before I underwent the fraudulent surgery on May 28, 2008.  This is more than ELDER ABUSE – it is a criminal act by Dr. Oliver Dorigo who masterminded this fraud for money.  This was an assault on my body with the intent to do bodily harm, I would even say TORTURE.  This was not surgery to save my life, it was surgery for all involved in the operating room and Dr. Elizabeth Wagar who was the head of pathology as Director of Clinical Labs to be paid off with hundred dollar bills which Carole Wells supplied - I now believe Dr. Christopher Wray was to supply the staff in the operating room who were all independent contractors, including Dr. Dorigo.  I have only found this out since April, 2016.

It is truly mindboggling to comprehend the premeditated fraud by all involved after I obtained the list of staff who were in the operating room.  No one would have known, if I died, what this fraud is and how many people were involved.  I wonder how many other MEDICARE patients were subjected to a similar fraud for money?  Everybody knows about the 4 Japanese Mob Bosses who paid 2.2 million dollars in cash for 4 liver transplants which is worth more than gold, but they got it at UCLA.  How did they know they could do this?  That was reported by the Los Angeles Times and CBS’s 60 Minutes.  Just how corrupt was UCLA Health when I had my surgery on May 28, 2008?

Dr. Fata in Michigan was sentenced to 45 years in federal prison in July, 2015 for giving chemotherapy to patients who didn’t need it over a 6 year period of time… what will await Dr. Dorigo and all of his co-conspirators for fraudulent cancer surgery, CT scans, and chemotherapy over a 6 year period of time before he fled to Germany in December, 2012 after my complaint was referred to the California Department of Justice on February 4, 2011.  Didn’t anyone in the legal authority think to check with the National Cancer Registry to see if I was on the list?  If they had, they would have the answer and would call in the Medicare authorities to arrest Dr. Oliver Dorigo and everyone else from the operating room, as well as Dr. Elizabeth Wagar.  But by not doing this, Dr. Dorigo fled the country for his homeland of Germany.  I do not know how many of the defendants are still in the United States, but I would think INTERPOL could help to find these people.  Dr. Wagar fled to Texas and I think Russia as well. 

What happens to patients who are involved with medical malpractice lawsuits?  Are their cases thrown out because the doctors have left the country as foreign nationals?  No one gives a damn about the patients!  It is beyond belief to think ULCA Medical Center had FOREIGN NATIONALS and INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS to operate on vulnerable men and women and especially the elderly, we were lead to slaughter by greedy men and women who do not believe in ‘DO NO HARM’.

I want everyone to know - who has wondered - where Carole Wells got her money and the power to totally corrupt the medical professionals at UCLA.  Believe me, it doesn’t stop with UCLA.  There are two other medical facilities that I am dealing with now where she has had medial services before I got there, but she used my name as Janet Winston and paid cash!  Her first husband was a “Doheny”, however he killed himself in either an accident or suicide while he was married to her.  She personally told me, “The family blames me for his death” but her money does not come from the family – as she said to me when I was still representing her as a divorce consultant from her second husband who divorced her.  She wanted 2/3rds of the money he paid me (at her request), saying “I need the money.”  So after I checked with my corporate attorney, he told me to pay her out of my “personal account” and not the corporate account, but I then had to declare the total amount on my tax return, even though she walked away with 2/3rds of the money that I originally received. 

Weeks later she asked me to represent her again and that she would pay me, but I refused.  That is when she verbally threatened me in 1987 and said “Don’t say I didn’t warn you” and what happened to me at UCLA Medical Center was part of that threat, because UCLA Health accepts cash.

Her money is “dirty”.  I do not care if she invested it in apartment buildings, homes or businesses… it’s all “dirty” and the federal government would seize everything if they could track it down.  She has friends and trusted associates buy everything in their names so her name does not appear on any legal document.  She lives in New York, Florida, Maryland, Arizona, California (both northern and southern), Washington and Minnesota.  Maryland and Minnesota have large medical hospitals with The May Clinic and John Hopkins, and with her cancer she wanted the best.

This eight years since my surgery has proven to be very productive for my case.

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