Thursday, March 25, 2021

The Largest Settlement in US History of 1.1. Billion Dollars by USC For Sexual Abuse and PS 3/26/21

 Today, USC in Los Angeles Superior Court agreed to paying, an addition to the $215 million last year, another $852 million for 710 women for sexual abuse at USC by Dr. George Tyndall.  This makes a total of $1.1 Billion dollars the largest settlement in US history.

USC is a private university unlike UCLA which is a public university owned and operated by the State of California.  The USC case was filed and settled in the Superior Court, unlike my case which involved Medicare FRAUD and therefore is a federal case in federal court.  Is that why no action has been taken against UCLA Medical Center and Dr. Oliver Dorigo and Dr. Elizabeth Wagar  who have not been named and charged in a federal lawsuit?

On May 28, 2021 it will be 13 years since I underwent major fraudulent cancer surgery just for money.  Dr. Dorigo fled the US after 2 years the Department of Justice in California had the case and did absolutely nothing, including not arresting him or have him post bail.  He is a German citizen and just had to get his passport and a plane ticket and fled in 2012 for either Germany or France.  Dr. Elizabeth Wagar fled for Houston, Texas at the same time  

I was 65 years old when I had the surgery, today I am 78 years old just 3 weeks younger than President Biden.  I wonder what he would think about this situation since cancer is such an important subject to him?  It's not fair that all these cases are for sexual abuse which does not put their lives in danger as mine did with major cancer surgery by gynecologist Dr. Oliver Dorigo, and yet it is kept in the dark, no exposure so other women do not know that they could be victims of this fraud like me.

I am willing to work with the FBI and the federal government in any way I can.  Through my Blog I asked all medical personnel who were in the operating room to contact the FBI in the Los Angeles office and tell them exactly what happened.  I don't know what else I can do?

I also want to remind everyone it was the Department of Health and Human Services (a federal agency) who sent investigators to my home to interview me - the ONLY agency and they found I was a victim of ELDER ABUSE.  I didn't say it - the federal government said it.  All the women involved with the USC lawsuit were not over 65 and not on Medicare.  PS 3/26/21

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

I Had My Second Pfizer Shot And No Side Effects

 This morning I had my second Covid-19 Vaccine at Cedars Sinai and I feel Great.  I have had no side effects at all, and I urge everyone who can get one, to make an appointment and get your shot wherever      you can.  This will not only save your life, but protect your family and friends.  There is nothing to be frighten of.  I am 78 years old and I feel like I'm 50 again.  

With all of these various virus around the world,  you can not take a chance you won't get it.  Not only should every American get the shot or shots, but with the vaccine we have left over, I'm  sure President Biden will direct that the surplus go to our allies and people in need in South America  and Africa.  Only when the world is vaccinated will the world return to "normal".

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

All AR15 Assault Rifles Should Be Ban and I ask All Americans To Contact Their Senator To Demand Background Checks

This country has to get its act together after another mass shooting that killed 10 people in a supermarket in Boulder, Colorado,  on top of the 8 people who were slaughtered in Atlanta.  This has to stop.  I do not know why former President George W. Bush eliminated the ban on the A 15 assault rifles in 2003.  But President Biden has asked all Senators to pass bills that demand background checks and eliminate the AR 15 Rifle.

This is a weapon of war.  This is not for people to have in their homes a "gun for protection" under the Second Amendment.  I believe you have people such as Meghan McCain on the  "View" who support her membership in the NRA and how she has used guns since childhood.  The men who killed 18 people in one week are not from Arizona.  These men targeted innocent people in Spas and a family supermarket.  How can she defend her position to these killings? 

We now have a rational, dedicated and defender of the Constitution and our 46th President to lead us.  Listen to him.  We can not kill each other in the United States.  


Saturday, March 6, 2021

I Got My First Pfizer Shot And My Appointment For The Second Shot

On March 3, 2021, I got my first Corvid 19 shot, and in 3 weeks will get the second shot.  I encourage all Americans to get the shots as soon as they can.  That is the only way we will get back to "normal" when it is safe for everyone to go about their daily life as we knew it to be before March of 2020. 

The irresponsible governors of 4 different states should be sued for "negligence" for saying their constituents do not have to wear masks, and to open all businesses to 100%.  They are jus as stupid as Trump, and look where that got us - over 500,000 people are dead - do you want to be one of them?

My experience at Cedars Sinai was very professional and fast.  I have a medical file with them, and did not know where to go for the shot.  So I recommend everyone check out where you can get your shot whether it is one or two as soon as you can.  Thank God I no longer have to worry that Carole Wells Doheny will interfere with my appointments.