Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Why Isn't UCLA Medical Center Held Liable After 14 Years of Fraud?

As I enter the year of 2022, it is now 14 years since I underwent the fraudulent radical hysterectomy for cancer in 2008 and no one has been arrested.  What I did not know, nor did any other patient at UCLA Medical Center, is that they hire foreign nationals as doctors who have no loyalty to the American people and can do anything they want to a patient and not held liable, because they pick up their passport and flee just like Dr. Oliver Dorigo did for Germany.

For the protection of the American people who are patients at UCLA Medical Center, they have to be informed that their doctor could flee the country if they commit medical malpractice or an outright crime.  They are FOREIGN NATIONALS to save money.  In other words, UCLA Medical Center is more concerned in money than the health and safety of their patients.

THE FACTS ARE:  UCLA Medical Center sold for 2.2 million dollars 4 liver transplants for Japanese Mob Boss as described by 60 Minutes. They hired foreign nationals to take away jobs at UC San Francisco to save money as described by 60 Minutes on CBS.  Dr. Oliver Dorigo fled the United States in 2012 to avoid being arrested for Elder Abuse and Medicare Fraud as instigated by Carole Wells Doheny for her own needs and paid thousands of dollars to achieve that.  She paid off Dr. Elizabeth Wagar the head of pathology at UCLA to change my medical records from her to me - she had cancer I did not.

I can't get justice because these professionals are still on the run.  Can't UCLA Medical Center be indited by a Grand Jury for what they created?  Britney Spears finally got justice last year after 13 years of hell. I ask anyone who knows facts about UCLA Medical Center to contact the FBI in the Los Angeles office of the whereabouts of Carole Wells Doheny, Dr. Olive Dorigo, Dr. Elizabeth Wagar and anyone else who was involved with my fraudulent cancer surgery on May 28, 2008.

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