Monday, June 28, 2010


If doctors and health care providers are allowed to get away with unwarranted medical treatment that is only for financial gain, then how is Medicare to survive? Medicare patients are expendable, because we are over 65 years old, and have already had our children, and what worth are we other than to use for teaching new residents at "teaching hospitals" how to operate or to treat medical conditions? How is any patient to know they have cancer other than being told by either a pathology report, CT scan, or any other method a doctor uses to detect cancer? Except you can use someone else's report and say it is yours, only for financial gain. Doctors have to bring in billable dollars to their medical centers and what better way than by way of a Medicare patient - because Medicare pays within 7 days after being billed. Doctors do not care, and neither do the people who are supposed to supervise them through Medicare. There is a saying that "doctors are not to do any harm", even though they do harm when they perform surgery on a patient they know does not have cancer, but goes ahead anyway only for the billable dollars it will generate through Medicare. And if the patient experiences any problems in the operating room or post-surgery, who cares? They are just old people.

The problem now is the Health Services Advisory Group (HSAG), and the Quality Improvement Organization (QIO), which are supposed to investigate Medicare complaints. They do not investigate anything... they cover up for the doctors and medical centers by taking any given situation and turning it around for the benefit of the doctors - who have to APPROVE THE FINAL INVESTIGATION REPORT. That violates the 14th Amendment of the Constitution that guarantees "equal protection under the law." That is the same as any criminal having to approve the police report before the officer charges them with a crime. Just how stupid do you think we are? Our founding fathers put that guarantee into the Constitution for a reason as it is now. Obviously, they have been doing this and getting away with it for years, and it is the reason our Medicare program is in such trouble. If doctors are not held accountable for their unwarranted medical practices that are only for billable dollars, then how can Medicare survive? Thank God President Obama is now cracking down on the fraud and abuse within the Medicare program by instructing the Secretary of Health and Human Services, and the Attorney General of the United States to stop the abuse of fraud. They can stop it by eliminating HSAG and finding another program or entity to investigate Medicare complaints. HSAG is a private business.

The CA125 Test is used to detect cancer cells in the body before and after surgery. It is not EXCLUSIVELY FOR OVARIAN CANCER as HSAG is telling me. You do not have a CA125 after the OVARIES ARE REMOVED to TEST FOR OVARIAN CANCER. I have had the test 3 times since my surgery to see IF THE CANCER HAD RETURNED, and all the tests showed (before and after my surgery) as NORMAL. It was the one slip up of the doctors because they could not get around the fact that the test showed I had no cancer cells in my body before the surgery. And therefore, I did not need to have major surgery after all. But HSAG has protected all involved with my surgery and medical treatment at UCLA by lying. They said the polyp that the doctor told me held a "very rare cancer" was now INSIDE THE FIBROID that Cedars Sinai showed in their ultrasound, but the pathology report at UCLA does not show or even state that their was a fibroid.

The surgeon/doctor told both me and my son on June 10, 2008 that the polyp had a "very rare cancer" at the TIP OF THE UTERUS, and never said anything about having a fibroid... it was at the tip of the uterus. He further stated that "he would monitor me every three months with a blood test to see if the CANCER HAD RETURNED". I had the CA125 Test administered by him in October of 2008. A different doctor at UCLA administered another test in April of 2009, all of which to see if the cancer had returned, not for Ovarian Cancer that had been removed in May, 2008. HSAG is telling one lie after another, and I would question what kind of a "reviewer" they had to go over the file, since in 2009 they had someone from the HSAG headquarters in Arizona state that the "standards had been met" for all involved. In addition, they have lied and said that there was no record the Director of Clinical Labs, who later fled UCLA for Texas, ever saw me, and that another "nurse" handed me the card to "call for pre-op." EXCEPT, the evidence is in the Medical Summary Notice that I sent HSAG, which shows this same woman billed Medicare for 3 blood tests she ordered (and were denied payment) - but her name and medial license are listed on the billing statement. How could that possibly happen had I not met her in person?

HSAG is supposed to be in the business of investigating complaints for Medicare, but this office is covering up, so that all involved are not held accountable for their actions and thus would have to reimburse Medicare for all costs involved under fraud. And in this case, the costs are approximately $65,000.00. They are every bit a part of this fraud.

The Supervisor for HSAG has lied to me twice; her first lie was giving me the wrong address for her boss in Baltimore, Maryland, when in fact, her boss is actually based in Washington, D.C. And her second lie was to say that the "Office of Civil Rights only handles discrimination" when in fact, they also investigate violations of medical information abuse. These people are paid for by the federal government and are supposed to do their jobs - not lie. They should all be fired for what has happened in this case, and I think this is just the tip of the iceberg.