Monday, January 11, 2016


There are two situations that I became aware of in July and October of 2015 that were unknown to me before and therefore unknown to the Medicare and Medicaid authorities to prosecute against UCLA Health, Dr. Oliver Dorigo et al., and if there is a statute of limitation limit this should prolong that statute.

1.   In June of 2015 I found out I never had cancer because I was not on the National Cancer Registry as required by federal law, which I then posted on my blog.  That has not been disputed.  This is an ABSOLUTE and the heart of my case… Dr. Oliver Dorigo and his associates in this matter (especially Dr. Elizabeth Wagar, Director of Clinical Laboratories for UCLA) knew at least one week in advance of my surgery on May 28, 2008 that I had no cancer in my body but still went ahead with the surgery anyway and tried to cover up the fraud by telling me I had a “very rare cancer that affects the soft tissue and therefore needed 36 hours of chemotherapy” in addition to the total hysterectomy they had already performed on me. 

2.   In  October 2015, I went through my files and found documents that I did not fully understand until I re-read them more thoroughly. The documents are from my medical file which they sent via fax to the new doctor I had, who was associated with St. John’s Medical Center in Santa Monica, which are:

A.  Discharge Summary by Dr. Tevy Tith (P24541) on May 30, 2008 that states “This biopsy showed endometrial adenocarcinoma per THE PATIENT, this was then subsequently reviewed here at UCLA and the decision was made TO TAKE HER BACK TO THE OPERATING ROOM FOR CYTOREDUCTIVE SURGERY”

B.  NON-GYN CYTOPATHOLOGY REPORT for Janet H. Winston dated May 28, 2008 Specimen CO8-14268 that shows surgery was performed on May 28, 2008 for this matter a WASHINGS, PELVIC that was not mine and was sent the following day (May 29, 2008) to the lab and not with the other specimens taken from my body on May 28th because this was for Carole Wells using my name as Janet Winston – and she was rolled into the operating room after I was taken to recovery.  That is backed up by what Dr. Tith had in her report and she was in the operating room.

I was given intravenous anesthesia at 8:55am, and Carole Wells was given intravenous anesthesia at 12:55pm and ended at 13.31 hours.  This was a fraud for my surgery that resulted in two visits to the E.R.  This Cytopathology was never billed to Medicare as my surgery was with Medicaid as a second insurance.  This was the reason Dr. Elizabeth Wagar, the head of pathology for UCLA met with me secretly on May 21, 2008 in the conference room of the 6th floor in the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center, to meet with me and discuss my anesthesia.  I did not know who she was, as she introduced herself as Elizabeth Wagar, and not a doctor – and certainly not the Director of Clinical Laboratories for UCLA

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