Thursday, July 1, 2021

The Trump Organization and Allen Weisselberg Charged With Tax Crimes

 The Manhattan District Attorney and prosecutors filed criminal charges against the Trump Organization and their Chief Financial Officer Allen Weisselberg today.  This is a death blow to this business, because no bank will do business with them and as a real estate business that is an absolute.  In addition no business will deal with them and the money they owe various banks could call in their loans, that amount to millions of dollars, and very possibly force Donald J. Trump to file for bankruptcy.  

These charges will put Weisselberg, other employees and very possibly Donald J. Trump in prison for years.  Even though Trump is not named in this indictment,  this is just the tip of the iceberg.  These prosecutors have worked on this case for over 2 years, including they had to go to the United States Supreme Court to get his tax returns and it these returns that will be the evidence to put him in prison

Allen Weisselberg turned himself in to the District Attorney office this morning, and will be arraigned this afternoon as will the Trump Organization  For his 50 years of service to Donald J. Trump, he will spend his first meal in a jail cell.  Since the special Grand Jury has until November to issue indictments, it stands to reason, more is to come against the Trump Organization and especially Donald J. Trump.

I want all my viewers in the United States to understand what this all means and how important it is to our country.  Donald J. Trump WILL NEVER AGAIN HOLD PUBLIC OFFICE.  All the garbage about him taking the presidency back in August is just that, garbage.  This indictment is worth more than any money involved.  Our democracy is protected, the American people are protected as is the world and our allies.  The only countries that loose in this action are Russia and North Korea 

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