Wednesday, December 23, 2020

40 Women File Class Action Lawsuit For Medical Abuse PS 12/25/20

 On December 22, 2020, 40 women who are held in a detention center in Georgia filed a class action lawsuit after a Whistleblower reported "excessive hysterectomies" by a doctor.  They get their legal justice very quickly after reported.  I am still waiting for mine since February 4, 2011 and I am now 78 years old.  That is not fair.

I never thought in a million years, that as a white, Christian, elderly woman I would be treated as a "minority".  Black Lives Movement got their justice after years of denying their 14th amendment rights under "Equal Protection Under the law".  I, as just one woman, fighting my own battle as not only a Whistleblower against UCLA Medical Center, but the victim of "Elder Abuse" as the investigators with the Health and Human Services found and referred my case to Kamala Harris and the California Department of Justice,  find now over 9 years later I don't matter. 

I went to the FBI in 2015 as a Whistleblower and reported what happened and gave them the letter that referred my case for Elder Abuse to see if they could find Dr. Oliver Dorigo who fled the country to prosecute.  I am hoping my blog, that I asked all medical professionals in the operating room on May 28, 2008,  have or will come forward and tell them exactly what Dr. Dorigo did with the help of Dr. Elizabeth Wagar in pathology, and exactly what role Carole Wells Doheny played as the second woman in the operating room using my name and Medicare number, but paid everyone off with $100.00 bills.  I think it is very possible the people in the operating room did not comprehend what fraud was going on, but they are not responsible, Dorigo, Wagar and Doheny are.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     I trust the federal government to give me the justice the State of California did not.  Kamala Harris enjoys the new position as Vice President of the United States under President Joe Biden on January 20, 2021, and was the best friend UCLA Medical Center ever had.  When will I get my justice and reward for exposing UCLA Medical Center?  

PS This lawsuit was filed in Federal District Court.  In other words, this lawsuit was filed by the federal government not a civil action in State Court.  That is exactly what my case should be, both involve Medicare fraud and criminal intent.  Dated 12/25/20

Monday, December 7, 2020

Damages in Whistleblower Retaliation Case

I found out today that there is the California Whistleblower Protection Act that I never knew existed and applies to me against UCLA Medical Center.  In a Whistleblower Retaliation case settled in 2014 for 10 million dollars by Dr. Robert Pedowitz against The Regents of the University of California, he was chairman of the Orthopedic Surgery Department and was terminated after he raised concerns about colleagues who had financial ties to medical devices makers and other companies that could unduly influence their care of patients or taint important medical research. 

The name of the lawsuit is Pedowitz, M.D. vs. The Regents of the University of California  This was a civil case heard in a California Superior court and not a federal court as mine would be under Medicare fraud, but I am a Whistleblower in addition to the actual victim of ELDER ABUSE at UCLA Medical Center, but RETAILIATION would be protected under either a federal Whistleblower Act or California Protection Act.  I am not a lawyer, so all of this is in the hands of the federal government, Medicare and the FBI.  

My case now comes to the forefront, because of the Hysterectomies performed in Georgia on immigrants and just exposed in September of this year for Medicare payments only.  My case is exactly the same, Dr. Oliver Dorigo performed a radical hysterectomy on me just for Medicare payment at UCLA Medical Center on May 28, 2008 and then fled the country in 2012 when I found out what had happened and that I never had cancer as happened to these immigrants.  Both are federal cases.  It also shows UCLA Medical Center as anything but lily white!  Greed is greed.

Friday, November 27, 2020

BEWARE Of The Lengths AARP Or Blue Shield of California Will Go To

This morning, the day after Thanksgiving, I received a call at 3:28amPST from 1 800 633-4227 which is MEDICARE.  I will not answer any call I do not know the party who is calling, and certainly no one at 3:28am other than my son Tony or the police or fire.  After I got up and made some coffee, I called Medicare back to find out if they called and more important why?

They told me "Medicare doesn't call anyone unless I had called to issue a new number and they are returning my call or INSURANCE COMPANIES because of the December 7th deadline to change insurance companies."  I told the agent I have been a victim of Medicare Fraud since 1987 and this woman Carole Wells Doheny is under investigation by the FBI for her part in Medicare Fraud uses of my number for her medical needs.  This woman told me my file does not show ANY CALL was made from them to me this morning and said it "could have been an insurance company to get new clients and a lot of that has been going on now."

I had called Blue Shield of California  on October 25, 2020 to cancel new Medicare Health Insurance with them as of January 1, 2021 via UPS, and they returned my letter to UPS as RETURN TO SENDER NOT ACCEPTED.  They did that because the agent Ian Edwards, did not acknowledge my cancelling the insurance and never notified Medicare so are they behind this call?  Then I called UnitedHealthcare or better known as AARP Medicare Advantage and after I realize it was just Medicare Insurance for Carole Wells Doheny because they would not change my name from Janet Winston to my legal name of Janet H. Winston, I cancelled them and they acknowledged that in a letter on October 29, 2020.  However they continued to send correspondence and membership card to keep me as a client.  I also received a phony letter from "easymedicare" , a private owned, non government website powered by e-TeleQuote Insurance, Inc".  They say in this letter from 5659 Rio Vista Dr., Clearwater, FL 33760, where Carole Wells Doheny has or does live in Florida, "They work with John White, the agent from UnitedHealthcare and will speak with me within 30 days of my enrollment" are they behind this call with John White?

The point being, I have insurance only with Medicare and not any HMO because I do not trust Carole Wells Doheny contacts through organize crime to get to these insurance companies with $100.00 bills to give her information on my insurance and will go to any and all medical appointments I have for her own use.  This has happened since 2008 with UCLA Medical Center.  Just read my blog and all the hell I've gone through with her and Medicare Fraud.  NOW THIS.  

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

UCLA Medical Center OB/GYM Department Should Be Shut Down

With more information today, this is a continuation of my blog posted at 12:41am today.  The class action lawsuit that was filed and settled yesterday for 73 million dollars had 7 women as the plaintiffs for the more than 6600 women in the class action lawsuit.  It covers 35 years for this doctor James Heaps to sexually abuse women from 1983 to 2018.  That is outrageous.

Because no action was taken by the California Department of Justice in February, 2011, this man continued his abuse even though the Department of Health and Human Services (a federal agency) referred my case for ELDER ABUSE.  If you add the 6600 women at UCLA to my case and the unknown amount of woman who may also be victims of fraudulent cancer surgery, woman have to be protected with justice from the legal system to these "monster" doctors who sexually abuse woman or perform major surgeries for Medicare payment and no other reason.

I, therefore, ask Medicare, the federal government and the FBI to shut down the OB/GYM department at UCLA Medical Center and REVOKE their accreditation for Medicare.  Enough is enough.

5500 Women in A Class Action Lawsuit at UCLA Medical Center 73M Settlement

On November 16, 2020, The University of California reached a settlement against the former gynecologist Dr. James Heaps at its UCLA Medical Center and UCLA Student Health Center in the amount of 73 million dollars.  The sex abuse took part between 1983 and 2018.

My case took place on May 28, 2008 with Dr. Oliver Dorigo who performed a radical hysterectomy on me for cancer that I never had, and the CA 125 test proved  that one week before the surgery took place at UCLA Medical Center.  How many women out there underwent hysterectomies as I did that never had cancer and because it was not exposed as the Department of Health and Human Services had found I was a victim of ELDER ABUSE and referred to the California Department of Justice and they did nothing.

UCLA with 5500 women, USC with 18,000 women all in class action lawsuits because at least one woman came forward and exposed the sexual abuse and the others followed.  That is 23,500 women who are known, how many more are there that are not known including women involved with my kind of case that could have cost them their lives and mine?

I have asked in my Blog for all medical professionals involved with my case on May 28, 2008 to contact the FBI in their Los Angeles office and tell them exactly what happened to me as a "witness".  With my case and the most recent  Whistleblower filing a complaint in Georgia regarding immigrants who under went hysterectomies for no reason other than to bill Medicare, it is about time something is done.  My case happened over 12 years ago, and this UCLA 73 million dollar settlement covers 35 years of women who had no justice until yesterday.  When will I have my day in court and justice?

Monday, October 26, 2020

Medicare HMO's Cooperating With "Doheny" For Medicare Fraud PS 10/27/20

I ask the FBI Medicare Fraud Department to investigate two different Medicare HMO's as to whether they have committed a crime of aiding in assigning a name that is not on my Medicare card for the benefit of Carole Wells Doheny?  I have applied to two different companies, and in both cases even though the agents have taken down my legal name for Medicare, Janet H. Winston, nevertheless the company have come back in their correspondence to Janet Winston and would not change it when I informed them this was not how my account is named.  I will now only have original Medicare coverage and will have to assume the added cost in order to protect myself and have peace of mind, because I don't trust any HMO.

They knowingly are engaging in fraud.  I will not publicly name them here, but will privately notify FBI Medicare in writing with this blog.  Can their accreditation for Medicare be revoked?  This only benefits  Carole Wells Doheny in her continuation of using my name as Janet Winston for all her medical needs since she can not get insurance in her own name as a criminal, and doesn't want any legal authority to know her whereabouts.  

My computer has been hacked.  My name can not be found from the Secretary of the State of California to vote, even with my drivers license, birth date, last four numbers of my social security as my legal name as Janet Helen Winston.  Only when I contacted the Los Angeles County did I get confirmation my ballot had been received.  Who benefits from all this?  Only Carole Wells Doheny Karabian who has done this since 1987.  

This woman has been a nightmare for me.  If the FBI needs me to come into their office to give the names of her children or any other information that could lead to her arrest - just let me know.  This woman has to be arrested for all the damage she has done not only to me, but all the medical professionals who aided her in Medicare fraud  It will not stop until she is stopped.   This started in May, 2008 with UCLA Medical Center.

P.S. Today October 27, 2020, I found out from Medicare,  AARP Medicare Advantage Secure Horizons Focus HMO never contacted  Medicare on 10/24/20 with my application with them.  Instead they got all my Medicare information for allegedly Carole Wells Doheny even though they sent me a confirmation in the name of Janet Winston and would not change the application to my legal name with Medicare Janet H. Winston even though I told them on 10/26/20 it was wrong and I wanted it changed.  They never did, so I signed up with Medicare today for coverage as of 1/1/2021. I just found out the confirmation has been deleted from my email account - hacked.   The confirmation number was OECETQ 156322622920United Health Care at 3315 Central Ave., Hot Springs, AK 71913 and the agent was John White.  He crossed state lines.

Monday, October 19, 2020

Carole Wells Karabian Could Not Interfer With The Return Of My Ballot As She Tried

 Today, I spent over an hour on the phone trying to get through to the Los Angeles County Registrar of Voters to see if my ballot had been received.  I was shocked when the internet for the Secretary of State stated there was no record for me.  I filled in all information asked for drivers license, date of birth, last 4 letters of my social security number and still no record.  I finally got through to the County instead of the State that told me my ballot was received on October 13th.  Thank God.

I didn't need this crap.  The point being my computer has been tampered with and my name as Janet H. Winston is automatic and not my legal name Janet Helen Winston which I could not break.  On October 15th, I signed up with a new Medicare HMO Health Insurance that will go into effect on January 1, 2021, however, I could not fill out the document because I could not download it and couldn't understand why and neither could the agent and now I know why.  In other words, I can't download anything that deals with my legal name. There is only one person who would benefit from that if for no other reason than to cause me harassment.

I believe Carole Wells Doheny Karabian does not want Kamala Harris to know her real name other than using mine, because as a criminal she can not vote under her real name, and uses mine - not to vote, but to be accepted at political gatherings both republicans and democratic and the reason she signed me up to vote for Trump.  She is very big at attending charity or political luncheons. That is probably where she met Kamala Harris. Although Harris was only a prosecutor as of 1994, long after her divorce from Karabian in 1987, therefore Harris would not know her as the wife of Karabian, but either as Doheny or possibly using my name.

Her second husband was Walter Karabian who was very high up in the California Democratic Party.  I met her again after 1959 at a charity luncheon and needed my help as a divorce consultant with my company Survive A Divorce (SAD) after her husband file for divorce against her.  That has turned out to be the worst day of my life and the day and I've regretted it since .So the point is, the State sucks as a responsible agency like they did with my Elder Abuse charge.  Don't give up if you are trying to find out information on anything the State has jurisdiction over especially regarding your ballot.

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Injustice and Unseen Cost of White Collar Crimes

A new book is being released by Jennifer Taub entitles BIG DIRTY MONEY, Injustice and Unseen Cost of White Collar Crimes.  It deals with what Trump has done before he became president and in general the white collar crime is the new normal and that is alarming.

She is saying that if Trump had been prosecuted for the white collar crimes he committed before 2015, he would have been sent to prison and would not be president today.  Tax evasion is a big part of that as is being revealed now.  This has ben going on for decades with Trump according to his former attorney Michael Cohen who worked for him over 10 years.  He said he personally paid 3 million dollars in taxes the same time Trump paid only $1500.00 for two years of taxes in 2016 and 2017 regardless of the lie he said in the debates "he paid millions of dollars in taxes".  Michael Cohen said that is not true and the only people who really know what Trump paid in taxes were his financial advisor at the Trump foundation and his 3 children and Michael Cohen.  His wife did not know and I am sure she is shocked as hell he personally owes 421 million dollars that will have a play in her financial future. 

Michael Cohen said even though he paid 3 million dollars, he was sent to prison for 36 months.  He said based on what happened to him, Trump should be sent to 360 months in prison.  He lied to get loans and then lied to the IRS for tax deductions.  

The point being that if the public is made aware of a wrong doing or illegal behavior, they should be informed via the media just like the Boston Globe did with the Catholic Church and the priest all over the world who sexually abused children that was covered up by the Vatican.  At the time, no one could believe it to be true, but because of the exposure proved to be true beyond words.  The same with my case against UCLA Medical Center when the Department of Health and Human Services (a federal agency) referred my case for ELDER ABUSE to the Attorney General of California and the Department of Justice to investigate and did not.  Would the hysterectomies' that took place in Georgia against women held in detention have happened?  What is this 2020 version of Nazi Germany of 1939?

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Just How Corrupt Is The University of California System?

UC admitted 64 students with cash connections to UCLA, Berkeley, UC San Diego and UC Santa Barbara for 6 academic years from 2013 to 2019 an audit says released on September 22, 2020.  Because of the national admission scandal, California state audit released the "unfairly" admitted 64 students, 42 of which went to Berkeley based on "personal or family connections to donors".  

Would this have happened if my case, that happened at UCLA Medical Center, had been prosecuted in 2011 after the Department of Health and Human Services had referred my case to the Attorney General and the Department of Justice on February 4, 2011 that remains uninvestigated by them? I turned to the FBI in 2015 as a victim and Whistleblower to investigate for Elder Abuse, and just this year through my blog, asked all medical professionals who were in the operating room on May 28, 2008 at UCLA Medical Center to come forward and contact the FBI in the Los Angeles.

Finally the Los Angeles Times is exposing UCLA, a client of theirs for years, as they exposed USC for criminal sexual abuse.  But where has that left me now at 77 years old?  I was 65 when I had a fraudulent radical hysterectomy and that doctor fled to his homeland of Germany when I finally found out I never had cancer and exposed him

The University of California is state owned and operated, not a private school like most of the schools in the national admissions scandal.  All employees involved with this scandal should be arrested and prosecuted as the most recent family members of students at USC and other IVY  University's. 

Both my sons attended and graduated from Berkeley, and I resent how hard they worked to get it, stay and graduate on their own merits.  And now, how I was subjected to TORTURE at UCLA Medical Center as ELDER ABUSE that was never prosecuted to protect UCLA.  Maybe finally, Justice will be done and I get my day in court for Medicare Fraud and Elder Abuse after 12 years and 4 months now that they have been exposed as criminals?

Monday, September 21, 2020

My Blog Has Been Hacked To Prevent FBI and Media To Have Information

 I've just discovered that my blog is not available as Janet's Journey or Janet's Journey To Hope for anyone to read.  This can only be the work of Carole Wells Doheny and organize crime so she is not exposed to national media of her involvement in my case.  Especially news media on a national level such as The New York Times.  I tried in March to give them information and again now regarding the fraudulent cancer surgeries I was subjected to at UCLA Medical Center.  Especially with the latest revelations regarding "Excess Hysterectomies" in Georgia and my latest blog just posted on September 19th.  That is fraud with Medicare Fraud, as my case is, and the reason I posted my blog.  I've notified The New York Times of this story, and only discovered today the information I gave them to look up my blog is not mine but other women names Janet Watson Winston and the handy work of Carole Wells Doheny.

The point being anyone who wanted to research my blog couldn't.  I ask the FBI to look into this matter and anyone in the media who wants information just email me at so we can connect and discuss this situation.

Carole Wells Doheny has done everything in her power to make my life hell including subjecting me to a radical hysterectomy at age 65 that could have killed me.  Her criminal connections are beyond belief, but that is what organize crime is.  Thank God this new information regarding Georgia and immigrants who were subjected to hysterectomies  just to bill Medicare, is what I've been saying regarding my own case since February, 2011 was just exposed nationally on television on Friday. 

I will not be stopped until all involved in the planning of my surgery are held accountable.  Hopefully the medical professionals around the world have contacted the FBI to confirm what happened on May 28, 2008 at UCLA Medical Center.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

ICE Whistleblower Excesses Hysterectomies in Georgia

Yesterday nurse Dawn Wooten, who worked in the detainees ICE facility in Georgia, filed a Whistleblower complaint for "medical neglect" regarding Dr. Mahendra Amin.  She says he performed excessive hysterectomies on women who are held in the ICE facility in Douglas, Georgia.
She said he is known as a "uterus collector".  These women are immigrants who have no say in their medical treatments, and now top Democrats are calling for a federal investigation into this matter.

Medicare fraud is involved as it is in my case over 12 years ago.  Very interesting that my doctor is from Germany and I wonder where Dr. Amin is from?  The point being, this nurse who worked there and witness this fraud filed a complaint and now action is being taken by the federal government.  It was not a "state" issue because the crime was committed in a federal facility of ICE.

Thank God someone is exposing this crime of doctors performing illegal surgeries just to bill Medicare and for no other reason as it was in my case.  If my case had been exposed against UCLA Medical Center and Dr. Oliver Dorigo, who is a citizen of Germany, in February of 2011 when the Department of Health and Human Services had referred my case to Kamala Harris as Attorney General of California and the Department of Justice for ELDER ABUSE, would Dr. Amin had the guts to pull off this fraud?  Just like Dr. Fata of Michigan who was sentences to 45 years in federal prison for performing chemotherapy on women who didn't need it for cancer in 2015.  All after my case became known in 2011.

Justice is very hard to come by.  Especially women who don't have a voice.  THAT has to change.
I jut read that this doctor's purpose of the hysterectomies was to STERILZED the women.  The abuse of these doctors toward women at their most vulnerable is just beyond belief.  You do not hear about men being abused to examine for prostate cancer, but you sure as hell hear about women who have to have examinations from the waist down in the most intimate part of their bodies.  The only way we will have dignity is if these doctors are held accountable and sent to prison.  Why is it UCLA Medical Center is not held accountable?  Doctors in Michigan, New York and now Georgia are.

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Gynecologist Dr. Robert Hadden Update from 2-22-20

I posted on my blog on February 22, 2020, gynecologists' Dr. Robert Hadden had been charged with sexual assault after Andrew Yang wife came forward and signed a complaint with the Manhattan District Attorney.  This resulted in many women coming forward and joined in the lawsuit.

Yesterday the Grand Jury did its job and charged Dr. Hadden with sexual assault.  After over 12 years since I was fraudulently subjected to a radical hysterectomy that the investigators for the Department of Health & Human Services found to be ELDER ABUSE and I describe as TORTURE, I have been hoping other women would come forward from UCLA Medical Center and Dr. Oliver Dorigo to join in a criminal complaint for Medicare Fraud.  I don't know if because it is a "State" issue and not a "Federal" one in New York that the District Attorney acted so fast or because the doctor is there to arrest and Dr. Dorigo is not?

I am hoping my request for all the professional medical staff in the operating room on May 28, 2008 will contact the FBI in the Los Angeles office and
 tell them exactly what happened over and above what I told them to proceed with a grand jury here in Los Angeles.

Just read my Blog of 2-22-20 to get all the facts on Dr. Hadden and now 7 months later results are happening.  I will never give up hope I'll have justice as these women will now have.

Friday, August 28, 2020

All Medical Professionals and Non Medical Persons Who Were Recruited By Carole Wells Doheny

I ask everyone who has ever been asked and thus recruited by Carole Wells Doheny to work on her behalf in either a medical situation or anything else that would benefit her medically by using my name Janet Winston, and Medicare number to come forward with your information to the FBI in the Los Angeles office.  You must be truthful that can be verified by the FBI.  She has benefited by your help or information and probably were paid $100.00 bills.  You are not going to be arrested or prosecuted for your information.  But what have you gained and what have you given up?

I also address this blog to those individuals who have helped her with laundering money through buying real estate, businesses and any other means of disposing money to make it look honest.  There is a legal term called RICO and that is what is used by law enforcement to take property away from any person who has used illegal money to buy anything of value.  This applies to gambling money, cash from drug sales or financial investments through stock market, bonds or anything legal, but the money is illegal because it is not declared as "taxable income" on a tax return.  Al Capone the Mob Boss in the '20's was finally sent to prison for tax evasion, not the murders he was accused of causing.  In other words you do not screw around with the IRS, Medicare Fraud or anything the federal government has jurisdiction over.  It's not worth going to prison for this woman.

I want the FBI to know I have had to type this blog 3 times, because of the hacking and interference by organize crime to protect Carole Wells Doheny  and prevent my posting this blog.  I ask you monitor my computer

Sunday, August 23, 2020

How Important Is Medicare Fraud?

All Americans over the age of 65 regardless of color, nationality or gender can apply for Medicare and it is great.  I know when I had to go to UCLA Medical Center in May, 2008, and what turned into a massive fraud for a radical hysterectomy because of Dr. Oliver Dorigo who performed the surgery,  I have federal recourse for Medicare Fraud.  You do not screw around with the federal government as many people in this country have found out in the medical profession.

Medicare is a federal run medical insurance.  Until now you had to be 65 years old to apply for it.  The FBI has the jurisdiction as the law enforcement agency to prosecute and arrest. If Joe Biden is elected president, I believe he will lower the age to 60 for eligibility and that will be great.  Unlike private insurance such as Blue Cross or any other brand, the federal government has no say in who gets prosecuted for doing to you what Dr. Dorigo did to me. 

Subjecting me to major surgery from my waist down as a woman, and taking everything out I was born with just for money, is a crime and it's called Medicare fraud.  You go to prison and if convicted like Dr. Fata in Michigan who was sentenced  to 45 years in federal prison and had to pay a fine in the millions of dollars for giving chemotherapy treatments to women who didn't need it and he got caught.  He also had to post bail of 9 million dollars so he would not flee unlike Dr. Oliver Dorigo who did flee because no bail was sought.

Medicare is a big issue in this election and all Americans should consider their options carefully.  Thank God for Medicare.  But unfortunately there are doctors who do not put the welfare of their patients first with "Do no harm" and greed takes over through Medicare fraud.  If you know of any Medicare fraud from any person or company, contact Medicare and report it.  We have to save Medicare.

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Have My Blog and Facebook Accounts Been Hacked by Organize Crime? PS 8/17/20

I ask the FBI and their Medicare Department to have Google or Windows 10  check out my computer for hacking by organize crime or whoever is interested in the information I have for the FBI?  I ask this because since I revealed Kamala Harris is not African American on July 29th , and since deleted and explained on August 7, 2020, when I open my computer my document page is there and I have never opened it.  There was a brief announcement ( that I can't get back ) that my Blog and Facebook have been completely blocked - why?  I revealed on Facebook August 5, 2020 she is not African American because her father was born in Jamaica.
When Facebook says I have new Notification to view regarding people on Facebook who want to post to me and I click on, I can't get them it just says on my email "Draft" and that has never happened before.

There are two reasons why I believe this has happened:  The people who were in the operating room at UCLA Medical Center on May 28, 2008 and witnessed my fraudulent surgery, and I asked in my Blog to come forward and contact the FBI as to what actually happened in the operating room -have.
Therefore, the FBI would have "new evidence to proceed against all involved" whether in this country or not, but could get a federal grand jury to convene and have "probable cause" to proceed against them in a criminal action for Medicare fraud and Elder Abuse.

The second would be if Kamala Harris as Attorney General of California had any contact with Carole Wells Doheny as a possible donor to her campaigns and in their contact discussed my situation at UCLA Medical Center and Carole's involvement allegedly?  The fact Attorney General Harris did absolutely nothing to investigate my ELDER ABUSE as found by the investigators of the Health and Human Services, a federal agency. who referred the case to her, I find baffling and I do not know why?

In both these situations there is reason for me not to have information that people around the world could provide me if they want to.  But the only way is through my Blog and Facebook accounts and if they are blocked as they are now then how can I get any information?  The FBI would have to call me if they need me or more information.  I have made an official complaint as a Whistleblower against UCLA Medical Center and all doctors involved with my fraudulent surgery since 2008, and any all contact with medical professionals who have in fact engaged in Medicare fraud involving me such as Dr. "Meghan" at St. John's Medical Center ER room in 2018.

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Kamala Harris Denied Me MY Civil Rights as Attorney General

Kamala Harris as Attorney General of California ignored the Department of Health and Human services who referred my case for ELDER ABUSE, as found by their investigators, for investigation and never did anything.  Instead she allowed the German WHITE doctor to flee from the United States to his homeland of Germany two years after she got the case in February, 2011.  He enjoys his freedom while she prosecuted and sent to jail BLACK MEN which is at the heart of the Black Lives Matter.

I am 77 years old today, just 3 weeks younger than Vice President whom I support, but I can not accept Kamala Harris as his running mate.  How can he forget on national television during the debate how she blindsided him with that statement that she felt was important enough to print on t-shirts later "That little girl was me"?  Because she rode a bus to school as an alleged "black girl"?  How was she raised?  Did her father say I am African Jamaican because he was born in Jamaica?
What about her mother who was born in India?

This country is torn apart by President Donald Trump, and we need Joe Biden to put us back together and repair ties to our allies that Trump has trampled on.  Black Lives Matter is a movement based on the 14th Amendment to the Constitution, "Equal Protection Under The Law" that applied to me in 2011 and matter in 2020 for the black people.  A journalist said on Erin Burnett Show on CNN "How can Joe Biden select Kamala Harris as his running mate when she prosecuted and sent to jail black men...that defeats his purpose"?  That says it all.

At the time my case was referred to her for performing a radical hysterectomy on me for cancer at age 65, when I never had cancer,  and he knew it and the reason he fled the country in 2012,  she had her eye on the senate seat of Barbara Boxer in 2016.  She ran for that office and was elected as my case got the shaft.  People on Social Security and Medicare matter to.  We are the biggest voting block and we vote.  There are many women far more qualified to be vice president he has to choose from.  Remember this, Kamala Harris dropped out of the race because she couldn't raise the money to continue on.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Glamour Girls of the Sixties Hollywood Was Then, Not Now July, 2020. UPDATED

Everything has changed dramatically in every aspect of the American life as we knew it just since 2016.  Acting in motion pictures or television was a way of life as an honorable profession.  The pay was great under the Screen Actors Guild with a great health plan, an example of what a union can do for you.  A woman did not have to be a lawyer, doctor, physical fitness instructor or investment advisor.  It was not an insult to be a beauty queen, after all, woman from all over the world came to Hollywood to be discovered and get their break in the motion picture industry

Tom Lisanti wrote the book GLAMOUR GIRLS OF SIXTIES HOLLYWOOD (Seventy-Five Profiles)  in 2008.  I didn't find out until 2011 this book included me as one of the 75 actresses, because I never met Mt. Lisanti and still haven't,  but I did speak to him on the phone after 2011 when I found out.  He could not speak to me, because I was the wife of a Beverly Hills lawyer and my life was no longer in the motion picture business with two sons who had soccer, cub scouts and their schooling.  My greatest pride is both my sons who graduated from middle school and high school in Beverly Hills and went on to attend and graduate from University of California at Berkeley. Tony  with a degree in Music as a composer and the other with a degree in Political Science as an attorney.

The most important moment in my life, that altered it, was November 22, 1963 with the words "President John F. Kennedy has been shot and died in Dallas, Texas".  I will never forget those words.
Given what has happened since especially with the election of Donald J. Trump in 2016, I can only zero in on what really matters in our society and the world at large.  This man has done everything to destroy the American way of life and values we all have as Americans.  Thank God Joe Biden will be our president on January 20, 2021.

Therefore,  I have re-written this blog that I posted on July 21, 2020, because Carole Wells Doheny is not worth the time of day let alone for me to compare myself to her - there is no comparison.  My credits speak for themselves.  I created the concept as a divorce consultant with SURVIVE A DIVORCE (SAD) in 1983 after I divorced a Beverly Hills attorney that took me three years to complete. What I am trying to do now is expose doctors in the medical profession who perform surgeries upon woman just for money and no other reason.  That has to be exposed and changed and that is where my focus is.  My only concern regarding Carole Wells Doheny is that she is arrested for her part in Medicare Fraud that put me under the knife in 2008 at UCLA Medical Center that could have killed me.  Is it possible Wells recruited Dr. Dorigo and the staff at UCLA Medical Center after the book Tom Lisanti wrote, that included me,  was published in 2008 the same year this fraud took place?  I didn't know about the book until 3 years later in 2011.  No one told me about it and I found out just by accident on the internet.  Did Wells make sure I did not know with all her connections so I would not know the fact I had surgery in May, 2008 and the release of the book?

Sunday, July 12, 2020

More Medicare Fraud Involving Carole Wells Doheny

After I saw my new doctor to establish the primary physician as required by Medicare for coverage, I received this letter 6 days letter from Lakeside Community Healthcare.  They are working with my primary provider to introduce me to their new program HealthyLink.  This program sends NURSES to my home to identify possible health problems or concerns that might not be addressed during a routine visit with my doctor.  They want me to call and complete a survey about my overall health.  The nurse may ask "to schedule a home visit so that you can speak completely in the comfort of my home or ask questions I may have about my health."

Are you kidding me?  To undermine the patient-physician relationship in the privacy of an office for some "nurse" over the phone and to come to MY HOME to discuss my health problems?  And absolute invasion of privacy that either Wells-Doheny is trying to find out, or for her to have free medical treatment as Janet Winston as the letter was addressed.  In addition when I went to this doctor that was referred by my insurance company that has a contract with Lakeside, I almost wasn't seen, because they had "Janet Winston as of January this year" with another contracted health care that was not in their network at Lakeside.  In other words, Carole Wells Doheny had already been to this doctor under a different company that they no longer did business with, so my insurance company referred this doctor under a contract to Lakeside that would cover my medical treatment paid by Medicare.

That is fraud.  I ask the FBI how this can be stopped?  There is no medical treatment I have and need that Carole Wells Doheny does not have a hand in and uses for her needs.  I believe she is wheelchair bound and why she had this medical supply company committee Medicare fraud for her by billing Medicare for an additional 10 months after I returned my wheelchair in August, 2018 after I broke my hip and elbow.  Dw Medical Supply Inc was found guilty of Medicare fraud for billing them for 10 months and then telling Medicare I never returned the wheelchair.  Finally I could show the FBI of an absolute act she committed involving Medicare Fraud.  A small amount, but it is part of all the fraud she has been involved with starting with UCLA Medical Center with approximately $68,000.00.  Does she have information of everything I do in the medical profession because of her ties to organize crime?  I will give the FBI any and all information they may need to stop this crap.

Friday, July 10, 2020

The United States Supreme Court Came Through For Justice and The American People

Our Constitution is the most valuable document the American democracy has.  Thank God for our Founders who were so smart and could look into the future, now some 244 years later, and see the possibility of a tyrant who thinks he is a king and above the law as our president.  Donald J. Trump has been stopped in his tracks.  His days of bullying, intimidation and just being a monster are over.  He has met his Waterloo and defeat at the hands of the Chief Justice and 6 Associate Justices of the United States Supreme Court with their decision that Trump is not Above The Law and has to produce his financial records through his bank and accounting firm to the District Attorney of Southern New York under criminal subpoena.  That was the most important decision, because his former attorney Michael Cohen testified before congress that Trump lied on loan applications to inflate the value of properties and lied on his tax return those same properties lost money.  THAT will put him in jail.  No wonder he fought for 5 years not to release the documents he has now been ordered to produce.

Apparently last night, Trump was on his favorite television net work Fox (I don't watch Fox) and told the host he had a COGNITIVE TEST at Walter Reed Hospital and "aced it".  From what is being reported today, that is a mental test for Dementia not whether you are capable and fit to do your duty as president or if you are a danger to the office of the presidency.  I have said for months in this Blog that the 25th Amendment has to be amended to include mental illness as a reason to remove a president from office.  Donald J. Trump is the prime example why it should be amended.  This man is dangerous to our country and the world.  He has set out to destroy everything the American people stand for.  Starting with trying to withdraw from NATO, trying to withdraw from the World Health Organization and his niece has just revealed in her book to be released in the next week or so just how mentally ill he is.

Thank you to the United States Supreme Court and our Constitution that guarantees Freedom of Speech.

Friday, July 3, 2020

Will I Get Justice As The Women In The Jeffrey Epstein Case By The FBI?

On July 2nd, Ghislaine Maxwell was arrested by the FBI at her home in New Hampshire after hiding out for years from arrest by the FBI for her role in the sexual abuse probe involving Jeffrey Epstein.  According to various reports, Jeffrey Epstein had his girlfriend/associate Ms. Maxwell, recruit young girls as young as 14 years old to have sex with Epstein and various powerful men he would introduce them to including Prince Andrew of Great Britain.  He would fly them to various parts of the world to spend time with him or his older "friends".  This woman is charged with six counts that could result, if convicted, in 35 years in federal prison.

This gives me hope that the FBI will do for me what they have just done for many women - JUSTICE.  If they could find this woman and charge her, I'm hoping they will find Dr. Oliver Dorigo, Dr. Elizabeth Wagar and Carole Wells Doheny.  If it takes a Federal Grand Jury to charge UCLA Medical Center, the Regents of the University of California and the three main people involved with the conspiracy to defraud Medicare with my Elder Abuse that could have cost me my life, Dr. Oliver Dorigo, the surgeon, Dr. Elizabeth Wagar, the head of pathology at UCLA, and Carole Wells Doheny the person who paid off all these people and masterminded this fraud for her own benefit.  What would the federal charge be and what fine would the University of California have to pay and who would be charged with a prison term like Dr. Fata in Michigan was for giving chemotherapy to women for cancer when they never had it and sentenced to 45 years in federal prison?  How come Michigan can accomplish something California has not?  Is it because Kamala Harris as Attorney General at the time, and then became a senator in 2016 and had a run for the presidency and hoping to be Joe Biden vice president is more important than a 77 years old white woman's civil rights under the 14th Amendment for "Equal Protection Under the Law"?  The FBI has the letter from the Department of Health and Human services who referred my case to her in 2011 for ELDER ABUSE.

Times are changing, including the Black Lives Matter for "Equal justice" which is the 14th amendment that has applied to me since 2011.

Monday, June 29, 2020

All Medical Professional Be On The Lookout For Carole Wells as Janet Winston

Until Carole Wells Doheny is arrested by the FBI for all the Medicare Fraud she has been involved with, and various medical professionals who have no idea  what is in store for them, I am here to inform you.  She uses people for whatever she needs and doesn't give a damn of the cost involved for the professional who goes along with it.  Specifically, she uses my name as Janet Winston and pays CASH for whatever I have done through Medicare.  She has connections to every doctor, hospital or medical lab I go to - how I do not know; except I was told she "launders money" for either organize crime in Chicago or the drug cartel was that another fear that was instilled to these people?.  Who would question a "Doheny" who pays cash for homes, apartments, or businesses that sell their property "innocently" to a wealthy Doheny?  She
buys these properties through a real estate broker or a third party and her name does not appear on anything.  Some of these real estate brokers know the truth others do not.

But I want the medical profession to know what she is up to again.  I got a new Medicare HMO
and a new doctor.  Come to find out today that company has TWO JANET WINSTON'S and wanted my phone number which I gave and was not the one they had on file (310) 724-5144.  I have an appointment with this new doctor for a first visit check up, and when I told the woman who my insurance is, she said "We are not in their network".  I told her that was impossible since this national medical insurance company gave me the name of the doctor as "in network" and they will not pay unless it is in network.  I cancelled my appointment and called my insurance company who told me "They have the contact with the Medical Group not the specific doctor and my appointment was reinstated. but why wouldn't the person who answers the phone for appointment know that?  Either she did not or she was paid off by Wells to get me to cancel with that doctor so she could take over as Janet Winston and I wouldn't know it.  She has done this since 1987 and none of the doctors knew the truth up front.  She does not have either Medicare or Social Security, because she either did not qualify or allegedly she faked her death as Carole Wells and can't get insurance with her medical history of cancer.

This woman is a very sick woman emotionally with two different illness.  I know this because a former doctor prescribed her medicine for me as a "pain medicine" for my broken ankle.  What I did not know until later it was for mental illness and suicide.  One thing I am is very strong emotionally.
That's what she does have doctors prescribe for me whatever she needs.  Medical professionals from all over the world who worked at UCLA Medical Center know the cost of getting involved with her and it has cost them everything.  Their jobs at UCLA Medical Center or any medical center in Southern California and their freedom...will they be arrested if they return to the United States.?  Hopefully one or more has contacted the FBI based on my Blog to tell them the truth and be set free from any fear of being arrested for their involvement on May 28, 2008.  They were taken in by cash paid by Carole Wells 12 years ago and lost of their job.  Their lives will never be the same, but the FBI is after those responsible for this fraud:  Dr. Oliver Dorigo, Dr. Elizabeth Wagar, and Carole Wells Doheny.  If anyone knows where she is contact the FBI in the Los Angeles office and tell them.

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Sunny Hostin and Women on The View Trump Will Lose In a Landslide and PS on 6/8/20

Vice President Joe Biden will be the Democratic Nominee on November 3, 2020 against President Donald J. Trump as he just wrapped up the number of  1992 to accomplish that.  He will be President and take the oath of office in January, 2021 after a landslide election that will throw Trump out and the Senators who are up for reelection to take back the senate and hold on to the House of Representative.  The American people are not stupid!

After the FASCIST power grab performance by Trump on June 1, 2020 and the gassing of the American citizens who exercised their constitutional rights to protest in Washington D.C., so Trump could do this Mickey Mouse photo op with the bible before Saint John's Church, THAT was the wake up call for our loyal military especially General James Mattis to expose him for the unfit president he is and his actions are like the Nazi's "Divide and Conquer" during World War II or the fascist leader of Italy who was Hitler's alia during the war.  No American could ever imagine that any president would be compared to the Nazis or want to divide our country.  No wonder his buddies are from Russia, North Korea and all enemies to democracy but the question is why?  Does he have laundered money in banks in Russia as the District Attorney in New York has alleged?  Why won't he released his tax returns?  I ask the American people if you were ordered to release your tax returns by the government would you resist and fight it in the courts?  This man is a danger to our country and thank God he will only be president until Joe Biden is sworn in January, 2021.

As for Sunny Hostin and Whoopi Goldberg, the two black host of The View,  who only want a black woman as Joe Biden's running mate and Ms. Hostin said Biden couldn't get elected without it. I would love to see you on Zoom on November 3rd when he is elected our president regardless who his running mate is and not because he choose a woman of color.  Kamala Harris denied me my civil rights under the 14th Amendment for "Equal Protection Under the Law" by not following up and arresting a doctor who performed a radical hysterectomy on me on 2008 for cancer when I never had cancer and he knew it and when I exposed him and fled for his homeland of Germany.  She was instructed by the Health and Human Services to investigate after their investigators found probably cause for ELDER ABUSE.  But that doesn't matter does it Ms. Hostin?.  I am not black and therefore I do not matter, only a woman who could have on her resume I AM BLACK end of sentence!

P.S. Today, June 8th, The View introduced Kamala Harris by the announcer and said "Being Attorney General in California could be a problem for the Vice President selection".  There was no follow up on that statement except Sunny Hostin asked Ms. Harris" doesn't she believe VP Biden should select a woman of color for all the problem going on with the protest now?"  Ms. Harris said  " it was difficult to answer" and Ms. Hostin said "Its just a yes or no answer" and Whoopi said "We are out of time" because they did not want Harris to answer and confirm what Hostin is saying.  Thank God the View is finally getting its act together and Sunny Hostin does not control HER opinion on the American people.

Thursday, May 28, 2020

In Memory of Henry Levin on June 5th.and PS 7/17/20

Henry Levin was my husband and we married on June 21, 1968 in London, England.  We met on the set of "Murderers Row" starring Dean Marin as Matt Helm in 1966.  He was the director and I was an actress working at Columbia Studios on Gower Street in Hollywood before it was taken over as Sony Studios and Screen Gems.  This was my second "Matt Helm" movie but not my last!  I could never imagine that when we met that first day on set, we would marry two years later and eventually move to Rome, Italy to live.  Henry unfortunately died on May 1, 1980 on the last day of filming a television movie "Scouts Honor" of a heart attack at 70 years old.  In the 40 years since he died and all that has happened in the world, I realize more and more what a wonderful person he was and how rare he was as a decent, caring and loving human being to me.  Happy Birthday the love of my life.

P.S. I read his biography on the internet, and I am not listed as his 3rd wife as his 1st, 2nd and 4th wives are.  The only reason I can figure out is that I am not Jewish and they are and I remarried. We were married from 1968 to 1972.  I want to set the record straight - just how petty can you get?  If you look under Jan Watson Winston, you will see they list Henry Levin as my husband from our marriage until 1972.  It took me this long to find out all of this, so if anyone is interested in my life with "the love of my life", you can read on the internet as my professional name of Jan Watson with the addition of Winston my legal name.  I want to make it clear I AM NOT MARRIED TO SEYMOUR WINSTON as the internet says, I divorced him in 1983.

P.S.  In order to see who I was when I met and married Henry Levin, look up IMDb for Jan Watson
which is the motion picture & television web site and not just the internet for Jan Watson Winston which says I am married to Seymour Winston for 46 years.  Some one put that up maliciously.  This web site has all my professional credits as Jan Watson the first name you click on.  Sorry for the mix up.  July 17, 2020.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

We Need VP Joe Biden to Save the United States From Further Disastor PS added 5/24/20

After 3 years of the Trump Administration, and all the damage they have done to our country and around the world with our allies, we can not afford another 4 years of Trump.  He must be defeated on November 3rd,  and I ask all registered voters to think of what our country and world will be if Joe Biden is not our president and Trump is?

How many people will die from this pandemic and the coronavirus?  How many of our allies for decades will be insulted and ignored and treated like enemies of the United States as he embraces dictators from Russia, North Korea, Saudi Arabia and Iran?  This man is a TYRANT not a president.
Therefore, how can any African American and especially those on television, say Joe Biden doesn't care about the black community?  He is their greatest champion for decades and the reason he was endorsed by the man in South Carolina that turned his campaign around.

His running mate does not have to be a "Black Sister" to prove that.  What does Lady Justice stand for with her Scales of Justice and BLINDFOLDED?  Color is not a qualification for any political office - Experience is.  Vice President Biden has to select a running mate who can take over the reins of the presidency if needed and be his "Wing Woman" as a trusted partner in running the government and not based on color.  He has many woman to choose from - Senators elected by their voters, a Governor and 3 woman who were on the debate stage with him.  Can any person in their right mind say that unless he selects a black woman as vice president they will not vote for Joe Biden and let Trump be re-elected?

I had the honor on May 21, 2020 to be invited by Mayor Eric Garcetti of Los Angeles to join him in a Zoom conference on Clean Energy as a fund raiser for Vice President Joe Biden.  It was a wonderful experience and I will do everything in my power to see that he is elected our next president on November 3, 2020.

P.S.  I just found out the name of the black male radio host that said he had to select a black woman as his running mate as vice president,  and if not black people may not vote for him; in which Vice President Biden said approximately "Then you are not black to take Trump over me".  I want the  American people to know the name of this man because it says it all and his MOTIVATION OF SELF IMPORTANCE  Charlamagne Tha God.  He believes and puts into writing he is God.  Nothing more needs to be said.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Was Carole Wells Doheny Worth Your Career and Freedom?

I ask all the medical professionals who were in the operating room on May 28, 2008 at UCLA Medical Center to come forward and tell the FBI in the Los Angeles office what really happened on that day and who recruited you to participate and how you were paid in cash?  Was it Dr. Elizabeth Wagar, who at the time, was head of pathology at UCLA  or was it Dr. Oliver Dorigo the surgeon?  Was it worth it?  Have you been on the run all over the world primarily in Europe?

What all the people at UCLA Medical Center never knew is that Carole Wells Doheny had no power or say at the medical center regarding anything let alone to get you fired if you didn't do as she asked.  She had no legal right to use the name of "Doheny" after she remarried.  Her first husband Edward Lawrence Doheny IV died of a gun shot wound either by accident or suicide while married to her.  That is why the Doheny's banned her from the family and wanted nothing to do with her and then when she remarried, she lost all rights to use the "Doheny" name which she played to the hilt at UCLA Medical Center to get the medical professionals committee fraud in performing a radical hysterectomy on me on May 28, 2008 before they rolled her in after I was in recovery as "Janet Winston" for cancer surgery which she had and I did not.  It was her medical files that were sent to National Cancer Registry as required by law and not me as Janet H. Winston.

In the 12 years since all this happened how has your life been?  Do you have the same kind of career wherever you are as you did at UCLA Medical Center?  Was Dr. David Feinberg as CEO of UCLA Medical Center at the time have knowledge of what was going on?

Think about what I am saying - what have you lost and gained?

Friday, May 15, 2020

Janet's Journey To Hope Posted June 6, 2017

After I found Images of Janet's Journey To Hope for Janet Singer and posted May 1, 2019, I  had to research exactly where the differences were.  I found that on June 6, 2017, over two years before 2019, I had posted on my blog JANET'S JOURNEY TO HOPE that included my picture on June 6, 2017.  I also had to acknowledge my blog address as, because they were all in lower case letters with no spaces and therefore no "exact" presentation on the internet.
However, the posting of my blog article on June 6, 2017 is exactly the same.  If it is true that anytime you use your name or the same name they are posted together by Google.  I am not internet proficient.  I am dependent on my son Tony to help me out when I need a question answered.

The whole purpose of this blog now is that if a viewer of mine which is world wide and just imputes Janet's Journey To Hope, my blog may not come up as happened with my case and reason for my alarm, but rather Images of Janet Singer with her husband an African American couple and some articles from my blog as "author" Janet Watson Winston.  I am white and I have never had breast cancer and I want my world wide views to know that.  I never thought I would have to make that distension since I created my blog in December, 2009.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Barbara Walters & ABC Change The View Format to Add Guest Speakers

After the viewing this morning of Sunny Hostin pushing her "A Woman of Color" should be Joe Biden's Vice President, and questioned Senator Duckworth from Illinois her opinion after she was introduced as a possible candidate herself,  I ask you invite a civilian registered voter once a week for her opinion on various subjects.  Not anyone connected to Disney, ABC or any one connected to The View, but a civilian who could volunteer her appearance for a charitable donation to her favorite charity.  Perhaps someone from the various university's like NYU, Columbia or around the New York area via video like you do now.  I resent the fact Sunny Hostin in particular can campaign for a "Woman of Color" as the only qualification to be vice president.  You need new blood and fresh opinion that is not subject to pressure by Sunny or Whoopi.  If you could once a week alternate between a Democratic and Republican before the election, it would make the program more interesting from the average woman sitting at home.

I have watched The View from the beginning and unfortunately there was only one Meredith Viaria.
She was a true professional and unbiases toward any guest who appeared on the program.  The show is not the same without Barbara Walters.   She is the executive producer and creator of The View, and over the years with various host, the show has changed.  One thing is that these woman think anyone who runs for office has to get the approval of The View or else they are doomed.  Bring reality back to the show. I would be willing to be your first guest if you want.  Although I live in Los Angeles, via video set up by ABC, I would be sitting at the table.  You can  read my blog that I started in 2009 to see who I am and the opinions I have.  Leave an email where I could reach you if interested on this blog as a comment.

P.S. I ask Sunny Hostin didn't law school teach her what the statue of  Lady Justice  stands for?  She balances the Scales of Justice, but she is also BLINDFOLDED.  The law does not judge on "Color" or anything else other than the law,  that is why she is blindfolded.  Any political office is not judged by color, but experience, ability to be fair and to instill trust and leadership - one's "color" does not count.  I have added this on May 14, 2020..

Thursday, April 16, 2020

My Facebook Since March 15th Interferred With

I was just notified today that since I endorsed Vice President Joe Biden and Amy Klobuchar as a winning team on March 15th, my Facebook was interfered with and the Notification of 80 views and 6 groups was withheld.  There is only one person who would be responsible for that and that is Carole Wells Doheny the worst day of my life when I let this woman re-enter my life since Hollywood High School in 1959.

I tried to help her as a Divorce Consultant when her second husband Walter Karabian DIVORCED her with two minor children.  That in itself should have warned me what a horrible person she is.  She personally told me, her then husband,  told her two children from Doheny "She was responsible for their fathers death and the reason the Doheny family would not have anything to do with her. I never realized how she tried to destroy me financially with my business Survive A Divorce (SAD) by sending women to my office as clients who had no intention of paying me and to discredit me with attorneys I recommended by not paying them, because she used the name of DOHENY  that legally she had no right to do, because she remarried and could not have her married man reinstated when her husband divorced her!

In my opinion she is EVIL, and I will not name her 4 children because they had no choice who gave them birth.  All four children are wonderful people.  I must be getting close to exposing her and she is threaten of that exposure for her to interfere with my Blog and Facebook.  Like Trump she will be exposed for her illegal conduct and what she did to me staring in May, 2008 at UCLA Medical Center and all the doctors who have fled the country as a result of what she did.

P.S. I do not know if my email account has been tampered with, and thus my Facebook,. because it has remained the exact Stats for 4 days in a row and that has never happened before.  This would be the 3rd time so that I'm not given up to date data on my Blog.  I must be causing a lot of trouble for
Carole Wells.  She lost her right to use the Doheny name when she remarried and then when he divorced her she could not ask the court to reinstate the Doheny name.  So all the time I knew her since 1986 and how she represented herself to friends of mine - she didn't have the right.  This is to let all the doctors who committed Medicare fraud for her to have medical treatment using my name as Janet Winston - she was a phony and had no power on the UCLA Medical Center board. 4-19-20.

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Has Carole Wells Doheny Interferred With Information For Me?

For the last 8 days, I have had no information on the "Stats" for my Blog that tells me what interest my pageviews are interested in around the world.  This would include LEGAL and NEWS MEDIA.
In other words, I have "views" around the world and this is the first time in the over 10 years I created my blog that it is silent.

I was working on giving a story to a news media that would be the perfect partner to expose all that has happened and expose the medical profession of performing major cancer surgeries on not only me, but by exposing to the public, have other woman come forward with their own stories.  This is what happened with Bill Cosby, Harvey Weinstein, the Catholic Church, Dr. Tyndal at USC,  Dr. Robert Hadden by the Manhattan District Attorney,  Dr. James Heaps of UCLA, all of these defendants involved sexual abuse/assault.  No one has ever before me exposed the criminal act of performing cancer surgery just for money.  The only case close would be Dr. Fata in Michigan who gave chemotherapy treatments just for money and was sentenced to 45 years in prison.

Carole Wells Doheny would be exposed for all she did and the doctors involved who committed Medicare Fraud to benefit her.  Please hang in with me, I will not give up regardless of what criminal acts she would cause to happen to stop me.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Harvey Weinstein Sentenced to 23 years in Prison

Today was JUSTICE for the women who brought the lawsuit for Sexual Assault against Harvey Weinstein.  The Judge in the case handed down a sentence of 23 years to prison.  He will die in prison.  It took years for these women to come forward, altogether more than 80, but this represents just a few who actually testified and filed the lawsuit.  They are to be congratulated as the various reporters who brought the case to the public and thus the courtroom.  Megan Twohey of the New York Times, Ronan Farrow of the New York Magazine just to name two.

It goes to prove never give up and your voice will be heard in print.  If these various women who started the  #Metoo  movement had not and were brave enough to put themselves on the line and their careers, he could still be sexually assaulting women thinking he could do anything he wanted to do to a woman and not pay the consequences.  What a difference a few years can make.  He was at one time one of the most powerful men in he is a convicted criminal with a prison cell as his home for the next 23 years.  And he still has a trial in Los Angeles later this year, but nothing can top the 23 years he got today

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Another Gynecologist Dr. Robert Hadden Charged With Sexual Assault and Harvey Weinstein convicted

Dr. Robert Haddand was charged with sexual assault in 2014 by 6 women, but when Evelyn Wang revealed she to was a victim, 40 more women have come forward to the Manhattan District Attorney and as a result, he has been charged with two decades of criminal acts upon women who were his patients.  In other words, it took one women who had a voice to inform the general public what this doctor did to her and did it happen to other women?  The answer is YES.

There is a pattern for the media to expose wrong doing only after someone informs them.  What would have happened if the Catholic priest had not been exposed by the Boston Globe after decades of sexual assault upon young children?  What would have happened if the New York Times had not exposed Harvey Weinstein in addition to Ronan Farrow magazine article for rape and sexual assault?  What would have happened if the Los Angeles Times had not exposed Dr. Tyndall at USC sexual assault upon students that resulted in 18,000 women in total who filed a class action suit against the University after decades of abuse?

These criminal acts are for over decades before exposed and law enforcement to take action.  That has to change.  Are men being sexually assaulted?  Yes some in  sports at University where they are students.  Just like the women in the Olympics by the doctors they trusted and again it took the media to alert the public and for authorities to take action like Larry Nasser.  He was sentenced to 175 years in prison.

When will the media take action against UCLA Medical Center for fraudulent cancer surgery that could cost a woman her life?.  Sexual Assault is horrible, but it won't cost you your life like going under the knife for a radical hysterectomy and take everything out of your body from the waist down that you were born with just for money and no other reason.

P.S. Today, 2-24-20,  Harvey Weinstein was convicted by a jury of his peers in New York on 2 of 5 counts for rape and sexual assault.  He is going to prison for 5  to 29 years.  Thank God one woman spoke up that created the #Me too  movement, and up to 80 women have come forward.  This sentence just represented ONLY 2 of the 80 women.  He is scheduled to start another trial in Los Angeles this year as well.  LADIES, we can win if we don't give up!.  I know I will never regarding what Dr. Oliver Dorigo did to me.

Friday, February 14, 2020

Who Is the Slut from The Valley? PS 8/28/22 Anita Hecht May Know where She Lives

According to the Matriarch of a wealthy family in the fashion industry, she is the character "Brooke" on "Bold and the Beautiful"", but is she a real person they have written the character from?  Let's see...
she is blond and married many times.  The mother of the son she married referred to her "as my slut from the Valley", because that is where she came from before she married "Ridge".  In other words she was a nothing before she married into a wealthy family.

Is there a woman who passes $100.00 bills around like a normal person would pass a $1.00?  Is there a woman who uses her married "wealthy" name to use people who need money to her advantage? Anyone that has a 9 to 5 job and is not self-employed, but dependent on a "regular-normal job is a target of hers for any need she has.  But what all these people don't know is that the $100.00 she passes around are illegal from drug or crime syndicates.   All these trusting people think she is this wealthy Mrs. X and has power on a university campus that have buildings named after the family - so she must have power.  But she has been banned from the family after she was no longer married to their son.  She is indeed the slut from the Valley regardless of if she now lives in Beverly Hills.  Who is she really?  I had to make the correction from Young & Restless to the real show "Bold & The Beautiful" on 2-17-20

P.S. I last spoke to Anita Hecht of Beverly Hills when I moved to Orange County and Anita is the woman who said, "I was jealous of Carole Wells" and I said, "Are you out of your mind?". I asked her how she knew Wells and she said, "She went to school with her in the Valley."  That is how I knew the reference in
The Bold & Beautiful was for Wells as Brooke Logan.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Medicare Summary Notice Reveal Fraud

Any Medicare Beneficiary knows what the Medicare Summary Notice is, and for over 50 million people on Medicare, it tells us what our medical needs cost for Part B (Medical Insurance).  It really is the only way to find out if your Medicare Number is being used for your legal medical needs and someone using your number for fraud.

Here I am again being told my number has been used for something I didn't charge.  I was last month notified from Noridian Healthcare Solutions, LLC of Fargo, North Dakota, that the investigation I had asked they undertake for 10 months of rental fees for the Wheelchair I returned on October 30, 2018 needed more information.  I contacted the supplier, Dw Medical Supply, Inc., and they confirmed the wheelchair I used for 2 months from August 30 to October 30, 2018 had in fact been picked up and returned, but someone had continued to use my number after that for 10 months of additional charges to August, 2019.

I would never know that except for the Summary Notice.  It didn't cost me anything, because I was not billed for the additional months, but it harmed Medicare with this fraud.  The point being, Medicare fraud in any amounts add up with over 50 million people using Medicare to million of dollars in fraud on a yearly basis.  The point being, don't throw your summary away without reading it carefully to make sure it belongs to you.  Any person over 65 years old knows how important Medicare coverage is and in the political world, Medicare is front and center.  My candidate for President of the United States is Joe Biden, and I am proud to say I trust he will protect all Americans with our Medicare coverage and we will have it when we need it.

Friday, January 17, 2020

What To Look For Before & After a Hysterectomy for Cancer

Based on my own experience 12 years ago, I am going to tell each woman who is told "You have cancer and need surgery" what to look for in your medical report before and after surgery.  First look to the Pathology report,  because every women should have blood work at least a week before surgery and one test should be THE CA 125 test.  It will have 2 different numbers:

                        CA 125             your number                35

The number in the middle will be your test and mine was 29, but the cut off for cancer in the blood stream is 35.  Above 35 would indicate cancer and below would indicate you do not.  If the number is above 35, ask your oncologist for a second test and opinion.  I never knew this and how important it is, and if your doctor will not tell you or allow you to see your pathology report, then go to another hospital and doctor for a second opinion.  It's your life and body and don't be concern with what reaction your doctor gives you because if you don't have cancer, as this test will tell you,  then that is fraud and if medicare is involved that is a federal crime.   Mistakes can always happen, but be sure before you go under the knife!

After surgery, it is a federal law that all cancer patients be listed with the National Cancer Registry and if you are not, then ask your doctor why not?  And be sure to check the Registry yourself so you get the right answer.  My legal name as Janet H. Winston was not on the list, but the name Carole Wells Doheny used on back to back surgeries on May 28, 2008 as Janet Winston was.

If doctors know there is a way to check on their test and results, then hundreds of women can be saved from this traumatic experience as I had at UCLA Medical Center and my surgeon and oncologist has fled the country since to avoid prosecution because I never had cancer and he knew it one week in advance.  Since 2008, I have never been told by another doctor "You have cancer and need chemotherapy".  They say 5 years is the cut off for survival so judge for yourself. It is mind blogging to think Dr. Dorigo was so vicious as to tell me I had cancer, and perform major surgery & needed 36 hours of chemotherapy and knew it was a lie.  UCLA Medical Center has to be held accountable for hiring this criminal and Dr. David Feinberg was the CEO who referred me to him according to my Medicare summary and he left or was fired after this was exposed.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Twelfth Anniversary of Fraud from 2008 to 2020

I can't believe it has been 12 years since I went under the knife at UCLA Medical Center with Dr. Oliver Dorigo as the mastermind of this fraud that I had stage 3 cancer when I never had cancer and he knew it.  It was just for money.  First to defraud Medicare and to be paid in cash by Carole Wells Doheny who can not get insurance because she has a long history of cancer before Obamacare and used me to get her medical needs met with the help of greedy medical professionals like Dr. Dorigo.

Even though through this whole processes the only agency that did their job was the Department of Health & Human Services who interviewed me and referred my case to Kamala Harris as Attorney general for the Department of Justice in California. This case stopped there.  I went to the FBI and gave them documents and the letter referring my case for Elder Abuse and told them of the fraudulent cancer surgery, that in my mind amounts to Torture in 2015.  I became a whistleblower to expose the wrong doing in the medical profession just for money.  I have since paid the price with physical harm.  It turns out UCLA Medical Center is like Fort Knox in the medical profession and I was interfering with that for many doctors.  It would appear all involved in my case have skipped the country to France, Russia, Ukraine. Vietnam, Singapore, Germany, Poland and many others around the world!  Does that stop Justice for me?

I would hope now 12 years later the federal government and the FBI would charge UCLA Medical Center, Regents of the University of California, Dr. Oliver Dorigo, Dr. Elizabeth Wager, with a grand jury indictment for Medicare Fraud, Torture, Elder Abuse, Conspiracy, Cover-up, or whatever is needed to charge these defendants in federal court to hold them responsible for what they did to me, but what they have done to other women who don't even know they had cancer surgery and never had cancer.
How many hundreds of women would that be?  The women at USC never knew they had been sexually abused by Dr. Tindall until ONE woman filed a complaint, and the L.A.Times reported it and hundreds poured out.  I believe a federal judge this year approved a settlement of $215,000,000.00 for 18,000 plaintiffs against this University.  How much would UCLA be charged with?  How much should they pay in a fine if a  grand jury in Los Angeles awarded a plaintiff $13,000,000.00 for just age and gender discrimination at UCLA Medical Center.?  How much is it worth for someone's life to be put under the knife for no reason other than money?  How much is the UCLA Medical Centers reputation worth?

P.S.  Why is it 60 Minutes on CBS reported TWICE about the University of California two campus that committed illegal activities?.  First: UCLA sold 4 kidneys to JAPANESE MOB BOSSES organs for 2.2 million dollars, and men ahead on the list died?  San Francisco campus who let go good working employees for FOREIGN NATIONALS to save money?  Why does UCLA get a pass and I have been denied my rights under the 14th Amendment for "Equal Protection Under the Law"?