In December 2012, Dr. Oliver Dorigo fled the United States for his homeland of Germany. UCLA Medical Center gave him the way out, because he was a foreign national and held a passport from Germany not the United States.
Since UCLA Medical Center didn't control his passport, he was free to do whatever he wanted to a patient and not pay the consequences of his act. But patients are not warned. I was a 65-year-old woman who underwent a radical hysterectomy for cancer and never had it as the CA 125 test showed and he knew it. How many other women were subjected to his criminal acts beside me? The cover up of the Regents of the University of California is massive. They have been the subject of 60 Minutes stories for a reason.
He fled the country 2 years after my case was sent to the California Department of Justice to investigate for Elder Abuse. But to this day they never investigated my case. Why? Therefore, after 15 years can't the US Attorney or the FBI bring the case to the grand jury?
How can a public medical center the size of UCLA be allowed to hire foreign nationals that can and will flee the United States whether a criminal act like Medicare fraud or medical malpractice? Patients have rights.
We also have civil rights and the protection of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution that guarantees "Equal Protection Under the Law". Where is my protection?
Dr. Oliver Dorigo should be held in absent before a court of law and the Regents of the University of California should be held financially responsible for their "want to save money" by hiring foreign nationals at the expense of a Medicare patient.