Saturday, January 11, 2020

Twelfth Anniversary of Fraud from 2008 to 2020

I can't believe it has been 12 years since I went under the knife at UCLA Medical Center with Dr. Oliver Dorigo as the mastermind of this fraud that I had stage 3 cancer when I never had cancer and he knew it.  It was just for money.  First to defraud Medicare and to be paid in cash by Carole Wells Doheny who can not get insurance because she has a long history of cancer before Obamacare and used me to get her medical needs met with the help of greedy medical professionals like Dr. Dorigo.

Even though through this whole processes the only agency that did their job was the Department of Health & Human Services who interviewed me and referred my case to Kamala Harris as Attorney general for the Department of Justice in California. This case stopped there.  I went to the FBI and gave them documents and the letter referring my case for Elder Abuse and told them of the fraudulent cancer surgery, that in my mind amounts to Torture in 2015.  I became a whistleblower to expose the wrong doing in the medical profession just for money.  I have since paid the price with physical harm.  It turns out UCLA Medical Center is like Fort Knox in the medical profession and I was interfering with that for many doctors.  It would appear all involved in my case have skipped the country to France, Russia, Ukraine. Vietnam, Singapore, Germany, Poland and many others around the world!  Does that stop Justice for me?

I would hope now 12 years later the federal government and the FBI would charge UCLA Medical Center, Regents of the University of California, Dr. Oliver Dorigo, Dr. Elizabeth Wager, with a grand jury indictment for Medicare Fraud, Torture, Elder Abuse, Conspiracy, Cover-up, or whatever is needed to charge these defendants in federal court to hold them responsible for what they did to me, but what they have done to other women who don't even know they had cancer surgery and never had cancer.
How many hundreds of women would that be?  The women at USC never knew they had been sexually abused by Dr. Tindall until ONE woman filed a complaint, and the L.A.Times reported it and hundreds poured out.  I believe a federal judge this year approved a settlement of $215,000,000.00 for 18,000 plaintiffs against this University.  How much would UCLA be charged with?  How much should they pay in a fine if a  grand jury in Los Angeles awarded a plaintiff $13,000,000.00 for just age and gender discrimination at UCLA Medical Center.?  How much is it worth for someone's life to be put under the knife for no reason other than money?  How much is the UCLA Medical Centers reputation worth?

P.S.  Why is it 60 Minutes on CBS reported TWICE about the University of California two campus that committed illegal activities?.  First: UCLA sold 4 kidneys to JAPANESE MOB BOSSES organs for 2.2 million dollars, and men ahead on the list died?  San Francisco campus who let go good working employees for FOREIGN NATIONALS to save money?  Why does UCLA get a pass and I have been denied my rights under the 14th Amendment for "Equal Protection Under the Law"?

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