Thursday, May 30, 2024

Donald J. Trump Found Guilty of 34 Criminal Counts in New York State Court


the American people and the Rule of Law have won today with the guilty conviction of 34 counts in the case of New York v. Donald J. Trump.  It only took 9.5 hours of deliberations over 2 days for the 12 members of the jury to find him guilty on all charges.

The terror Trump has spread against the Judge, his daughter and the prosecutors didn't work.  This disgusting, arrogant, liar who lacks any morals was found guilty and hope the judge with sentence him to the maximum sentence to prison.

Hopefully this will set an example and the 3 other court cases especially in federal court will follow suit.  Hopefully the federal judge in Florida Cannon will be removed from that case so the case can go forward against Trump.

This gives me hope in my own case against UCLA Medical Center after 16 years - if a former President of the United States so can the doctors and Carole Wells Doheny found guilty.

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