Thursday, June 20, 2019

If Dr. Dorigo had been charged, would James Heaps Have the Confidence to Commit a Crime?

On June 18, 2019, a lawsuit was filed by a women against UCLA Medical Center and gynecologist and oncologist, Dr. James Heaps for sexual assault. She is one of 23 women who are victims of Dr. Heaps who had cancer (did she really?) that he treated, and sexually assaulted her for two years.  If Kamala Harris, as Attorney General of California, had done her job and followed up on the criminal referral of two investigators from the Department of Health and Human Services on February 4, 2011 for Elder Abuse for me from oncologist and gynecologist Dr. Oliver Dorigo and UCLA Medical Center, would these women have been subjected to these criminal acts?  The Oncology Department of Gynecology at UCLA should have been shot down then and there! 

By December 2012, Dr. Dorigo et al., and Dr. Elizabeth Wagar – Director of Pathology at UCLA - fled the country after Leapfrog reported UCLA got an “F” for patient safety.  USC has been exposed by the LA Times for sexual assault by their gynecologist, with thousands of women who have come forward to report their crimes.  A federal judge has approved a $215 Million Dollar settlement for thousands of women against USC - and that does not include state court.  How does UCLA get a pass, Los Angeles Times?  And USC didn’t?  Who is protecting UCLA Medical Center from prosecution?  Is it the US Attorney, Medicare Fraud Director, or FBI, who makes the decision to prosecute, even in absentia? 

I am a whistleblower in addition to the victim, who is entitled to the guarantee of the 14th Amendment “Equal Protection Under the Law”, and I have been denied that civil right since February 4, 2011.  Instead, I have been subjected to physical harm that could have cost me my life with a Radical Hysterectomy in May, 2008.  I walked on a fractured foot for 8 months before I was told by another doctor (that caused sciatic nerve damage) for my broken ankle and broken tibia bone by University Foot & Ankle Institute from February to July of 2015, and then I was subjected to physical therapist, Joel Scherr from August to October of 2015, who pulled my left leg out of alignment which has left me with an abnormal gait that was the cause of my fall in August 2018 on the left side of my body, resulting in a broken elbow and hip.  And finally the humiliation of being labeled “Delusional” by Dr. Megan Chen for telling the truth. 

When will I get justice?  I will be 77 this year.