Monday, January 8, 2024

On June 17, 2021, I Wrote How to Discredit the Truth on My Blog

On May 28, 2024, will be 16 years since I was subjected to a fraudulent cancer surgery. UCLA Medical Center hired Dr. Oliver Dorigo from Germany to save money on his salary compared to an American who graduated from a medical school for the OBGYM Department for hysterectomies.

I was referred to his office by the CEO David Feinberg for UCLA Medical Center.  Was Dr. Feinberg and or UCLA Administration paid off by Carole Wells Doheny to lie I had cancer and needed a radical hysterectomy instead of just a D&C for "spotting" as told by Dr. Dorigo when I first saw him?  I then saw Dr. Elizabeth Wagar as Head of Pathology for UCLA who told me I had stage 3 cancer.  I had taken the CA 125 test that showed my score was 29 and the cut off for cancer is 35, I had no cancer.  Dr. Wagar changed my medical record with Carole Wells Doheny who did have cancer in order to schedule I have surgery.  I was to go in first and wheeled out to recovery Doheny was wheeled in.

The point was Carole Wells Doheny could not schedule surgery in her name as a criminal and paid in cash for all her medical needs at UCLA.  The reason Dr. Dorigo made me wait 2 months for surgery because he would be on vacation.  He would go on a trip with Doheny as his guest and mastermind this fraud and pay him off maybe a bank account in France.

The cover up is mind boggling.  But when you hire foreign nationals who have no loyalty to the United States other than a paycheck you get what you pay for.  It is going on 16 years since I was subjected to this horror and once Dr. Dorigo and Dr. Wagar fled California, they are on the run and I've been denied justice and my civil rights under the 14th Amendment "Equal Protection Under the Law".

UCLA Medical Center should be held accountable and pay the fines the Federal government and FBI will impose on them for hiring someone who just needed a passport to flee prosecution and no advance notice to me this could happen.  I am a Whistleblower and victim for Elder Abuse, Medicare Fraud, Conspiracy and Extreme Mental Distress.

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