Thursday, September 26, 2019

I Am A Whistleblower Entitled To The Same Protection Like The Person Involved With Trump Revised

On February 4, 2011, the federal agency Health & Human Services referred my case for ELDER ABUSE to the California Department of Justice and Attorney General Kamala Harris for investigation that never happened now 8 years later.  I was and I am a WHISTLEBLOWER, because I exposed criminal acts by the state owned UCLA Medical Center and its employees Dr. Oliver Dorigo et. al, and Dr. Elizabeth Wagar.  They have since fled the country.

I exposed, as a victim and whistleblower,  that not only was I a subject of  Elder Abuse as found by the investigators, but I allege this was TORTURE.  To subject a patient,  who could have died,  from major cancer surgery that did not exist and it was a known fact one week before surgery.  That is what is at the heart of this investigation.  How many other times has this happened at UCLA Medical Center?  Only until recently has it been exposed  of criminal acts by the same kind of doctor as Dr.  Dorigo was in my case but not sexual assault at UCLA Medical Center.

Today on national television, The House Intelligence investigation into the Whistleblower involving President Trump and the President of the Ukraine,  by am employee of the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) who wrote a complaint that has set off this bombshell that could bring down President Trump with Impeachment.  The most important that effects me is that this man or woman wants protection from RETALIATION.  And I can agree with that since I have not had any protection since I personally went to the FBI and made a complaint in 2015 over and above the referral in 2011 to the Department of Justice, and I have had physical and emotional harm as a result:

1. I walked on a fracture foot for 8 months until informed by another doctor I had it.  This was on top of my broken ankle and tibia bone by the University Foot & Ankle Institute.

2. My left leg was pulled out of alignment that has left me with an abnormal gait at the time I was receiving physical therapy for my broken ankle and tibia bone.

3. As a result of this abnormal gait, I fell on my left side and broke my elbow & hip
4.Dr. Chen put into the medical computer that I am dilutional to discredit me because nothing has happened since 2011 to prove me right.

All of this happened to the left side of my body.  A fractured foot, a broken ankle and tibia bone in my leg, my leg was pulled out of alignment and broken elbow and hip.  All of these involved rods and screws to hold my body together.  That is RETAILIATION.  All knew about UCLA Medical Center and worked there as well or had working relationship with them - it meant money to them.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Your Body Will Never Lie To You But Doctors Will

Never underestimate your intuition  on your body and health. No one knows your body like you do - trust it.  My ex-husband, a civil litigator,  told me he hated taking doctors depositions, because they think they are Gods.  I know when I was told I had cancer at UCLA Medical Center by Dr. Oliver Dorigio, I did not believe it but like any patient I could not take the chance I was wrong, so I agreed to the radical hysterectomy if needed.  It took me 8 years to find out I was right but in the mean time because no action was taken against Dr. Dorigo, he fled the country and  I'm left in limbo with no justice because no bail was sought.

Dr. Elizabeth Wagar as head of pathology at UCLA,  falsified my medical records to make it appeared I did have cancer by using Carole Wells Doheny medical records.  It was these records Dr. Meghan Chen used to justify her liable of me as "delusional" for not believing I had cancer. When I had physical therapy at Berkeley East Convalescent Hospital and told the therapist what UCLA Medical Center did to me, she looked at me as if I were crazy and even made remarks to that effect.  Dr. Chen accomplished what UCLA would want and that is to discredit me in the entire medical community in California and all behind my back.  There is a word for a woman who has no ethics and just does things for money...w.....e.

Then there is Joel Scherr, the physical therapist, who pulled my leg out of alinement when I informed him I would no longer use his services, because I knew Carole Wells Doheny was there at the same time.  He violated his oath TO DO NO HARM.  That is TORTURE just like what Dr. Dorigo did, and I hope I can change the medical profession to include this felony for the people in the United States and around the world.  It is a bold step, but I will not stop until it is achieved.  These doctors need to be held accountable for what they have done to me and what they do to the public in general, and not covered up as a medical malpractice action.  I allege what he did was felony assault with malice.