Wednesday, November 23, 2016

MEDICARE, I ask you investigate University Foot & Ankle Institute for Fraud & Torture

I received my Medicare Summary Notice on November 7, 2016 informing me you had sent a notice to University Foot & Ankle Institute for an overpayment of $116.13, which I did not have to pay.  The overpayment was for fraud.  This business refuses to refund me $61.58 for the difference between the $400.00 I paid in the months of August, September, October and November of 2015, payments which are not posted to my account and deducted from the balance owed.  This is fraud.

I ask you conduct a criminal investigation of this office, located at 2121 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 101 in Santa Monica, CA.  I now allege they are connected to UCLA Health as part of the UCLA Health system. And not just a business that happens to have an office there (in addition to the many offices they have throughout Southern California).  I was misled, especially since I told Dr. Jason Morris - the doctor who performed my surgery on my ankle - on 2/12/15 BEFORE the surgery that I had a big problem with UCLA Health and that they had performed major cancer surgery on me when I never had cancer and would not have anything to do with them – when he suggested performing my ankle surgery at UCLA where he had privileges.  Therefore, he knew the night before the surgery after I had told him about my BLOG, and had given him the web address to log in and read it, that I wanted nothing to do with UCLA.  He and the supervisor of the office Dr. Gary Briskin intentionally concealed that fact from me.  I allege they conspired to perform the surgery on the 3rd floor of their office instead of referring me to Saint John’s Medical Center in Santa Monica, so I would not have the ability to INFORM the medical community what UCLA Health had done to me, which I now call TORTURE.  I allege they are responsible for the problems I now have with my Sciatic Nerve (which is damaged), and I have been told by other doctors that “there is no cure for it and the damaged nerves in my foot cannot be repaired.”  I now use a walker, in addition to a cane. 

I ask you read my blog for August 9 and September 26, 2016, which explains my total damages in detail.  I believe I was tortured by University Foot & Ankle Institute on purpose because I am a Whistle Blower.

I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and New Year for all of my viewers in 50 countries around the world.  See you in 2017.

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