Thursday, November 17, 2022

Health Issues are Hitting Me Now at almost 80

 I want my Viewers around the world to know that as I almost turn 80 years old on December 17th, I've run in to 2 different issues that have slowed me down.  I thank God they are not more serious like women of my age with cancer or heart disease, but nevertheless exist.

I went to an Orthopedic surgeon who told me after x-rays, I have server problem with both my hips that cause daily pain and make it difficult to walk, and thus the Disability Sign I hang from my mirror on my car.  The second one deals with my eyes as every elder person knows about and has to deal with.  That will be taken care of in January of 2023.

Since I do not have an assistant to help me out with my Blog, I do it myself as time allows.  I will try and inform you as best I can of any information that is important to my case and I believe it will come sooner than later.  Is Justice just around the corner?


  1. Would you be open to a conversation about you doing a signing convention in Burbank in February?

  2. Hello Scott, thank you for your message. Can you give me some details regarding the convention? i.e., when, where, what is the convention for, who you are?

    Thank you.
