Thursday, November 4, 2021

Carole Wells Doheny Has Interfered With My Hair Salon Appointment and Has Hacked My Computer So I Can't Write This Blog

Will it never end?  Every aspect of my life, that Carole Wells Doheny tries to disrupt my life.  Today, it was my hair salon appointment.  Sounds trite, but all women know when your hair needs coloring, its not trite.  Her $100.00 dollar bills goes along way for people who work hard and don't have guaranteed salaries. 

Again, the only remedy I have is to go on the internet and expose whatever she has done.  But I couldn't this morning, because a Security Notice was posted on my computer screen and I couldn't cancel it, it was an alleged Update.  I couldn't type around it that is why when I posted this blog around 11:30am, I couldn't type my blog only the title.  So that is why I tried to announce I couldn't use my blog or read the "states".

I have never experienced what happened today that is why I knew someone had interfered with it.  Now I know why people who file lawsuits include Emotional Distress for damages.  Enough is enough.  I hope to God people have come forward and reported to the FBI in the Los Angeles office what she did to me at UCLA Medical Center.  I hope Dr. Oliver Dorigo  will be caught and returned to the United States to stand trial and I hope the FBI will find Carole Wells Doheny and arrest her for masterminding the fraudulent cancer surgery on May 28, 2008 at UCLA Medical Center.  After 13 years, I feel like David  in the Bible, except I don't even have a sling shot.

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