Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Did My Blog on Massive Cover-up Help in Major Cost-cutting Announcement?

Assemblywoman Catharine Baker announced yesterday on  May 22, 2018 that she will be introducing a bill to the Legislature that will cut costs at the University of California.  The Legislature will have to vote on it to put on the ballot, whether or not the Regents should be cut back from 12 years down to 4 years, and that executive salaries could not exceed $200,000 without approval in a public hearing.  

This could be just the beginning of a complete make-over that is needed.  For example – to change hiring practices of foreign nationals to save 50% of salaries and have not legal restrictions in fleeing when they break the law.

Friday, May 18, 2018

Again, Another Chemo Fraud

Texas doctor charged with giving unnecessary chemotherapy to patients who didn’t need it, in order to make money to pay for a private jet and Maserati, as well as to launder money.  He is charged with $240 Million Dollars in fraud. 

These doctors have to be stopped, as Dr. Fata was in Michigan, and now another doctor (name not given) in Texas. How many others have been doing this and are unknown?  When will Dr. Dorigo et al, be charged?  If charged with torture, that is a new element that will stop these doctors, and chemotherapy is certainly a painful procedure that would qualify for torture – not just in the United States but around the world. 

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Was There a Massive Cover-up To Protect UCLA Medical Center?

Is it possible that the Governor of California, Jerry Brown, the Attorney General of California, Kamala Harris, the University of California President, Janet Napolitano, and Dr. David Feinberg – CEO of UCLA Medical Center, worked together to deny me my civil rights to equal protection under the law by not stopping Dr. Oliver Dorigo from leaving the country in December, 2012? 

In doing so, did they hope the secret of hiring foreign nationals who could flee, as Dr. Oliver Dorigo did, from being revealed, and the practice of performing fraudulent cancer surgeries, that I now describe as torture?

Was it also for financial consideration, given the fact that an LA jury awarded $13 Million Dollars to a UCLA doctor for gender and age discrimination?  And now yesterday on May 14th, Chipotle was ordered to pay $8 Million Dollars to a former manager for wrongful termination? And if they had not settled, the amount could have been as high as $72 Million in punitive damages. 

What was the reasoning, I ask?