Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Just How Corrupt Is The University of California System?

UC admitted 64 students with cash connections to UCLA, Berkeley, UC San Diego and UC Santa Barbara for 6 academic years from 2013 to 2019 an audit says released on September 22, 2020.  Because of the national admission scandal, California state audit released the "unfairly" admitted 64 students, 42 of which went to Berkeley based on "personal or family connections to donors".  

Would this have happened if my case, that happened at UCLA Medical Center, had been prosecuted in 2011 after the Department of Health and Human Services had referred my case to the Attorney General and the Department of Justice on February 4, 2011 that remains uninvestigated by them? I turned to the FBI in 2015 as a victim and Whistleblower to investigate for Elder Abuse, and just this year through my blog, asked all medical professionals who were in the operating room on May 28, 2008 at UCLA Medical Center to come forward and contact the FBI in the Los Angeles.

Finally the Los Angeles Times is exposing UCLA, a client of theirs for years, as they exposed USC for criminal sexual abuse.  But where has that left me now at 77 years old?  I was 65 when I had a fraudulent radical hysterectomy and that doctor fled to his homeland of Germany when I finally found out I never had cancer and exposed him

The University of California is state owned and operated, not a private school like most of the schools in the national admissions scandal.  All employees involved with this scandal should be arrested and prosecuted as the most recent family members of students at USC and other IVY  University's. 

Both my sons attended and graduated from Berkeley, and I resent how hard they worked to get it, stay and graduate on their own merits.  And now, how I was subjected to TORTURE at UCLA Medical Center as ELDER ABUSE that was never prosecuted to protect UCLA.  Maybe finally, Justice will be done and I get my day in court for Medicare Fraud and Elder Abuse after 12 years and 4 months now that they have been exposed as criminals?

Monday, September 21, 2020

My Blog Has Been Hacked To Prevent FBI and Media To Have Information

 I've just discovered that my blog is not available as Janet's Journey or Janet's Journey To Hope for anyone to read.  This can only be the work of Carole Wells Doheny and organize crime so she is not exposed to national media of her involvement in my case.  Especially news media on a national level such as The New York Times.  I tried in March to give them information and again now regarding the fraudulent cancer surgeries I was subjected to at UCLA Medical Center.  Especially with the latest revelations regarding "Excess Hysterectomies" in Georgia and my latest blog just posted on September 19th.  That is fraud with Medicare Fraud, as my case is, and the reason I posted my blog.  I've notified The New York Times of this story, and only discovered today the information I gave them to look up my blog is not mine but other women names Janet Watson Winston and the handy work of Carole Wells Doheny.

The point being anyone who wanted to research my blog couldn't.  I ask the FBI to look into this matter and anyone in the media who wants information just email me at so we can connect and discuss this situation.

Carole Wells Doheny has done everything in her power to make my life hell including subjecting me to a radical hysterectomy at age 65 that could have killed me.  Her criminal connections are beyond belief, but that is what organize crime is.  Thank God this new information regarding Georgia and immigrants who were subjected to hysterectomies  just to bill Medicare, is what I've been saying regarding my own case since February, 2011 was just exposed nationally on television on Friday. 

I will not be stopped until all involved in the planning of my surgery are held accountable.  Hopefully the medical professionals around the world have contacted the FBI to confirm what happened on May 28, 2008 at UCLA Medical Center.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

ICE Whistleblower Excesses Hysterectomies in Georgia

Yesterday nurse Dawn Wooten, who worked in the detainees ICE facility in Georgia, filed a Whistleblower complaint for "medical neglect" regarding Dr. Mahendra Amin.  She says he performed excessive hysterectomies on women who are held in the ICE facility in Douglas, Georgia.
She said he is known as a "uterus collector".  These women are immigrants who have no say in their medical treatments, and now top Democrats are calling for a federal investigation into this matter.

Medicare fraud is involved as it is in my case over 12 years ago.  Very interesting that my doctor is from Germany and I wonder where Dr. Amin is from?  The point being, this nurse who worked there and witness this fraud filed a complaint and now action is being taken by the federal government.  It was not a "state" issue because the crime was committed in a federal facility of ICE.

Thank God someone is exposing this crime of doctors performing illegal surgeries just to bill Medicare and for no other reason as it was in my case.  If my case had been exposed against UCLA Medical Center and Dr. Oliver Dorigo, who is a citizen of Germany, in February of 2011 when the Department of Health and Human Services had referred my case to Kamala Harris as Attorney General of California and the Department of Justice for ELDER ABUSE, would Dr. Amin had the guts to pull off this fraud?  Just like Dr. Fata of Michigan who was sentences to 45 years in federal prison for performing chemotherapy on women who didn't need it for cancer in 2015.  All after my case became known in 2011.

Justice is very hard to come by.  Especially women who don't have a voice.  THAT has to change.
I jut read that this doctor's purpose of the hysterectomies was to STERILZED the women.  The abuse of these doctors toward women at their most vulnerable is just beyond belief.  You do not hear about men being abused to examine for prostate cancer, but you sure as hell hear about women who have to have examinations from the waist down in the most intimate part of their bodies.  The only way we will have dignity is if these doctors are held accountable and sent to prison.  Why is it UCLA Medical Center is not held accountable?  Doctors in Michigan, New York and now Georgia are.

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Gynecologist Dr. Robert Hadden Update from 2-22-20

I posted on my blog on February 22, 2020, gynecologists' Dr. Robert Hadden had been charged with sexual assault after Andrew Yang wife came forward and signed a complaint with the Manhattan District Attorney.  This resulted in many women coming forward and joined in the lawsuit.

Yesterday the Grand Jury did its job and charged Dr. Hadden with sexual assault.  After over 12 years since I was fraudulently subjected to a radical hysterectomy that the investigators for the Department of Health & Human Services found to be ELDER ABUSE and I describe as TORTURE, I have been hoping other women would come forward from UCLA Medical Center and Dr. Oliver Dorigo to join in a criminal complaint for Medicare Fraud.  I don't know if because it is a "State" issue and not a "Federal" one in New York that the District Attorney acted so fast or because the doctor is there to arrest and Dr. Dorigo is not?

I am hoping my request for all the professional medical staff in the operating room on May 28, 2008 will contact the FBI in the Los Angeles office and
 tell them exactly what happened over and above what I told them to proceed with a grand jury here in Los Angeles.

Just read my Blog of 2-22-20 to get all the facts on Dr. Hadden and now 7 months later results are happening.  I will never give up hope I'll have justice as these women will now have.