Sunday, December 5, 2021

Common Sense Prevailed on Killing Four Students

I want to congratulate Oakland County Prosecutor Karen McDonald for filing Involuntary Manslaughter charges against James and Jennifer Crumbley, the parents of Ethan Crumbley, who slaughtered 4 students at Oxford High School with a gun his father bought for him for Christmas.  If convicted, they could face 15 years for each count for a total of 60 years.

The parents are so disgusting and because they had the opportunity, when called to the high school the day of the shooting, to alert the school staff a gun was missing after being shown a drawing of a gun, blood all around, and "I need help" drawn by their son and asked to take him home which they refused to do.  Two hours later after allowed to return to class, he went into the bathroom with a backpack and pulled out his "Christmas gift" and shot dead 4 students and wounded 7 others.

Ethan Crumbley was arrested and charged with four counts of 1st Degree Murder and 3 other felonies and bail was set at 2 million dollars.  The parents fled but were caught and arrested and arraigned in the Michigan court and bail was set at $500,000.00 each.

On May 28, 2014, I posted my blog "Parents of Mentally Ill Sons Should Be Held Accountable for the Murders They Commit" regarding the massacre at the University of California Santa Barbara.  At that scene, 6 were killed and 13 injured.  If action had been taken against the parents of Elliott would this have happened in Michigan?

If action had been taken against UCLA Medical Center and Dr. Oliver Dorigo arrested and had to post bail after the case was forwarded to the California Department of Justice on February 4, 2011, would the 40 women immigrants in Georgia subjected to hysterectomies just for Medicare payments?  Would the 5500 women who filed a class action lawsuit for sexual assault by Dr. James Heaps at UCLA Medical Center happen if Dr. Dorigo had been arrested?  The point being between these two situations, if "only they had been called out" would they have happened a second time?  Thank God COMMON SENSE has prevailed in this case, unfortunately 4 young students had to die to get it.

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