Thursday, March 30, 2023

Justice Prevailed! Trump was Indicted by the New York Grand Jury

This afternoon the New York Grand Jury Indicted Donald J. Trump.  This man tried to intimidate the District Attorney by saying "There will be death and destruction if I am indicted".  The only thing that will happen as a result of this verdict today is that Trump will be fingerprinted, mug shot taken and he is charged as a Criminal Defendant for his years of crimes.

This is the first time in our history that a former President of the United States has been charged and indicted by a grand jury for criminal acts.  He is such an embarrassment to the American people for all the criminals acts he has committed.  This trial was just the first and three more to go.  He is going to prison for the rest of his life and thank God the legal system prevailed over threat to start another January 6th riot.

I hope the Republicans will recognize what a disgusting criminal he is.  The unbelievable arrogant of this jerk to think he could terrorize the justice department and all the legal authorities all over the country on his speeches to his base and that they would rise up and riot again.

Carole Wells Doheny and UCLA Medical Center should take notice of this verdict - your turn is next.

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Is Carole Wells Doheny in Southern or Northern California? Notify the FBI in L.A. Office.

She moves around at will.  She uses friends credit cards and pays them back in cash for Uber or anything else that require credit cards.  I never saw her use a check or credit card only cash starting at $50.00 and up. 

She gets away with paying cash like getting cashier checks at Citi Bank with cash for anything that require noncash payments like political or charitable donations.  She is very big on luncheons.  As a "Doheny" she is in her glory with women who live on the Westside of Los Angeles and their only accomplishments is who their husbands are and the profession they hold.  It really is laughable.   

She may hide out with one or more of her children like her daughter Kathryn.  I do know when she is arrested do not give her bail, she will be on a private plane out of the country.  She uses cell phones with all kinds of numbers and location, so it is difficult to know where she is actually calling from.

I do know she is obsessed with "numbers" Especially her number 31 or any number adding up to a four.  It must drive her crazy the only date in the Calander with "31" is Halloween.  For my "17th" is Saint Patrick Day and the shared birthday with Pope Francis.

I hope people will come forward who have worked for her, and she treated them like dirt.

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Does Carole Wells Doheny Karabian Acknowledge that Name Now?

When I met Carole Wells again in 1986, her husband Walter Karabian had filed for divorce with two young children.  He wanted full custody, and she was considering it for a 7 figure pay off over 10 years.  

I told her she would never get her kids back if she signed off on them.  Walter Karabian knew his wife well.  She told me why her husband was divorcing her, and I didn't blame him.  For the sake of her children, I will not reveal that.

She has a boy and girl from that marriage and two sons from her marriage to Doheny.  I feel sorry for all of them to have a mother such as her.  But because she does have two children with the last name of Karabian she probably uses it at her convenience - like a passport?

I don't know for sure she knows Vice President Harris, but I do know her former husband was a top Democrat in California politics and since Kamala Harris was Attorney General at the time, it stands to reason they could know each other.

Since she has used my name since 1987, and I had no idea until years later, she is someone who takes advantage of anything or anyone that can further her goals in life.

Friday, March 17, 2023

International Criminal Court has issued an Arrest Warrant for Putin

Thank God for Justice.  Today, the ICC issued an arrest warrant for Russia President Putin for more than a year after he launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Saying in a statement that Putin "allegedly responsible for the war crime of" deporting children from occupied areas of Ukraine and bring them to Russia.

He like Donald Trump the most arrogant and egoistical men on earth are about to be held in a court of law for their crimes.  The states of New York and Georgia are about to issue indictments of Donald Trump as found by Grand Juries in each state.

Why can't I get arrest warrants for all the people involved with my Elder Abuse, Medicare Fraud and Conspiracy connected to UCLA Medical Center after 15 years.?  It only took one year for Putin and Trump a few more years after 2021.  

This gives me hope that I will get justice to.  I will be 81 on December 17th and I hope I can celebrate justice that would include Carole Wells Doheny as well.

Saturday, March 11, 2023

I Stand by My Entire Blog for Anyone Who Questions it.

I realize some people may question what I wrote at a specific time I would not write today in my Blog that is not true.  I stand by everything I wrote.  Especially my Blog on July 28, 2021, when "I Formally Ask the FBI to Arrest Carole Wells Doheny."

This woman is the most despicable person She uses people like Kleenex.  I tried to help her with her divorce settlement from her second husband who divorced her with two small children.  In 2008 Tom Lisante released his book Glamour Girls of Sixties Hollywood and included me as one of his 75 Profiles of actresses who worked in motion pictures.  Carole Wells was not included.  I didn't know about the book until 3 years later when I was connected to the internet.  But she knew when I went to UCLA Medical Center and saw Dr. Oliver Dorigo who performed a radical hysterectomy on me for cancer and the CA 125 test proved I never had cancer and he knew it, but Doheny had paid him off to say otherwise and perform back-to-back surgeries on May 28, 2008.  

It truly is beyond belief someone could be so calculating.  She used the "Doheny" name at the drop of a hat to get whatever she wanted.  The Doheny's would not have anything to do with her after the death of their son and her husband who died, and they blamed her as she told me.

Just to bring everyone up to date Seymour R. Winston died in January 2023.  I write this since it was stated on the internet, we were still married which I corrected. I will also say as a result of what Carole Wells Doheny did in 1992, I've had no contact with my youngest son Eric Drew Winston and as a result of that have never seen my grandchildren Colin age 18 and Sofia age 15.  I don't even have a picture of them.

I will write The Fifteenth Anniversary of Fraud in May and hopefully I can report Carole Wells Doheny has been arrested and UCLA Medical Center and all involved with this fraud have been indited by a Grand Jury.

Thursday, March 2, 2023

Nothing Has Changed since I wrote on 9/23/20 Regarding the University of California System

When you add up all the publicity regarding the University of California system, it really is shocking as the number one public University in the United States.

Lets start with the most recent, the 5500 women who over 35 years were sexually abused/assaulted in the largest settlement of a public university of 700 million dollars.  It was just one doctor involved like Dr. Dorigo in my case, but as a plaintiff's attorney stated in pleadings "UCLA covered up the criminal acts for 35 years."  Is this the qualification to be Number one in anything?

In my case, they hired a foreign national from Germany as just one of many to "save money".  That is their motivation - MONEY, they have the entire Westside of Los Angeles medical professionals on their side to protect them.  Any foreign national can just pick up their passport and flee the United States and consequences as Dr. Dorigo did.  That still remains to this day 15 years later.

From 2013 to 2019, UC admitted 64 students with cash connections to 4 of 10 campuses.  This was written up in the media.  Does that qualify to be number one in anything? 

The point being that because UCLA Medical Center has not been held accountable including the CEO at the time Dr. David Feinberg, they have continued and that is just what I know of and the reason I say "Nothing has changed".

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Director of FBI says Covid Investigation Originated in Lab Leak

Yesterday, Director of FBI Christopher Wray said Covid origins at Wuhan Institute of Virology in a lab leak not on purpose but an accident.  But because the Chinese government has not opened its labs to Western investigators it remains a mystery.  They have "Thwarted and obfuscate the Covid Investigation."

Now the question is why am I including this on my Blog?  Because on January 21, 2023, I wrote on this Blog "UCLA Hires Foreign Nationals like Dr. Lynn Shi from China".  What I did not know at the time was that she graduated from Wuhan University with a bachelor's degree in Genetic. 

Why was this woman as a citizen of China hired on a temporary basis, not a full-time employee at Jules Stein Eye Institute on the UCLA campus to work two days a week?  Just like Dr. Oliver Dorigo was hired from Germany as I found out from the Medical Board of California and not an Italian native as his last name would represent.

I ask the federal government to revoke the University of California's Medicare accreditation until they have a policy to let every patient at every one of their 10 campuses know their doctor could be a foreign national with no ties to the United States other than a paycheck. And in doing so, they could at any time flee the United States if they are involved with Medicare Fraud or even medical malpractice.  They, like me, could have to suffer for 15 years.

I am now 80 years old and this all happened when I was 65 years old with no consequences to anyone connected to UCLA Medical Center.  Thank God to Director Christopher Wray for the truth.