Saturday, December 25, 2021

Dr. Oliver Dorigo is at Good Samaritan and Stanford Health Care

Dr. Oliver Dorigo is not with Kaiser Permanente Hospital, but rather Good Samaritan Hospital in San Jose, CA and Stanford Hospital at 900 Blake Wilbur Dr., 1st floor, Palo Alta, CA.  

I hope this updated information will be of use for the FBI to investigate and prosecute.  I do not know how soon Dr. Dorigo returned to the United States after he fled in December, 2012, but this has been a long 13 years since the fraudulent cancer surgery in May, 2008.

I want to wish all my views around the world a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.  Hopefully 2022 will be the year I get justice as a victim and whistleblower against UCLA Medical Center and all involved with my surgery on May 28, 2008.

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Is Dr. Oliver Dorigo Really in Palo Alto Stanford Hospital?

 Has Dr. Oliver Dorigo returned to the United States after fleeing to Germany in 2012?  According to his web site, he is at the Stanford Hospital in Palo Alto, California as a Kaiser Permante doctor?  

That information is new.  At no time before did the web site say he is a Kaiser Permante doctor.  Stanford Hospital is a private hospital associated with Stanford University and if so, how can he work at a private hospital like Kaiser if he is employed by Stanford Hospital?

I know from personal information such as I am still married to Seymour R. Winston for 43 years, Terrance M. Karger is a man, my former roommate and maid of honor at my wedding, and the internet is not absolute on every situation.  Especially Carole Wells Doheny connections to people who will manipulate any information on the internet at her will.

So, I give this information for the FBI if they need it, but I can not say for sure it is true.

Thursday, December 9, 2021

Is Carole Wells Doheny in the town of Engadine, Switzerland?

 I received a letter, and two pictures of myself from my motion picture photo list, asking that I sign them as Jan Watson and return them to a man in Switzerland.  His name is Vinzenz Brandle at Lerchenweg 4, 6343 Rotkreuz, Postfach 157, Switzerland.

Since the address includes Doheny's signature number 4 or 13, this is a red flag its Doheny unless the FBI knows where she is and this situation does not apply.  But I believe it is her and wants my signature as Jan Watson to open an account in Switzerland as Jan Watson, because I believe she has a lot of identification of me since 1987 as Jan Watson.

Since Switzerland does not have extradition with 8 different countries, the United States being one of them, Doheny is safe from the FBI arresting her and bringing her back to the United States to stand trial.

I would like to know if the FBI can indite her with a Grand Jury and sue UCLA Medical Center for the fraudulent cancer surgery on May 28, 2008 by Dr Oliver Dorigo?  Is Dr. Dorigo in Switzerland as well?  It has been 13 years since my surgery in 2008 and on the 17th of this month I'll be 79 years old.  I'm not getting any younger and I want to be alive when Doheny, Dorigo, UCLA Medical Center are before a federal court of law for Elder Abuse, Medicare Fraud, Torture, Conspiracy either in person or sued in which the University of California is held financially liable for what happened to me.  The California Department of Justice had 2 years before Dr. Dorigo fled the United States to arrest and set bail, and they did not do it.  Why should I have to pay both physically and financially for their legal malpractice?               

PS  Could Doheny be in the town of ENGADINE in Switzerland?

Sunday, December 5, 2021

Common Sense Prevailed on Killing Four Students

I want to congratulate Oakland County Prosecutor Karen McDonald for filing Involuntary Manslaughter charges against James and Jennifer Crumbley, the parents of Ethan Crumbley, who slaughtered 4 students at Oxford High School with a gun his father bought for him for Christmas.  If convicted, they could face 15 years for each count for a total of 60 years.

The parents are so disgusting and because they had the opportunity, when called to the high school the day of the shooting, to alert the school staff a gun was missing after being shown a drawing of a gun, blood all around, and "I need help" drawn by their son and asked to take him home which they refused to do.  Two hours later after allowed to return to class, he went into the bathroom with a backpack and pulled out his "Christmas gift" and shot dead 4 students and wounded 7 others.

Ethan Crumbley was arrested and charged with four counts of 1st Degree Murder and 3 other felonies and bail was set at 2 million dollars.  The parents fled but were caught and arrested and arraigned in the Michigan court and bail was set at $500,000.00 each.

On May 28, 2014, I posted my blog "Parents of Mentally Ill Sons Should Be Held Accountable for the Murders They Commit" regarding the massacre at the University of California Santa Barbara.  At that scene, 6 were killed and 13 injured.  If action had been taken against the parents of Elliott would this have happened in Michigan?

If action had been taken against UCLA Medical Center and Dr. Oliver Dorigo arrested and had to post bail after the case was forwarded to the California Department of Justice on February 4, 2011, would the 40 women immigrants in Georgia subjected to hysterectomies just for Medicare payments?  Would the 5500 women who filed a class action lawsuit for sexual assault by Dr. James Heaps at UCLA Medical Center happen if Dr. Dorigo had been arrested?  The point being between these two situations, if "only they had been called out" would they have happened a second time?  Thank God COMMON SENSE has prevailed in this case, unfortunately 4 young students had to die to get it.

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

I Will Not Abandon President Joe Biden and I Ask the American People Not to as Well

 After all the reports via the media, it appears President Joe Biden's popularity is dropping via the various poll takers.  I've decided I cannot let that happen and will speak out now via this Blog that is viewed around the world, to inform my audience why we need President Biden to lead our country.

There is no more decent man in politics today than President Biden.  Think of the alternative that we had for four years under President Trump and what a mess he made of democracy.  He tried to destroy NATO, caused problems with our trusted allies, got us out of the Paris accord and every agreement we had that hurt his buddy President Putin of Russia.  Is former President Trump planning to build a hotel in Russia if he is convicted here in the United States of tax evasion and all the lawsuits that are filled against and leave the United States for Russia?

We must look ahead of us and our country and that is exactly what President Biden has done with his two bills that will spend money for roads, clean water and all the repairs we need in this country for over 100 years and the one bill Build Back Better which will protect our children and the middle class on tax breaks.  The only thing President Biden will not do that President Trump did do, and that is to give tax breaks to millionaires and billionaires.  I believe it is reported 400 of the riches people in this country do not pay their fair share of taxes.  That is not right.  

No president runs this country by himself.  He is dependent on thousands of people to give and get accurate information when we are faced with a problem whether it is domestic or international.  That has been missing in many cases and thus the problem of dropping ratings for President Biden personally.  We cannot have a different president in 2024 like Donald J. Trump.  I believe he will be in federal prison for all the crimes he committed, so the Republicans will have to nominate someone else.  That decision is 3 years away, but in the meantime, we need President Biden to lead us and I ask the American people to give him your support.  Happy Thanksgiving to one and all.

Monday, November 15, 2021

I Want To Clarify Why I Have Never Been Jealous Of Anyone

 I have been asked since I posted my Blog on November 10, 2021, "Why am I jealous of Carole Wells Doheny?"  I have  NEVER BEEN JEALOUS of anyone less of all Carole Wells Doheny.  It was a woman by the first name of Anita who said it to me.  Let me set her straight and anyone else who thought that.

First of all, I would suggest you log on to the motion picture IMDB internet and log on JAN WATSON to see what I did as an actress,  As a result of my credits, Tom Lisanti wrote Glamour Girls of Sixties Hollywood 75 Profiles and I am included as one of the 75 women over a ten year period of the 60's.  This  did not include Carole Wells.  Then you should read my Facebook account as Janet Watson Winston.  You should know I am a former Miss Hollywood and Miss California for 1961.

Second,  you should know Carole Wells Doheny assumed my name as her own as of 1987, and as a result I could have died on May 28, 2008 when I under went a radical hysterectomy for cancer and I never had cancer as the CA 125 test proved one week before surgery at UCLA Medical Center. She instigated this surgery with Dr. Oliver Dorigo for her own needs since she can not get insurance with her history of cancer and used my name and Medicare number to schedule the surgery.  I went first and when I was rolled into recovery she was second as Janet Winston  but paid cash and not billed to Medicare that is why she is under investigation by the FBI.

If Anita said to me I was jealous of Carole Wells Doheny only because of her last name - she has a lot to learn.  Based on the circumstances of the death of her first husband Edward  L. Doheny IV, she is banned by the Doheny's and her second husband told her children from her first marriage "She was responsible for their fathers death" as she personally told me when I was her divorce consultant for Survive A Divorce.

I think this run down will explain the title of this blog.  

Sunday, November 14, 2021

Justice Was Granted To Britney Spears After 13 Years

 On November 12, 2021, Britney Spears was granted the end of her conservatorship that was imposed upon her in 2008.  This remarkable talent was denied the ability to have a life on her terms, but rather what her father Jamie Spears over saw at a cost to Britney of $19,000.00 per month as his salary.

She was in a word, a prisoner in her own home, that he video taped in her bedroom and monitored every aspect of her life.  Her phone calls, tweets, every communication she had with anyone, he over saw with spies he hired to monitor her life.  Even going so far as having an IUD imbedded into her uterus to prevent getting pregnant which she wanted to do with her fiancĂ©.

She has a worth of 60 million dollars that her father used as his own "piggy bank" when her attorney stated he is under investigation for taking 3 to 4 million dollars from her estate for his own personal use.  What an absolute jerk and criminal.  But finally she is free.  After 13 long years of hell she is finally free to live her own life.  I can only congratulate her for being so brave and never giving up and her fabulous attorney who in reality saved her life.

Both Britney and I started our life of hell in 2008.  Mine with UCLA Medical Center and a fraudulent radical hysterectomy for cancer that I never had, and was instigated by Carole Wells Doheny for her own medical needs and implemented by Dr. Oliver Dorigo who performed the surgery and Dr. Elizabeth Wager who changed the medical records from Doheny to me.

It has been a long 13 years, but finally Britney got her justice, I am hoping mine will come soon. Is UCLA so powerful that the public will never know of their Elder Abuse and possible Torture for subjecting a 65 year old women to a radical hysterectomy for no reason other than money from both Medicare and cash from Carole Wells Doheny?

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

For All The Women On The Westside of Los Angeles Who Wanted To Have Lunch With Carole Wells Doheny

This is an open letter to all the women who I knew when I lived in Beverly Hills, who wanted to socialize either at lunch or charity functions with Carole Wells Doheny, you are going to be very surprised to find out where her money comes from and it is not from the estate of her sons!

As one woman said to me when I left Beverly Hills and really took me back "You are jealous of Carole Wells Doheny".  I replied "Are you out of your mind?" What all these women did not know was how her husband died and she was banned by the Doheny's as a result.  Why her second husband divorced her with two small children.  She passes $100.00 dollar bills like candy to all when she wants something from them.

She attends charity luncheons and give cashier checks to those charities since she does not have a checking account or credit card.  I know since she has used my name since 1987 all over the United States and Canada.  She is under investigation by federal law enforcement for Medicare fraud as one example.

For all those women who this applies to, I would suggest you check out someone's credibility rather than to be misguided by a name or status.  Garbage is garbage any way you look at it.


Thursday, November 4, 2021

Carole Wells Doheny Has Interfered With My Hair Salon Appointment and Has Hacked My Computer So I Can't Write This Blog

Will it never end?  Every aspect of my life, that Carole Wells Doheny tries to disrupt my life.  Today, it was my hair salon appointment.  Sounds trite, but all women know when your hair needs coloring, its not trite.  Her $100.00 dollar bills goes along way for people who work hard and don't have guaranteed salaries. 

Again, the only remedy I have is to go on the internet and expose whatever she has done.  But I couldn't this morning, because a Security Notice was posted on my computer screen and I couldn't cancel it, it was an alleged Update.  I couldn't type around it that is why when I posted this blog around 11:30am, I couldn't type my blog only the title.  So that is why I tried to announce I couldn't use my blog or read the "states".

I have never experienced what happened today that is why I knew someone had interfered with it.  Now I know why people who file lawsuits include Emotional Distress for damages.  Enough is enough.  I hope to God people have come forward and reported to the FBI in the Los Angeles office what she did to me at UCLA Medical Center.  I hope Dr. Oliver Dorigo  will be caught and returned to the United States to stand trial and I hope the FBI will find Carole Wells Doheny and arrest her for masterminding the fraudulent cancer surgery on May 28, 2008 at UCLA Medical Center.  After 13 years, I feel like David  in the Bible, except I don't even have a sling shot.

Saturday, October 16, 2021

President Biden Can Not Lead This Country Without The Help of Head of Departments PS 10/17/21

President Joe Biden is doing his best of live up to his promises to the American people to reverse the damage President Trump did to our democracy, prestige around the world and the trust of our allies.  It really bothered me to hear  Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg has been away from his office since August due to the birth of his twins.  I do not deny his right to "maternity leave", however we are in a crisis with over 80 ships lined up off the coast of California to be unloaded.  It appears now we will not have a Happy Holiday, because stores will be empty for toys and usual gifts for the holidays.  If one is unable to do his job from the office whether the White House, Department of Justice or Defense, Transportation, then you have to make sure you have a second in command who can take over in a time of need.  The internet is full of comments of the "incompetency" of the Biden Administration.  This makes me sick to my stomach and the reason I am writing this blog in support of President Joe Biden.

I wrote on Facebook my congratulations to President Biden on his excellent speech before the United Nations and the comments I got were astounding such as "What are you smoking"?  I was absolutely shocked.   His problems, ALL inherited from the Trump Administration, are beyond belief.  President Biden needs our support.  Starting with the two bills before congress now to improve our roads, climate change, child care, but we have two Senators who think they are Gods and trying to make themselves important by putting up roadblocks to their passage.  Especially the female Senator from Arizona who is trying to have the power of the later John McCain.  John McCain was a war hero.  This woman is a no body trying to make herself important.  President Biden should dismiss her and let the American people know if they are denied the things we need look to her and vote her out of office. I ask the American people to contact the offices of these two senators and demand they pass the bills.

PS The names of the two Senators are: Kyrten Sinema of  Arizona and Joe Manchin of West Virginia

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

I Got The Pfizer 3rd Booster Shot

 I want all my viewers to know I now have my 3rd Pfizer Booster Shot and no problems.  The only problem was where could I get it with as little problems as possible - meaning long lines,  The answer is WALGREENS DRUG STORE.  I walked in and within 20 minutes I had my shot after I had made an appointment.  I thought CVS was the only drug store giving the shots and always long lines and I just happened to walk in Walgreens next to Trader Joes and I was wrong.

It is important to get the booster shot regardless of which vaccine you had.  This is the only way to protect ourselves, but our families, friends and our community.  We unfortunately have Governors in Texas and Florida who should be arrested for telling the people in their  states and making laws as Texas has just done, they can not mandate the vaccine for public or private businesses.  Thank God   Gavin Newsom of California has ruled all children from K-12 have to be vaccinated as well as all employees of the school districts.  And in doing so, the deaths and people in hospitals are the lowest in the country.  The highest numbers are in the South especially Florida and Texas.

Just  remember if the polio shot had not been mandated in the late '50's, how many people would be in iron lungs today?  Don't let stupid people screw with your long term health.  There is nothing to be afraid of.  I want to be around for a long time for my son Tony, and some day to meet my grandchildren Colin and Sophia Winston.

Monday, October 4, 2021

Spectrum Tampered With For My Cable

 This morning I was watching MSNBC, my usual program of Morning Joe,  and the cable went dark and said Channel Unavailable" at 5:39am.  I then tried to us my remote to to EXIT as I had been told previously by Spectrum to get out of a situation like this.  Nothing worked.  I tried every channel both cable and regular and it all came up the same "Channel Unavailable".  I then called Spectrum and was told the number I usually call 833-3143 was the wrong number.  I then called Spectrum regular number 1-855-707-7328 and got a recording at 5:45 am.  I gave my phone number and was told "No reported cable outages in my neighborhood.  I was asked what my code was and I told them and the recording said "There is no number like that associated with this account".  Which is wrong, I've always had that code number assigned by Spectrum.

The point being this is October 4, 2021.  Carole Wells Doheny number day "4".  Because I have asked to assist the FBI with her arrest for masterminding the fraudulent cancer surgery I was subjected to at UCLA Medical Center on May 28, 2008, she is having her organize crime syndicate men tamper with my cable independent of being hooked up to Spectrum.  This criminal has to be arrested.  She is dangerous.

She obviously has men hacked into my internet.  I've found things looked up that I never did such as "soccer scores of games played".  Someone is sitting at their home just using my internet at will and when Doheny calls, they respond.  She wants to know everything going on in my life that affect her and the FBI capturing her.  Hopefully her days of freedom are less and less.  Don't give her bail when she is caught, she will skip town with all her connections to private planes and people hiding her out.  She is 5'4 with brown eyes.  Those two things can't change.  She is a bleach blond and today is 79 years old.

This is a pain in the neck with this cable.  One thing is for sure, I'll never have Spectrum again when I move.

PS After I posted this blog at 6:28 am, my television and cable came on at 6:34am.  Again the number equals "13" so Doheny had her men reestablish my cable after she got the message and she gave me the message via the time she was behind it.  This makes her feel important and powerful - she is so sick

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Can I Do Anything To Assist The FBI In Arresting Carole Wells Doheny?

Today,  I discovered that someone came into my apartment with a key while I was at UCLA Medical Center accompanying my son Tony with a medical procedure.  We were gone for 4 hours.  Unfortunately for me, I have had to deal with people coming into my apartment the minute I leave since I moved in 13 years ago.  I allege the person who lives on the same floor as me is working on behalf of Carole Wells Doheny as a silent partner in the building I live in and she owns.

What was taken this time,  that I noticed, was a 3 foot high drawing of my father from the New York Times when he played as the "sparkplug" for the 1939-1940 New York Rangers Stanley Cup Champions.  I was given 6 different drawing from the artist who drew my father for the New York Times upon the death of my brother Peter.  This is harassment by Carole Wells Doheny, and envy.  No one would refer to me as "White Trash".  I was born on 5th Avenue in a New York City hospital to Helen and Phil Watson.  

This woman is a very sick women mentally.  She can not accept her heritage of a baby born in Shreveport, Louisiana after her birth mother crossed state lines from Tennessee and left in a Catholic Church orphanage.  She has tracked every aspect of my life.  She used my mothers Medicare number for medical needs when I lived in Costa Mesa, California an hour away from where she lived, but she was blind.  She used my father who lived in Vancouver, Canada to buy a car in his name and paid cash and drove it back to Laguna Nigel.  I only found this out after he died and I hired an attorney to represent me, because I did not trust my step mother after my father told me she had a boyfriend.

I am concerned for my well being until Carole Wells Doheny is arrested by the FBI and charged with masterminding the fraudulent cancer surgery on May 28, 2008 and very possibly with laundering money all over the world especially in France.

Thursday, September 23, 2021

As of September 24, 2021, The 3rd Pfizer Booster Shot is Available

The CDC approved people over 65 years old and those at High Risk to get the 3rd Pfizer Booster Shot now.  So the American people who qualify as I do, because I had both Pfizer shots at least 6 months ago, can make an appointment at CVS or a doctor to get the shot at no cost.

Please make your appointment and get your shot so we are protected ourselves and we protect our families, friends and our community.  The Moderna and Johnson & Johnson shots will be available at a later time.  You can only get the shot, with your vaccination proof for Pfizer now.

Thank God we have these vaccinations to get our lives back to normal.

Friday, September 17, 2021

The FDA Committee Approved 3rd Pfizer Booster Shot For 65 + And High Risk

After a second vote, the FDA Committee approved the 3rd Pfizer shot for people over 65 years old and those at high risk.  They earlier had voted against the shot for everyone over the age of 16.

This booster shot has been the most unprofessional announcements from the beginning.  President Biden told us they would be available by September 20th.  He was mislead.  I would ask President Biden to replace incompetent advisors on this subject.  The American people don't need this. 

I've had both Pfizer shots, the last in March, so I qualify for the 6 months after the last shot, and to think I might not have it, because the FDA committee can't get its act together, is unbelievable.

I would ask all Americans who qualify for the 3rd booster shot to get it.  We have to get this Covid 19 under control.  We unfortunately have idiots running states in the South and the cause of not having things under control.

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

I Ask The FBI To Read "Do No Harm...What Does That Really Mean" dated 10-25-2019

 I ask the FBI to read this blog "Do No Harm" dated October 25, 2019 from my blog.  Especially the third paragraph regarding Dr. James B. Morris and University Foot and Ankle Institute, and the fourth paragraph regarding Joel Z. Scherr, a registered physical therapist.

Both of these men caused me physical pain with lasting results.  I allege in both cases it was as a result of my complaint against UCLA Medical Center, and it was in a word RETALIATION, because both men had business with UCLA Medical Center and I was a threat to their business and the companies they worked for.  Joel Scherr was an independent contractor, but University Foot and Ankle Institute had a partnership with an office on the UCLA campus.

If the FBI needs me to come to their Los Angeles office to explain everything involving this situation, just let me know.  I further allege Carole Wells Doheny was a silent partner with University Foot & Ankle Institute and may have had control over the money department at their office.  She also had appointments with Joel Scherr the same days I did and when I realized that, I told Joel I would not be back anymore and that is when he pulled my left leg out of alignment that has left me with an abnormal gait as he sat at my feet while giving me treatment for my broken ankle and I now need a walker to get around.  He physically assaulted me that resulted in permanent harm.

Saturday, August 28, 2021

Is Carole Wells Doheny Affiliated With The Violent Drug Gang MS 13?

 Today, a woman in perhaps her 50's knocked on my door 2 minutes after my son had left,  and because I thought it was him, I opened my door.  This woman was wearing a mask, a black baseball hat with the word in capital letters SURVIVOR, a white lace top like a bathing suit and asked if 2 different women lived here?  I answered no, but then she held up her smartphone (video camera) and asked "Is this 11911 and the name of my street"? and I replied "no".  The address she gave added up to 13. I was concerned when I closed the door, because my building is open and not a security building, and questioned who she really is at 1:07p.m.?  And because Carole Wells Doheny runs her life by numbers and especially anything that adds up to a 4, 13, 22, 31, I became alarmed and decided to write this blog and make it public to the FBI.

Because I have posted 2 blogs that are very damaging to her on July 28th "I Ask The FBI To Formally Arrest Carole Wells Doheny" and just 2 days ago on August 26th, "I Want The FBI To Know They Should Check Out Countries As Terrance M.  Karger" I am concerned that if she is connected to this dangerous drug gang who were arrested in Orange County recently, she may very well hired people to kill me and therefore the need for a picture.

I want the FBI to have this information regarding this gang MS 13, because I allege she is involved with drug cartels, and because of her obsession with the number "4" and her birthday this August 31st,  she could hire people to do her dirty work on or before the 31st and get rid of the the evidence I have against her regarding UCLA Medical Center and the subject of the investigation by the FBI.

The FBI is welcomed to come to my apartment to discuss this if they feel the need to.  

P.S. The woman is a white woman with blond hair and looks to be about 50 lbs overweight.

Thursday, August 26, 2021

I Want The FBI To Know They Should Check Out Countries As Terrance M. Karger

 My Blog is telling me that the FBI should check out bank accounts in Canada, Brazil, Indonesia, Vietnam, Netherlands, as possible countries to launder money.  It could be drug money, or it could be the $20,000,00. from the bank loan or the two million I heard about in the '80's.  I am getting "clues" that the name that is used is that of Terrance M. Karger.

Is it Carole Wells Doheny who has used this name since she knew Terry or is it Terry  herself whose mother was a front for properties in Newport Beach as the "owner" when in fact allegedly it was laundered drug money?  

I could not understand why I got this "clue" to check out Terrance M. Karger, but now I believe that may be the name used around the world to launder drug money.  It is her real name and I doubt if you open a bank account, stock account or a business, you give a name, but not your gender.  Pretty cleaver and organize syndicate or drug cartels would have people to come up with this scheme to launder money outside of the United States.

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

I Ask The FBI To Formally Arrest Carole Wells Doheny

Now that I have discovered Carole Wells has remarried a man named Jerry Dean Vanier in 2000, perhaps the FBI can locate her under her married name as VANIER and arrest her for the conspiracy of ELDER ABUSE, MEDICARE FRAUD, CONSPIRACY, to subject me to a radical hysterectomy on May 28, 2008 for cancer that I never had as the CA125 test proved one week before surgery by Dr. Oliver Dorigo.  She did this because she needed medical treatment for her cancer and used my name and Medicare number  for Dr. Oliver Dorigo to schedule and perform a radical hysterectomy on me at age 65 and took everything out of my body (8 different body parts) that could have killed me in back to back surgeries on May 28, 2008.

What I didn't realize until just a week ago, is that she did this because of her jealously of me when we were classmates at Hollywood High from 1957-1959 assigned to the same Homeroom those two years.  She sat directly behind me.  I won "California Fashion Model of The Year 1959" and was the talk of the school.  I left after June, 1959 to attend Hollywood Professional because I was working so much as a teenage model.  I had no contact with her until 1986 when we attended the same charity luncheon and she had our mutual friend Dawna Cole introduce us.  She must have been shocked to realize Candy Watson from Hollywood High and Jan Winston from Survive A Divorce (SAD) were the same person.  Her second husband DIVORCED HER and wanted advise regarding settlement.  I agreed to represent her.  The saying is "when someone shows you who they are - believe them".  The fact her husband would divorce her with 2 small children should have warned me who she really is.  I found out how important money is to her and couldn't believe what she was willing to give up to get it.  

She revealed so much to me as her divorce consultant especially her first husband killed himself with a gun on February 14 whether by accident or suicide, she told me her second husband told her children from her first marriage "she was responsible for their fathers death".  After she demanded 2/3rd of the money her husband paid me a she  asked me to do, I decided I had had enough and refused to further represent her and in 1987 she verbally threaten me saying "Jan don't say I didn't warn you".  My life has been hell ever since.  Because I knew who the real Carole Wells Doheny Karabian is.

She paid off the doctors involved in my surgery on May 28, 2008 and with further investigation the FBI could find out if UCLA Medical Center was paid off as well.  Also, I allege she was on the payroll at UCLA in the public relations off.  If so, then she is an employee of UCLA in addition to everything else. I just hope to God, people have come forward to expose what she did to me and was behind the surgery on May 28, 2008.

Monday, July 19, 2021

My Guardian Angel Guided My Career

My "Guardian Angel" was a friend of my parents Helen & Phil Watson in New York, when my father was a star on the New York Rangers Hockey Team when they won The Stanley Cup on the 1939-1940 team.  Interesting on the "Friends" television show and how "Joey" wore The Rangers shirt and attended the games that had the banner of the 1939-1940 Stanley Cup hanging from the ceiling.  Only I and anyone else who knew the history of the Rangers would know the meaning.`

When my parents divorced in 1948, and my mother and I moved to Los Angeles, our lives would be very different than in New York.  My father was a media star for the New York papers and even The New Yorker Magazine did a full article on us as a family.  But when I went into modeling as a teenage model for William Adrian, my life changed forever and I now believe my "guardian angel" helped me out.  He was in advertising and  had access to all forms of media, and I believe was behind the front page picture on either The Los Angeles Times or The Herald Examiner when I won "California Fashion Model of The Year in 1959 under my teenage name as Candy Watson before I was 16 years old.

When I went to Columbia Studios to interview for "a one day shoot as a model" on the Dean Martin "Matt Helm" first movie, I was surprised to be selected to dance with Dean and to be position next to him on the "round bed scene" for the credits on" The Silencers". That movie changed my life forever.  Not only did it open doors for me in the motion picture industry, but I met Frank Sinatra who was very nice and down to earth.  I would go on to do 2 more Matt Helm movies. "Murderers Row" and "The Ambushers" and that introduced me to my husband, Henry Levin the director.  We married in London on June 21, 1968.  So it is mind boggling that the one day shoot turned out to change my life forever for the better.

In 1983 I filed for divorce from S.R. Winston, a Beverly Hills attorney, that was hell.  I then created Survive A Divorce (SAD) as a divorce consultant and again my guardian angel helped me out.  A reporter from The Evening Outlook, Jill Oviatt did a full page article on me with a picture of myself and a client.  That was a break through for me and it couldn't have happened without help from my guardian angel, I did not have a public relations firm.  As a result, Carole Wells Doheny had a friend of mine Dawna Cole introduce us at a charity luncheon.  Wells did not know Candy Watson and Jan Winston were one of the same and that situation has caused me nothing but holy hell.  The situation I am in now 13 years later of the fraudulent cancer surgery at UCLA Medical Center could only happen because of her.  I absolutely believe justice will be served and the FBI will hold all those responsible accountable even though my guardian angel is now in Heaven.  I know he is looking down and will protect me.  

Monday, July 12, 2021

Have I Exposed The Missing 2 Million Dollars By Two Students At Hollywood High? PS 7/13/21

I've noticed in my blog a lot of interest in the one blog I exposed as fraudulent and I wondered why?   Regarding Terrance M. Karger, and I only followed up on this idea when I received a "clue" to check it out which I found odd since I've had no contact with my former roommate since 1987. But it appears now that there is more to this story then someone using the name as a man and not the real Terrance M. Karger a woman.  Does it have to do with 2 million dollars that I was told by people when I had my Divorce Consultant  business, Survive A Divorce (SAD) was "missing".  Does it have to do with a loan from a Minnesota Bank for 20 million dollars for a movie, but was in fact used to buy 10 apartment buildings around Los Angeles and the bank loan was never paid back?

Does this answer the question why did Carole Wells Doheny had a face lift in 1987 and started using my name as her identity, because she signed for the loan as an executive for a motion picture company.?  This way the bank could never find her to prosecute for bank fraud - a federal felony.  She and Terry Karger were in the same club at Hollywood High and I was in a different one, but they knew each other since 1957.  They were both my guest to my sons 13th birthday dinner in 1987 and seated at the same .table.  They both lived in Orange county Newport Beach and Laguna Nigel, and in Newport,  homes were sold for a profit that were built with allegedly illegal money.   

In other words, if Terry's name was used as a man, then who would know the real Terry Karger and the fraud for the bank, homes sold would not come back to Carole Wells Doheny and Terry Karger, other than someone like myself who knew who the real Terry was as her roommate for 3 years.  Wells launders money into businesses using other peoples names.  Hers does not appear anywhere, but she trust the people who help her.  She knew Terry since 1957. I allege these are facts I've been told about and I give this information for the FBI to investigate if they feel appropriate.  I've just found out she has remarried to a Jerry Dean Vanier as of 10-14-20, so the FBI will have that name as well.

P.S.  I am shocked as to what I have just learned from the internet page for Terry Karger Melton.  She is listed as a MALE under the married name of Terry Karger WASDYKE.  She lives in San Juan Capistrano and her former address is one in Newport Beach that I recognize she lived in.  What on earth has Terry done or involved with that she will not acknowledge she is female, but a male?

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Happy To Report Accepted To Report Fake Facebook Profiles

 Today, I was approved to join the group that deals with Fake Facebook Profiles.  Since I already had posted on my Blog "Terrance M. Karger is Not a Man", I've had the experience of exposing the person who posted he was Terrance M. Karger and his parents were Freddie Karger and Patti Sacks.  Since Terry was my roommate from 1960 to 1963, I knew this blog was an outright lie to deceive the public or the legal system.

I also informed this group, as a reason for me to join this group,  when I found out some woman had assumed my identity as "Candy Watson, California Fashion Model of the Year for 1959".  I was a teenage model on 1959 and my agent, William Adrian, entered me in this new contest and I WON.  I was shocked and so was he, but when I was crowned in the Los Angeles City Counsel and draped with a long red robe, the press was there and that picture ended up on the front page of either the Los Angeles Times or Herald Examiner.  I was offered an Option Contract at 20th Century Fox and put in their acting school for 6 months.  The Coronation Ball was held at the Beverly Hilton Hotel where the contest was, and it was a wonderful experience for me - my first contest.  I've won many local contest as Candy Watson, because my agent wanted me to have the exposure to get modeling jobs and it worked.  I used Jan Watson when I became a member of the Screen Actors Guild and started acting in motion pictures and television.

Also, under my profile as Janet Watson Winston, it states "I'm married to Seymour R. Winston for 46 years".  Which is an out right lie since I divorced him in 1983 and have had no contact with him since.  There is only one person who knew in 1959 I was "California Fashion Model of The Year", because she sat behind me in homeroom at Hollywood High and had to look at the back on my head for 2 years before I left in my senior year to attend and graduate from Hollywood Professional and that is Carole Wells.  I now believe she is the person who has screwed around with my profiles and information out of jealousy.  She is dangerous.  The fact she could pay off UCLA Medical Center and or just its employees for the fraudulent cancer surgery that could have killed me should tell the FBI what they are dealing with.  I just never knew she held this hatred for me since 1959 and that is scary as hell!

Thursday, July 1, 2021

The Trump Organization and Allen Weisselberg Charged With Tax Crimes

 The Manhattan District Attorney and prosecutors filed criminal charges against the Trump Organization and their Chief Financial Officer Allen Weisselberg today.  This is a death blow to this business, because no bank will do business with them and as a real estate business that is an absolute.  In addition no business will deal with them and the money they owe various banks could call in their loans, that amount to millions of dollars, and very possibly force Donald J. Trump to file for bankruptcy.  

These charges will put Weisselberg, other employees and very possibly Donald J. Trump in prison for years.  Even though Trump is not named in this indictment,  this is just the tip of the iceberg.  These prosecutors have worked on this case for over 2 years, including they had to go to the United States Supreme Court to get his tax returns and it these returns that will be the evidence to put him in prison

Allen Weisselberg turned himself in to the District Attorney office this morning, and will be arraigned this afternoon as will the Trump Organization  For his 50 years of service to Donald J. Trump, he will spend his first meal in a jail cell.  Since the special Grand Jury has until November to issue indictments, it stands to reason, more is to come against the Trump Organization and especially Donald J. Trump.

I want all my viewers in the United States to understand what this all means and how important it is to our country.  Donald J. Trump WILL NEVER AGAIN HOLD PUBLIC OFFICE.  All the garbage about him taking the presidency back in August is just that, garbage.  This indictment is worth more than any money involved.  Our democracy is protected, the American people are protected as is the world and our allies.  The only countries that loose in this action are Russia and North Korea 

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Britney Spears Got The Shaft From the Original Judge Regarding Her Conservatorship

On June 23, 2021, Britney Spears at age 39,  spoke out to the Los Angeles Superior Court via telephone asking that the 13 years conservatorship imposed upon her 13 years ago in 2008 end.  This was bombshell testimony from her attorneys office to the court.  This judge was not the same who in 2008 ruled on her conservatorship by her father Jamie Spears who is paid $16,000.00 per month salary for this abuse  

This is a horrible example how any individual can be denied their civil rights to determine their own life, such as an IUD implanted into her uterus so she can not get pregnant.  Is this the United States of America?  Britney told the court she wants to get married and have more children,  She is worth 60 million dollars from her efforts as a successful performer.  She told the court she had to have her fathers permission to paint her kitchen cabinets, who she could date, and was given only $2,000.00 per month as an allowance, while her father ask the court for her to pay his 2 million dollar legal fees.  His attorneys saw a "gold mine for legal fees" and for 13 years were successful denying her any right to determine her life.  She told the court "I want my life back".  

In 2008, my life was turned upside down with the fraudulent cancer surgery at UCLA Medical Center by Dr. Oliver Dorigo who in 2012 fled the United States for his homeland of Germany.  It will be ironic if Britney and I get justice both in 2021 after 13 years each of hell.

Thursday, June 17, 2021

How To Discredit The Truth?

 I finally realize what Carole Wells Doheny has been planning for years discredit me in any ways she can from telling the truth.  And the truth is that she was behind Dr.  Dorigo and UCLA Medical Center to conspirer to perform a radical hysterectomy on me at age 65 on May 28, 2008.  What I didn't realize was that weekend was Memorial Day and she stayed in the brand new multi million dollar new medical building on the UCLA campus as Janet Winston; and I was in the old building that Dr. Dorigo never came to see me after the surgery until hours before I was released, because he was with Wells as me and paid how many hundred dollar bills for it? 

Just how horrible was this plan?  How many people were involved and how much money changed hands?  If UCLA Medical Center was paid 2.2 million dollars for 4 liver transplants for JAPANESE MOB BOSSES, how much money were they paid for elder abuse and the cover up of the fraud for now 13 years later?  It's one thing to have sexual abuse charges as UCLA Medical Center has just had for women in a class action lawsuit of over 5500, it is something else for ELDER ABUSE for a woman 65 years old and everything she was born with from the waist ( 8 different parts of the body) and under go surgery that could have cost her life?  There is no comparison.

Unfortunately for me, the Department of Health and Human Services referred the case to the California Department of Justice - which is not the FEDERAL Department of Justice who would have taken action, or at the least contact me if they needed more information.  As it turns out, it took me 8 years to learn I NEVER HAD CANCER.  There is a reason why in the law FRAUD gets more time for a statue of limitation to prosecute, because it is deception you are dealing with.

This has been a nightmare for me.  The only ray of hope were the 40 women who filed a federal lawsuit in Georgia against the doctor who performed hysterectomies on them for no reason other than to be paid by Medicare - exactly the same as my case.  They had an independent Whistleblower to expose the fraud unlike my case where I am both the Whistleblower and the Victim.  Taking on the Medical Profession and especially the UCLA Medical Center make me the all time underdog against a giant.

Sunday, June 13, 2021

Prime Minister of Israel and Donald Trump Both Removed in 2021

Benjamin Netanyahu the 9th Prime Minister of Israel  from 2009 to 2021,  was voted out of office today and joins Donald J. Trump as the former leader of his country.  It took along time to vote him out just 59-60 votes, but that one vote meant a new leader and now Netanyahu faces corruption charges as Trump does.

He, like Trump, no longer has the protection as the leader of his country to avoid criminal prosecution.  These two men thought they were above the law and could wheel and deal as they wanted  and use the power of their respective offices to financially gain from that power.

They both will learn, just 5 months apart, that crime does not pay and they are both now just regular citizens of their respective countries and subject to arrest and whatever the legal systems will demand of them.  This is a great lesson for the world.  It doesn't matter who you are, unless you are a dictator and not subject to the law, justice will prevail no matter how long it will take.  No one ever thought in the 1940's  that Hitler would be stopped, but he was by many nations coming together to stop him.

President Biden has already called the new Prime Minister Naftali Bennett to assure him the United States will stand behind Israel in every regards.  This gives me hope that the people involved with my fraudulent cancer surgery will be held accountable no matter how long it takes or how long it takes to charge them and UCLA Medical Center in a court of law.

Monday, June 7, 2021

My Internet Has Been Hacked For Pictures Of Me On June 2, 2021

 I want the FBI to know my pictures stored on my internet page have been hacked on June 2nd, the same day the Mexican-Hispanic man came to my door with a mask and baseball hat knocking on my door.  Was he trying to see what I look like to harm me outside my apartment before a Grand Jury indicts UCLA Medical Center and all involved especially Carole Wells Doheny?

This is the first time this page has been hacked in 2021, so I decided to look at it and they say "the folder is empty".  I have never pulled up this page, but someone is doing it on a weekly basis.  Someone wants to know who I am writing.  I wonder why?

After all of this in just one week, I've told my son Tony, I will not leave my apartment unless an emergency and I've asked him to do all my marketing which he agreed to do and did. I am not going to take a chance that something could happen to me, or something is planted in my apartment to discredit me as a upstanding citizen who has told the truth about all the criminal activities.  That would make Carole Wells Doheny day.  What she doesn't know is that all my blogs can be admitted into evidence in a court of law in the federal system and thus my blog now.

If the FBI wants to visit me at my apartment let me know before knocking on my door.  You have my email address.

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Who Are The Enablers To Hide Out Carole Wells Doheny?

The enablers are gay men with two bedroom apartments that she contributes to the rent and uses as a "pit stop" all over the United States.  They drive her around when she is in town, or in some instances, drive her to the Canadian border to cross and get drugs

She uses property managers of apartment buildings to launder money into the business, as many of 10 that I was told about, and uses these buildings as "pit stops" to hide out when in town.  She uses women who work in 9 to 5 jobs primarily law firm and employment agencies that place women in medical facilities.

She uses people like Kleenex.  And in these horrible financial times will do almost anything for the $100.00 bills she offers.  I have had two men come to my door within the last month both wearing mask and baseball hats that hide their faces so I could not identify them. They are the same in description except one was black and the other Mexican-Hispanic.  Both in their 30's, thin build, and both did exactly the same thing ;  knock on the door three times with force, when I didn't answer knocked again.  Because I was watching through the security hole in my door, I could see they did not go to any other apartment just mine.  This last one, called someone for instructions and knocked on the door again before leaving.  I allege, Carole Wells Doheny has hired these guys to do whatever if I opened the  door which I will not do.

I am hoping the FBI has had "witnesses" come forward over Zoom and give sworn testimony as to what happened to me on May 28, 2008 in the operating room at UCLA Medical Center and as a result has "probable  cause" to get an indictment before a Grand Jury and "Doheny" knows this from all her connections and thus is afraid of my testimony.  That is my hope for Justice. 

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

EX-UCLA Gynecologist James Heaps Taken Into Custody on 21 Counts Of Sexual Abuse and PS

Yesterday after the Grand Jury indicted former UCLA gynecologist Dr. James Heaps, he was arrested and is held on 1.9 million bail.

He is accused of alleged 21 counts of sexual abuse of women at UCLA Medical Center from 2011 until 2018.  Three years after my fraudulent cancer surgery at UCLA Medical Center by Dr. Oliver Dorigo, but the same year the Department of Health and Human Services found I was a victim of ELDER ABUSE and referred my case to the California Department of Justice.

He is not a foreign national, so was easily charged and arrested for this crime unlike Dr. Oliver Dorigo now on the run since December, 2012.  He also is held on 1.9 million dollar bail, unlike Dr. Dorigo who was never arrested or had to post bail and gave him the freedom to flee the United States with his passport from Germany.

The Grand Jury has the power to give the public justice with its indictments immediately, instead of a preliminary hearing threw the  courts which takes longer.  Today, on another criminal case, the Manhattan District Attorney in New York convened a Special Grand Jury for former President Donald J. Trump.  I just found this interesting on the same day.

Saturday, May 8, 2021

Thirteenth Anniversary Of Fraud

I never thought when my case for ELDER ABUSE as the Department of Health and Human Services found and referred to the California Department of Justice on February 4, 2011 would still be an open case.  Fortunately for me, I went to the FBI in 2015 where it is today, but Dr. Oliver Dorigo is still on the run as is Dr. Elizabeth Wagar.

I would hope on this fact, legal action will be taken against UCLA Medical Center and the University of California Regents for hiring medical professionals who are in this country as foreign nationals. They are not citizens and have no allegiance to the United States and its people other than a paycheck  A doctor who is a citizen from another country does not get the same pay as an American born and  graduates from a medical school here.  This happened at the University of California San Francisco as exposed by 60Minutes for staff other than medical professionals who were fired so they could save 50% of their salary for foreign nationals.  This is truly mind boggling.  

Since my surgery by Dr. Oliver Dorigo for a fraudulent radical hysterectomy for cancer on May 28, 2008, a Whistleblower in Georgia exposed a doctor who performed hysterectomies on 40 women who are immigrants and have since filed a federal lawsuit.  Thank God someone else came forward to expose this fraud.  Dr. Dorigo took everything out of my body from the waist down that I was born with as a woman at age 65.  Telling me "I had a very rare cancer and needed 36 hours of chemotherapy".  That would have been out and out torture.  Was Dr. Dorigo,  as a German citizen , born in East Germany where the Nazi's rose to power in the 1930's?

All of this could not have happened if UCLA Medical Center was run as an ethical and professional medical center and not a place to enrich the University of California such as the 4 Japanese Mob Bosses  as described by the Los Angeles Times and 60 Minutes who paid 2.2 million dollars in cash for 4 liver transplants.  They jumped over American men higher on the list who died as a result, but UCLA Medical Center got 2.2 million dollars in cash.  That is unbelievable.  They belong in Russia not Los Angeles, California in the United States.  We do not treat our citizens like garbage and only to be used for profit.  I know,  I'm a living example of their corruption.

Monday, May 3, 2021

A Movie To Watch During These Trying Times - JERSEY BOYS and PS May 20th

I want my viewers around the world to know about a movie that I believe will lift their spirts and show how perseverance can pay off  ..,JERSEY BOYS.  The story of Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons from the Sixties.

I am a product of the sixties as Miss Hollywood and Miss California and an actress primarily from Columbia Studios in the Dean Martin Matt Helm movies.  I remember so well The Four Seasons with Frankie Valli as the lead singer, what I didn't know was what a wonderful, talented and great human being he was during his rise to fame.  He shows in this movie of his life, you didn't have to do drugs or dress like a bum to succeed.  It is truly inspirational and the music is fabulous.

To quote a line from the movie near the end when Frankie Valli states to the audience "It was all ahead of us the music."  The innocents of not knowing just how successful they would be, including the induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1990.

During these horrible couple of years, it is wonderful to sit down and watch the JERSEY BOYS  which my son gave me at Christmas from Amazon.  What a treat it has been to sit and watch it and forget about all the problems in our country and around the world.  Time out.  I want to thank Clint Eastwood as producer and director for this movie, I would never have thought he would direct a movie like this, but I believe the sixties were as important to him as the rest of us now in our 70's.

PS.  Just a reminder to be sure to watch the movie that includes the end before and after the credits.  It is an ORIGINAL ENDING  to the music in the film and the entire cast.  It is such a "good feeling" and ends on such a high note and it can not be missed.  May 20th.

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Rudy Giuliani's Manhattan Home Search By Warrant for Lobbing Probe

Today, former New York Mayor and personal attorney to former President Trump,  was served with a search warrant by federal prosecutors for business dealings in Ukraine.  His home and office were searched as part of a lobbing probe and whether he broke laws as President Trumps personal attorney.  

This is advancing the criminal investigation by federal prosecutors.  Electronic devices were removed as part of the search.  It appears every person who sold out the American people are now going to pay for it, and since Trump did not grant Giuliani a pardon, he most likely will be arrested and charged for criminal crimes and be sent to federal prison.

Trump had one word for Rudy - Checkmate.  Was Trump worth his career, reputation and most likely his freedom?  This should be a lesson for all the other people waiting in the wings for federal investigations - including Trump himself by the District Attorney of New York.  The best day will be for the American people when Donald J. Trump is arrested and held accountable for his crimes as Rudy Giuliani will be.  This is just the beginning.  No one is above the law.

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Justice For The American People

The George Floyd case was decided yesterday by 12 jurors, 6 white, 4 blacks and 2 multi- race and came in with a verdict after only 10.5 hours of GULITY on all 3 charges.  Derek Chauvin the police officer involved and defendant in the case,  was found guilty of murder in the 2nd degree, and 3rd degree murder and second degree manslaughter.  This is almost unheard of.  A police officer being convicted of a crime involving a black person and it was the police themselves that turned on him and testified what he did was not police policy.

Had it not been the cell phone that the 17 year old girl pulled out to record the life and death of George Floyd lying on the ground in handcuffs behind his back face down with Chauvin's leg on his neck - no one would ever have known the truth.  That is really a scary thought.  

I think all Americans and people around the world realize just how important it is to take your phone and record any injustice with you, because the camera does not lie - people do.  Derek Chauvin will be sentenced in 8 weeks to prison.  The maximum years is 40, I hope he gets it.  This should be a lesson for all police officers in the United States, Black Lives Matter.

Thursday, April 15, 2021

The Purpose of Having Janet Winston As A Black Woman and PS 4/16/21

 I could never understand why every time I tried to look up information on myself on the web, I was portrayed as a black woman.  Whether it was my birth name as Janet Helen Watson, or my legal name now as Janet H. Winston,  my Blog as Janet's Journey To Hope, I was an African American woman and in many cases with breast cancer?  

Because Carole Wells was using my name as Janet Winston as of 1988 after she allegedly killed a man in Michigan in 1988 and may have jumped bail and started her "under cover" life as Janet Winston all over the United States and in Canada. In order to pull it off, she had her connections to organize crime to put on the web Janet Winston is black, and therefore she was home free, because I did not know for years she was using my name as identity theft.

If there were no pictures of myself as a white woman who was a former beauty queen, actress and model, then she could represent she was Janet Winston, not the same Janet H. Winston.  I am listed on the motion picture website as Jan Watson Winston, because she could not interfere with that and does list my credits that Tom Lisante had in his book "Glamour Girls Of Sixties Hollywood".  He published this book in 2008, but I didn't find out until 2011.  He list me as one of the 75 profiles for the entire '60', which I was very surprised at and Carole Wells is not one of them.  This was the same year that my life was put through hell with the fraudulent radical hysterectomy for cancer at UCLA Medical Center in 2008.  Now it all  makes sense.

PS Carole Wells had her first FACE LIFE in 1988 when she assumed my identity.  If she had nothing to hide, why did she go to the length to change her face and assume my identity for 33 years?

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Believe In Yourself Win Or Lose

 Last night at the NCAA Championship basketball game between underdog UCLA Bruins against the undefeated Gonzaga Bulldogs, which was described by commentators as "The greatest college basketball game of all time", UCLA lost after making a last minute basket to tie the game 90-90.  What no one could have foreseen with 3.3 seconds left,  a half court throw by Gonzaga to the basket (a real hail Mary) and the basket goes in to win 93-90.

It was a real thriller and more important, as a mother, an example of character on the line to believe in yourself.  UCLA lost, but won in the long run as an example to never give up, not believe what others say about you in a negative way and give whatever you are doing your best - no one can ask anymore of you.

I congratulate the UCLA Bruins for their moral win.  You won't  add an 11th National Championship banner to the 10 UCLA already has, but hold your heads up high.  2022 awaits you.

Thursday, March 25, 2021

The Largest Settlement in US History of 1.1. Billion Dollars by USC For Sexual Abuse and PS 3/26/21

 Today, USC in Los Angeles Superior Court agreed to paying, an addition to the $215 million last year, another $852 million for 710 women for sexual abuse at USC by Dr. George Tyndall.  This makes a total of $1.1 Billion dollars the largest settlement in US history.

USC is a private university unlike UCLA which is a public university owned and operated by the State of California.  The USC case was filed and settled in the Superior Court, unlike my case which involved Medicare FRAUD and therefore is a federal case in federal court.  Is that why no action has been taken against UCLA Medical Center and Dr. Oliver Dorigo and Dr. Elizabeth Wagar  who have not been named and charged in a federal lawsuit?

On May 28, 2021 it will be 13 years since I underwent major fraudulent cancer surgery just for money.  Dr. Dorigo fled the US after 2 years the Department of Justice in California had the case and did absolutely nothing, including not arresting him or have him post bail.  He is a German citizen and just had to get his passport and a plane ticket and fled in 2012 for either Germany or France.  Dr. Elizabeth Wagar fled for Houston, Texas at the same time  

I was 65 years old when I had the surgery, today I am 78 years old just 3 weeks younger than President Biden.  I wonder what he would think about this situation since cancer is such an important subject to him?  It's not fair that all these cases are for sexual abuse which does not put their lives in danger as mine did with major cancer surgery by gynecologist Dr. Oliver Dorigo, and yet it is kept in the dark, no exposure so other women do not know that they could be victims of this fraud like me.

I am willing to work with the FBI and the federal government in any way I can.  Through my Blog I asked all medical personnel who were in the operating room to contact the FBI in the Los Angeles office and tell them exactly what happened.  I don't know what else I can do?

I also want to remind everyone it was the Department of Health and Human Services (a federal agency) who sent investigators to my home to interview me - the ONLY agency and they found I was a victim of ELDER ABUSE.  I didn't say it - the federal government said it.  All the women involved with the USC lawsuit were not over 65 and not on Medicare.  PS 3/26/21

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

I Had My Second Pfizer Shot And No Side Effects

 This morning I had my second Covid-19 Vaccine at Cedars Sinai and I feel Great.  I have had no side effects at all, and I urge everyone who can get one, to make an appointment and get your shot wherever      you can.  This will not only save your life, but protect your family and friends.  There is nothing to be frighten of.  I am 78 years old and I feel like I'm 50 again.  

With all of these various virus around the world,  you can not take a chance you won't get it.  Not only should every American get the shot or shots, but with the vaccine we have left over, I'm  sure President Biden will direct that the surplus go to our allies and people in need in South America  and Africa.  Only when the world is vaccinated will the world return to "normal".

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

All AR15 Assault Rifles Should Be Ban and I ask All Americans To Contact Their Senator To Demand Background Checks

This country has to get its act together after another mass shooting that killed 10 people in a supermarket in Boulder, Colorado,  on top of the 8 people who were slaughtered in Atlanta.  This has to stop.  I do not know why former President George W. Bush eliminated the ban on the A 15 assault rifles in 2003.  But President Biden has asked all Senators to pass bills that demand background checks and eliminate the AR 15 Rifle.

This is a weapon of war.  This is not for people to have in their homes a "gun for protection" under the Second Amendment.  I believe you have people such as Meghan McCain on the  "View" who support her membership in the NRA and how she has used guns since childhood.  The men who killed 18 people in one week are not from Arizona.  These men targeted innocent people in Spas and a family supermarket.  How can she defend her position to these killings? 

We now have a rational, dedicated and defender of the Constitution and our 46th President to lead us.  Listen to him.  We can not kill each other in the United States.  


Saturday, March 6, 2021

I Got My First Pfizer Shot And My Appointment For The Second Shot

On March 3, 2021, I got my first Corvid 19 shot, and in 3 weeks will get the second shot.  I encourage all Americans to get the shots as soon as they can.  That is the only way we will get back to "normal" when it is safe for everyone to go about their daily life as we knew it to be before March of 2020. 

The irresponsible governors of 4 different states should be sued for "negligence" for saying their constituents do not have to wear masks, and to open all businesses to 100%.  They are jus as stupid as Trump, and look where that got us - over 500,000 people are dead - do you want to be one of them?

My experience at Cedars Sinai was very professional and fast.  I have a medical file with them, and did not know where to go for the shot.  So I recommend everyone check out where you can get your shot whether it is one or two as soon as you can.  Thank God I no longer have to worry that Carole Wells Doheny will interfere with my appointments.  

Monday, February 22, 2021

Did You File A Medical Malpractice Against UCLA Medical Center For Cancer?

I realize now why there is such a cover up not to expose what Dr. Oliver Dorigo did to me with a fraudulent radical hysterectomy, because the name of the game is MONEY.  Fraud is not paid off by an insurance company because it is a crime; medical malpractice is not and is paid by the insurance company.  So that is why Dr. Elizabeth Wagar played such an important role in this case.   As head of the pathology department at UCLA, she changed my records and could change anyone else from "no cancer" to "cancer".  That way anyone who would question the results would see their medical records as "positive for cancer" and the insurance company would pay off UCLA for "Malpractice".

The only way a woman can prove she never had cancer and is a victim of this fraud by Dr. Oliver Dorigo and Dr. Elizabeth Wagar,  who were in a conspiracy to commit this crime, and the reason both fled UCLA after I exposed what they did to me, is to get your pathology report from your medical file that you OWN , not UCLA.  You will have to pay for the copying of your file or any papers inside, but do it if you think your medical malpractice lawsuit was just a fraud to cover up you never had cancer.

You will not be held accountable for the fraud, because you are a victim of it, but the lawyers and UCLA Medical Center will be.  UCLA and the University of California Regents will have to pay for the fraud not the insurance company and a very good reason to make sure it doesn't get out.  It was just revealed 5500 to 6600 women settle a lawsuit for 73 million dollars for sexual abuse.  What do you think it will be if thousands of women come forward to reveal they are victims of fraud as I was? 

If you are a victim of this by Dr. Oliver Dorigo by December, 2012, contact the FBI in the Los Angeles with the evidence and report it.  Look for the CA125 test.  On the right side is the number 35 and that is difference between cancer and not.  Your number is in the middle and if it is under 35 - no cancer.  That is your evidence.

Monday, February 15, 2021

Again, Carole Wells Doheny Has Signed Up With Providence Medical Group Using My Name

Today, I received a text message on my smartphone at 9:31am, that "I was eligible to schedule an appointment to receive the Covid 19 vaccine as a Health Care Member of Providence Medical Group."

I am not now, nor have I ever been, a member of the Providence Medical Group and I want the FBI to know this.  Wells Doheny Karabian used my name as Janet Winston to sign up with them and gave my phone number to text notification and not my email address that Cedars Sinai Medical Group, because I posted to this blog on February 3, 2021 she tried to interfere with scheduling my appointment for the vaccination as her own - so she went somewhere else. 

I ask the FBI to do whatever they can to notify Providence Medical Group that if they grant her an appointment as Janet Winston, they have engaged in Medicare Fraud and take whatever measurers they can to prevent it.  I do not want my name ALREADY  listed as having been vaccination when Cedars informed me I can schedule my appointment. I can provide the FBI with the text that gives the internet address and code number.

Carole Wells Doheny Karabian is so stupid that she had the text sent at 9:31, because she does everything by the numbers, especially any combination that adds up to "31" or a "4".   She was born on August 31, 1942, and thinks its smart to call or do anything leaving her  call number as 31 or a 4.

I even called Cedars Sinai thinking it was them.  I found out after I logged into the web site number it was for Providence Medical Group and a piece of evidence I hope the FBI can use to arrest her and all those who help her defraud Medicare and me.


Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Fraudulent Access To My Appointment For the Covid 19 Vaccination

 It just won't stop.  Carol wells Doheny Karabian has used my name as Janet Winston to get medical treatments at Cedars Sinai Medical Center for possibly years and I am just finding it out now.  I tried on January 19, 2021 to sign up for a vaccination appointment as a woman 78 years old after the requirement was changed for people over 65 years old to be one of the first here in California.  I was then told I HAD TO SIGN UP FOR CS-LINK in order to get information when an appointment would be available for me.  I could not, because my email and password could not be entered into the system, because there was already another email and password connected to my account.  In other words, this woman had signed in as me long before I knew it and my email and password were not accepted.  

In addition, this woman had used allegedly Dr. Cheryl Dunnett as her internist and was listed on my account as one of my doctors and I have never seen her.  When I was going to sign up with Blue Shield of  California as my new HMO as of January 1, 2021, the agent Ian Edwards,  suggested Dr. Dunnett as my primary physician which I needed for Medicare, and when all documents were in the name of Janet Winston (that Carole Wells uses) and would not change to my legal name with Medicare as Janet H. Winston, I cancelled them out.  In other words, Mr. Edwards was working on behalf of Wells-Doheny using my name and Medicare number for fraud, except she pays cash in $100.00 bills and does not bill Medicare.  But this has denied me my life saving right to the vaccination.  I am hoping the conversation I had yesterday with Shane at CS-Link is correct and my email will notify me.  

I sent a letter on February 1, 2021 to Dr. Richard Riggs, the Chief Medical Officer at Cedars Sinai Medicare Center to inform him of this situation, and ask he correct it.  I am hoping he will take action to correct this situation and hold those accountable who were willing to violate the law and help Wells-Doheny to assume my identity and benefits under Medicare.  This can not happen to another person in the United States and the reason I decided to go public with this problem.  I was first a patient in 1974 when I gave birth to my youngest son at Cedars Lebanon before they merged with Mount Sinai to become Cedars Sinai. I have a long history with Cedars Sinai and I deserve better.

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Terrance Karger Is Not A Man and How Wrong The Internet Is

I want it known just how wrong the internet can be when researching people you have known.  I will use the example of Terrance M. Karger and the internet state "He is the son of Freddie Karger and Patti Sacks"., that is  totally false.  How they could post that is shocking to me, because if Terry did it herself the question would be why?

Terrance Meredith Karger ("Terry) is the ONLY child of Freddie Karger and Patti Sacks.  I know because Terry and I were roommates staring in 1960 to 1963 when I was working as a model and actress and she was a student at USC where she graduated from with a teaching degree.  The picture on the internet is that of her father Freddie Karger and at the piano with Marilyn Monroe who he did date at some point and was the musical director at Columbia Studios but never composed the theme to "From Here To Eternity" as she told everyone.  He composed with two other men "Reenlistments  Blues" which was sung in the movie  From Here To Eternity and nothing more.  She was my maid of honor at my first marriage and I was her matron of honor at her marriage.  I have had no contact with Terry since 1987 at my sons 13th birthday sit down dinner at the Century Plaza Hotel in Los Angeles.

Also, I want it known that according to the internet my maiden name as Janet Helen Watson list a black women as me.  I am not black.  I further want it known that I am not married to Seymour R. Winston as the internet says for over 40 years.  I divorced him in 1983 and have had no contact with him either since then.

The point being, that the internet is not the gospel truth.  It's one thing if they are innocent mistakes, it is something else if it is on purpose to mislead the public on an individual.  So my advice to everyone is try and double check any information you get for the first time if it doesn't sound right, or you know it to be false.

Saturday, January 16, 2021

Why Is 60 Minutes So Successful To Expose Crime That No One Else Is?

 I say this now on January 16, 2021 after Donald J. Trump has been exposed for his high crime and misdemeanor that has resulted in his second Impeachment?  60 Minutes had nothing to do with his Impeachment, but what they did have direct involvement with was the 4 Japanese Mob Bosses as described by them who paid UCLA Medical Center 2.2 million dollars for 4 liver transplants.  This "selling of organs "resulted  in men higher up on the list died.  Was nothing done to UCLA Medical Center because of who they are and the political pull they have or was it because it involved Japanese citizens and nothing could be done to extradite them to the United States to testify?  But 60 Minutes and the Los Angeles Times exposed them as I referred in my May 2, 2016 blog EIGHTH ANNIVERSARY OF FRAUD AT UCLA MEDICAL CENTER.

Why was the State of Michigan successful in arresting and charging Dr. Fata that resulted in his being sentenced to federal prison for 45 years for giving women chemotherapy that didn't need it?  How come Michigan could be on target and arrest and charge this man before he could flee, but had to post 9 million dollars bail?  This happened in July of 2015.  I believe 60 Minutes exposed this doctor as did the television series "Whistleblower" also on CBS.

60 Minute also exposed the University of California San Francisco campus for hiring foreign nationals just like UCLA Medical Center did, and fire their American employees to save 50% of the salaries paid.     Why wasn't anything done about this?  The fact the University of California just settled a class action lawsuit by 5500 or 6600 women for 73 million dollars says a lot after 35 years of sexual assault by their doctor James Heaps.  All of this was covered up until the settlement - why?

The point being to all this is that I'm sure there are hundreds of unsuspecting women who had surgery at the hands of Dr. Oliver Dorigo, the UCLA Medical Center Oncologist Gynecologists', who do not know they NEVER HAD CANCER, and only when it is exposed, either by my case alone if needed, or 60 Minutes could get involved and investigate as they have the cases above, UCLA Medical Center will again get away with the acts that are not Medical Malpractice, but criminal acts of Medical and Elder Abuse.  I ask women who may think now they never had cancer at the hands of Dr. Dorigo who fled the country in 2012, to respond to this blog or contact the FBI in the Los Angeles office and tell them.

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Justice For The American People Trump is IMPEACHED PS 1/14/21

Today, the House of Representatives voted 232  to IMPEACH Donald J. Trump as the 45th President of the United States.  For the first time in the history of the United States, Trump is IMPEACHED  for a second time.  

.Look what has happened in just one week.  Trump promoted at a rally on January 6, 2021 to go to the Capital in Washington D.C., and "take back the election" by storming the Capital to make sure the Senators inside who were counting the election votes would not complete the task and thereby thought that would prevent them from declaring Joe Biden the President-elect.  They were thugs and rioters who vandalized the inside of the Capital Dome, and went from office to office looking for Nancy Pelosi to kill her and tried to find Vice President Mike Pence to "hang him" and yelled out "Hang Mike Pence".

That is why President Trump was impeached today.  He is a danger to our country and its people even with just 7 days left.  They will not have a trial in the Senate until after Joe Biden is sworn in as President, but they wanted it known now he is finished,  

His world is shattered.  The only two banks that will do business with him, said just two days ago they will no longer do business with him and he owes one of them 300 million dollars.  All social media, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Google,  Apple and all others have permanently banned him from their companies.  The City of New York says they will no longer honor any contracts with him.   The name TRUMP is poison.  He can't do any business because no one will do business with him as the Professional Golf Association just cancelled his golf club for their big tournament in 2022.

He has a taste of his own medicine.  He is destroyed as he has destroyed so many others who could not fight back.  The United State Constitution gave us Impeachment and no one person is above the law as Donald J. Trump has just found out. 

PS.  Trump has just informed his office NOT TO PAY Rudy Giuliani's legal fees and wants to see all reimbursements before they are paid for expenses.  So Rudy will not only loose his pay check (which he needs since no one else would hire him) but probably WILL NOT BE PARDONED which is more valuable than money.  Trumps last word to Giuliani is CHECK MATE. 

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Trumps Mob Storm The Capital In Washington DC

What happened on January 6, 2021 in Washington DC was nothing more than a COUP instigated by the President of the United States to try and save his presidency from being over on January 20, 2021 at 12:00pm.  He promoted his "trumpeters" to come to DC on January 6th to take back the illegal election that made Joe Biden the president-elect and will put him out of office on January 20th.

Unbelievable that Rudi Giuliani told this mob to take 'TRIAL BY COMBAT', and that is exactly what they tried to do with their Confederated Flags to replace the the Stars and Stripes that flew over the Capital  as they stormed the Capital with breaking windows trying to get into locked doors from the Senate in session.  They did breach security and invaded offices such as Nancy Pelosi's with a mans feet on her  desk wearing a Make America Great Again hat.  It was an insurrection promoted by the President of the United States and an attack on her democracy.

The 25th Amendment HAS TO BE INVOKED immediately as even The Washington Post has posted on the front page of their paper.  I posted on this blog on November 10, 2020, Nancy Pelosi made a horrible mistake by not invoking the 25th Amendment, because Trump is "unfit and mentally ill for the office of President of the United States".  I do not have a law degree or any political experience, but I do have COMMEN SENSE.  This man is a danger and with 13 days left until Joe Biden is sworn in as president, he can still do a lot of damage - look what he did in 12 hours on June 6th.

 Also, the two Senators Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley who wanted to over turn the electoral college votes after the riots, to forbid Joe Biden from taking office in the Senate vote last night, should be stripped of any senate committee and the American people should be made aware in 2024 when they both want to run for president, they committed almost an un-American act.

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

We Won The Hat Trick, The Presidency, Senate and House of Representatives

 Congratulations to the American people.  The Democrat's have won the Presidency with Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as Vice President.  They have just won two senate seats in the Senate that gives control as majority, and finally Mitch McConnell is out as its leader.  The American people will get justice such as the $2000.00 stimulus check.  The House of Representatives was won in 2018 and still held in 2020.

Donald J. Trump will no longer be president as of January 20, 2021 at 12:01pm when Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are sworn in as President and Vice President.  The telephone call that was released by the Secretary of State for Georgia shows just how desperate Trump was to turn over the election and he failed.  Justice won out.  Our Constitution guided our representatives,  that put the country over  ambition,

The American people should be so proud of our freedom to select our leaders.  I look forward to 2021 and all it has to offer with President Joe Biden at the helm.  I'm sure our allies are pleased at how our election turned out and the fact Trump is out.  Our allies will trust our word once again.  NATO will be supported as will the World Health Organization.

I am proud to be an American.