Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Just How Corrupt Is The University of California System?

UC admitted 64 students with cash connections to UCLA, Berkeley, UC San Diego and UC Santa Barbara for 6 academic years from 2013 to 2019 an audit says released on September 22, 2020.  Because of the national admission scandal, California state audit released the "unfairly" admitted 64 students, 42 of which went to Berkeley based on "personal or family connections to donors".  

Would this have happened if my case, that happened at UCLA Medical Center, had been prosecuted in 2011 after the Department of Health and Human Services had referred my case to the Attorney General and the Department of Justice on February 4, 2011 that remains uninvestigated by them? I turned to the FBI in 2015 as a victim and Whistleblower to investigate for Elder Abuse, and just this year through my blog, asked all medical professionals who were in the operating room on May 28, 2008 at UCLA Medical Center to come forward and contact the FBI in the Los Angeles.

Finally the Los Angeles Times is exposing UCLA, a client of theirs for years, as they exposed USC for criminal sexual abuse.  But where has that left me now at 77 years old?  I was 65 when I had a fraudulent radical hysterectomy and that doctor fled to his homeland of Germany when I finally found out I never had cancer and exposed him

The University of California is state owned and operated, not a private school like most of the schools in the national admissions scandal.  All employees involved with this scandal should be arrested and prosecuted as the most recent family members of students at USC and other IVY  University's. 

Both my sons attended and graduated from Berkeley, and I resent how hard they worked to get it, stay and graduate on their own merits.  And now, how I was subjected to TORTURE at UCLA Medical Center as ELDER ABUSE that was never prosecuted to protect UCLA.  Maybe finally, Justice will be done and I get my day in court for Medicare Fraud and Elder Abuse after 12 years and 4 months now that they have been exposed as criminals?

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