Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Does Carole Wells Doheny Karabian Acknowledge that Name Now?

When I met Carole Wells again in 1986, her husband Walter Karabian had filed for divorce with two young children.  He wanted full custody, and she was considering it for a 7 figure pay off over 10 years.  

I told her she would never get her kids back if she signed off on them.  Walter Karabian knew his wife well.  She told me why her husband was divorcing her, and I didn't blame him.  For the sake of her children, I will not reveal that.

She has a boy and girl from that marriage and two sons from her marriage to Doheny.  I feel sorry for all of them to have a mother such as her.  But because she does have two children with the last name of Karabian she probably uses it at her convenience - like a passport?

I don't know for sure she knows Vice President Harris, but I do know her former husband was a top Democrat in California politics and since Kamala Harris was Attorney General at the time, it stands to reason they could know each other.

Since she has used my name since 1987, and I had no idea until years later, she is someone who takes advantage of anything or anyone that can further her goals in life.

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