On November 12, 2105, I received a call from Medicare in response to a letter I wrote them on September 29, 2015 to APPEAL THE PAYMENT of $2881.07 they paid as a lump sum for my health care at home after my surgery for my broken ankle and tibia. I hired Dynasty Home Healthcare on February 11, 2015 and fired them on March 9, 2015 because they were frauds. My former doctor, Alan G. Silverman's NURSE, arranged for Dynasty to come to my home to sign me up for a 60 day contract that they billed Medicare for $2881.07, but in fact, they had women show up that were there as a "pit stop" for Carole Wells. She needed daily nurse care, physical therapy and home health care aids that attended to personal needs like sponge baths. In other words, Carole Wells was using me AGAIN as she did with UCLA Health to have me go through what she did and have my Medicare number pay for it over and above the $100.00 she passes out to pay her bills, which is illegal money, becuase she doesn't have a bank account in her own name.
Dynasty Home Health Care located in Orange County committed fraud by billing Medicare as Burbank Home Care, Inc. of Studio City, and must repay all money paid to them for her benefit and that doesn't include the criminal aspect of the fraud that could result in criminal action taken against them - they could lose their Medicare accreditation that would put them out of business.
This is a warning to all medical professional businesses who have accepted her $100.00 bills (thousands of dollars could be involved). Is she worth losing your license and reputation for? I think today, Dynasty would say NO.
Friday, November 13, 2015
Monday, October 19, 2015
Following up on my last BLOG regarding reporting Medicare
Fraud, I am listing 10 medical facilities and doctors who have billed me in the
name of Janet Winston or sent correspondence for Medicare, and not in my legal
name of Janet H. Winston, as listed with Medicare and my number is under, as of
October 15, 2015.
1. Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center where she had
cancer surgery the same day I did as arranged by Dr. Oliver Dorigo and this
fraud has caused a complete turn over at UCLA Health, including the departure
of CEO, Dr. David Feinberg.
2. Cedars Sinai Medical Center Imaging Department
for X-rays.
3. Marina del Rey Emergency Hospital where I was
taken by ambulance after I broke my ankle and tibia in February, 2015, but she
had already used them in my name before
4. University Foot & Ankle Institute of Santa
Monica had all of my surgery documents in the name of Janet Winston until I
demanded they change it to my legal name.
5. Kaiser Permanente Senior Advantage HMO, she has
used this hospital for prescription drugs in my name
6. SilverScript Choice (PDP) which is a drug
prescription company thath I have never used but she has in my name.
7. AARP Medicare Complete through United HealthCare
that she has used under my name after I dropped them as Part D prescription
drug plan under Medicare.
8. Dr. Gary Briskin wrote her a prescription for
Hydrocodone-Acetaminophen for 60 pills in my name.
9. Dr. Alan G. Silverman. I do not believe he personally knew anything about
10. CVS Pharmacy on Sepulveda
& National Blvds., filled my prescription for Hydrocodone-Acetaminophen for
60 pills in the name of Dr. Gary Briskin instead of the doctor who wrote the
prescription – Dr. Jason Morris, and only charged my .40 cents with no
insurance. At another CVS when I left
the ER, my prescription was $17.00 for 14 pills and works out to over $1.00 per
pill that should have cost me $60.00 but for Janet Winston it was only .40
This is Medicare Fraud. This woman used my name and address to get
medical treatments, surgery and drugs – using me for the reduced cost of paying
cash and at the rate of Medicare schedules.
I am not saying all of the names above were in on the fraud other than
UCLA Health, because a patient has to make financial arrangements before
surgery, and Carole Wells did not use my Medicare card in any of these
situations, but she did pay cash. She
used my name and only when I also used these professionals did they realize she
was a fraud. She paid cash, no insurance was
involved, and I’m sure at a discounted rate.
Carole Wells is 5’4”, 100lbs,
bleach blonde with brown eyes and looks younger than her 73 years with
(See Sixth Anniversary of Fraud for my comment)
Thursday, October 8, 2015
The Government is running national television commercials for the prevention of Medicare Fraud and using average citizens (not government employees) to urge the public to be on the look-out for fraud and gives an (800) number to call and report it.
1. Dr. Fata of Michigan was sentenced to 45 years in federal prison on July 10, 2015 for chemotherapy treatments that were not needed for cancer.
2. Dr. Ingram of Virginia was ordered to pay in a lawsuit $500,000.00 for a diagnosis of Hemorrhoids in June, 2015 that was a lie.
3. UCLA Health is changing now because Dr. David Feinberg left as CEO of UCLA Medical Center at the end of July, 2015... after Dr. Fata had been sentenced.
If my Blog has in any way contributed to the Federal Government's decision to create these television commercial public service announcements, alerting the public of potential Medicare Fraud, then I am absolutely thrilled!! In all the years I have tried to contact Medicare to report the fraud I was subjected to at the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center, I could not find a phone number - and ended up speaking with a fraudulent company in Tampa, Florida that only received the information, who then reported back to the doctors involved - mainly Oliver Dorigo - to change his records.
Now, the 59 million Medicare beneficiaries will have the right number to call - Finally there is a solution!
Call 1-(800)-Medicare (1-800-633-4227) to report fraud.
1. Dr. Fata of Michigan was sentenced to 45 years in federal prison on July 10, 2015 for chemotherapy treatments that were not needed for cancer.
2. Dr. Ingram of Virginia was ordered to pay in a lawsuit $500,000.00 for a diagnosis of Hemorrhoids in June, 2015 that was a lie.
3. UCLA Health is changing now because Dr. David Feinberg left as CEO of UCLA Medical Center at the end of July, 2015... after Dr. Fata had been sentenced.
If my Blog has in any way contributed to the Federal Government's decision to create these television commercial public service announcements, alerting the public of potential Medicare Fraud, then I am absolutely thrilled!! In all the years I have tried to contact Medicare to report the fraud I was subjected to at the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center, I could not find a phone number - and ended up speaking with a fraudulent company in Tampa, Florida that only received the information, who then reported back to the doctors involved - mainly Oliver Dorigo - to change his records.
Now, the 59 million Medicare beneficiaries will have the right number to call - Finally there is a solution!
Call 1-(800)-Medicare (1-800-633-4227) to report fraud.
Monday, July 27, 2015
Fraud and Corruption is what UCLA Health is and US News & World Report isn’t worth the paper it is written on
On July 26, 2015 in a full page ad in the Los Angeles Times,
the following was stated: “Year after
year U inspire us. 26 consecutive years –
Best in the West and now Number 3 in the Nation” by US News & World
Both their business licenses should be revoked! As I have now proven after 7 years of hell on
June 25, 2015 and July 7, 2015 I never had cancer, because I was not
listed as a cancer patient at the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center as required
by law. UCLA violated federal law by
not doing that, but they didn’t because THEY KNEW I NEVER HAD CANCER in
advance. Should they be criminally
charged with assault on my body or attempted murder? Listed here are whey they should have their accreditation
for Medicare and Medical revoked.
They hired foreign nationals (which patients are
unaware of) who perform fraudulent cancer surgeries only for billable Medicare
dollars for UCLA and not personally for the doctors who are salaried, and then
if found out, just pick up their passports and flee the country.
They hired Dr. Elizabeth Wagar who was Director
of Clinical Laboratories (Pathology) who changed the medical records from Carol
Wells to me because she had cancer and not me.
When I told an associate of hers in Pathology she had met with me
privately and was that her job? She fled to Texas.
Dr. Dorigo did back to back surgeries on May 28th
2008 on me first as Janet. H. Winston and second on Carol Wells as Janet
Winston and it was that surgery that was reported to the National Cancer
I was referred to Dr. Dorrigo by none other than
the CEO of UCLA Medical Center, Dr. David Feinberg per my Medicare summary
notice. Who arranged this fraud?
With doctors nowhere around and unable to locate
them – UCLA is safe from malpractice suits being successful.
The Medical Board of California is corrupt with
employees who cover up for UCLA by not investigating complaints.
The Medicare investigation division was corrupt because
it is handled by a private business and not by federal employees and therefore
gave all information to doctors on complaining patients to change their
records accordingly at UCLA.
Four Japanese Mob Bosses were given 4 liver
transplants at a cost of $2,200,000.00 which is in violation of the law to sell
organs and use laundered cash money to pay for it. As a result, men on the list higher up lost
their lives, as reported by 60 Minutes and the LA Times.
AND THIS IS RANKED NUMBER 3 IN THE NATION? All the hospitals in the country and the
people of Los Angeles and elsewhere should boycott UCLA and US News & World
Report, who are in bed together for the benefit of the safety of the public.
NEWS: On July 10, 2015, Dr. Fata was sentenced to
45 years in federal prison which at his age of 50, means a life sentence. UCLA Health should be shaking in their boots,
and is that why now they place this ad as to how great they are?
Tuesday, July 7, 2015
The National Cancer Registry Proves I Never Had Cancer – Thank God!
As I stated in this blog on June 25, 2015, I found out I never
had cancer because I WAS NOT LISTED as a cancer patient by the Ronald Reagan
UCLA Medical Center et al., as required by law.
I would ask every woman who had Dr. Oliver Dorigo as her
surgeon at UCLA for cancer surgery to please check with the National Cancer
Registry. If you have not been contacted
by anyone to see if YOU ARE ON THE LIST, then you, like me, never had cancer. I would like you to join me in holding all
involved responsible and criminally charged.
Please feel free to leave a comment if you would like me to
contact you, or you can also make a complaint once action has been taken. I would ask the FBI to check with Medicare
Fraud if they can conduct an investigation into the California Department of
Justice to see if there was a cover up in order to protect the Ronald Reagan
UCLA Medical Center et al., by not asking the question of the National
Registry, “Was I on the list?” 7 years have
passed and Dr. Dorigo has been allowed to leave the country.
P.S. To explain how the National Cancer Registry got the name and address as Janet Winston and not my legal name as Janet H. Winston - read my 4th Anniversary of Fraud, May 2012 entry where I state in full the woman I called "The Vulture" is Carole Wells, who does have cancer and used that name as a cover for herself and paid cash/donation to UCLA and didn't have to prove who she was as I did with my medical ID card and driver's license.
P.S. To explain how the National Cancer Registry got the name and address as Janet Winston and not my legal name as Janet H. Winston - read my 4th Anniversary of Fraud, May 2012 entry where I state in full the woman I called "The Vulture" is Carole Wells, who does have cancer and used that name as a cover for herself and paid cash/donation to UCLA and didn't have to prove who she was as I did with my medical ID card and driver's license.
Thursday, June 25, 2015
Doctors Will Lie About Anything
In 2013, Dr. Tiffany Ingram, an anesthesiologist in Virginia,
was caught on a patient’s phone recorder, which the man had set for pre-op
instructions as he underwent a colonoscopy.
Dr. Ingram had made several inappropriate comments about the patient during
the procedure, even making jokes about him and laughing. She was ordered to pay the anonymous patient
$500,000 in a malpractice suit - primarily because she was recorded saying that
she would make a diagnosis of hemorrhoids found, even though there wouldn’t be
She lied about hemorrhoids.
How many years in prison should Dr. Dorigo, (et al.) get for lying about
I just received in the mail from the Loyola Marymount
Department of Health and Human Services, a survey questionnaire for me to fill
out as a cancer patient. Those who receive
these surveys are listed on the National Registry as patients who have been diagnosed
with cancer, as required by law.
However, the survey was addressed to Janet Winston, and not to me as my
legal name (as defined by my driver's license, voter's registration and Medicare ID card). It is intended for the other
woman that this applies to, who had the cancer surgery at UCLA, and did have
cancer. I did not, and this is the absolute evidence that proves it.
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
In the 7 years since I underwent unlawful cancer surgery on May 28, 2008, a great deal has happened.
The most significant is that Dr. Fata in Michigan was arrested for administering chemotherapy to patients who didn't need it. He was originally scheduled to be sentenced on May 18, however that date has been postponed to July 6th (for up to a 14 day hearing) before Judge Paul D. Borman in federal court. It is expected that Fata will be sentenced to life in prison for what he has done.. and that is just for chemotherapy. What would the sentence be in California for fraudulent surgeries, CT Scans and chemotherapy? Dr. Oliver Dorigo fled to Germany and may be in Russia or France with one or more of the people who assisted him in my surgery.
Unlike Michigan, the California Department of Justice was notified in February 2011 of my elder abuse and Medical Fraud. Medicare Fraud was notified by me in July 2013 after I realized they had not been notified already in 2011. Was that done on purpose to protect UCLA from federal prosecution? But Dr. Dorigo fled in December 2012 - almost 2 years after the fact.
Edward Snowden fled to Hong Kong and then to Russia for protection from extradition back to the US before law enforcement was aware of what he had stolen, and would later expose to the world. Roman Polanski who fled the US for a 1977 crime he committed had an extradition hearing in Poland where he now lives. He was not present at the hearing but 38 years have passed and the US authorities are still after him.
What would passport control records show for the people I have named, who left for Europe? What has the FBI uncovered? In Michigan, the FBI was very involved. Since there is an on-going investigation, and I am a witness to the facts, I have not been informed or made aware of what they have uncovered in my case.
Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center is the proper name to use instead of just UCLA Medical Center. The University of California Regents should be fined and all the people I have named in my blog as being responsible should be criminally charged in absentia if necessary.
I also want to welcome Ireland, Switzerland and Lebanon to the 35 countries around the world who have already viewed my blog
The most significant is that Dr. Fata in Michigan was arrested for administering chemotherapy to patients who didn't need it. He was originally scheduled to be sentenced on May 18, however that date has been postponed to July 6th (for up to a 14 day hearing) before Judge Paul D. Borman in federal court. It is expected that Fata will be sentenced to life in prison for what he has done.. and that is just for chemotherapy. What would the sentence be in California for fraudulent surgeries, CT Scans and chemotherapy? Dr. Oliver Dorigo fled to Germany and may be in Russia or France with one or more of the people who assisted him in my surgery.
Unlike Michigan, the California Department of Justice was notified in February 2011 of my elder abuse and Medical Fraud. Medicare Fraud was notified by me in July 2013 after I realized they had not been notified already in 2011. Was that done on purpose to protect UCLA from federal prosecution? But Dr. Dorigo fled in December 2012 - almost 2 years after the fact.
Edward Snowden fled to Hong Kong and then to Russia for protection from extradition back to the US before law enforcement was aware of what he had stolen, and would later expose to the world. Roman Polanski who fled the US for a 1977 crime he committed had an extradition hearing in Poland where he now lives. He was not present at the hearing but 38 years have passed and the US authorities are still after him.
What would passport control records show for the people I have named, who left for Europe? What has the FBI uncovered? In Michigan, the FBI was very involved. Since there is an on-going investigation, and I am a witness to the facts, I have not been informed or made aware of what they have uncovered in my case.
Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center is the proper name to use instead of just UCLA Medical Center. The University of California Regents should be fined and all the people I have named in my blog as being responsible should be criminally charged in absentia if necessary.
I also want to welcome Ireland, Switzerland and Lebanon to the 35 countries around the world who have already viewed my blog
Thursday, May 21, 2015
Carole Wells is using my name as Janet Winston
I want a stop to this fraud and identity theft, and the best way is to release this information through my blog in cyber space.
I met Carole Wells at Hollywood High School in September, 1957 through June, 1959 until I left for my senior year at Hollywood Professional.
In 1987 Carole Wells verbally threatened me after I refused to represent her as a divorce consultant with my company Survive A Divorce (SAD). She said "you can't say I didn't warn you." What I could never expect was the vast length of her criminal connections to try and destroy me. She can't use her real name as a woman on the run so she uses mine as Janet Winston all across the country and Canada, where my father was born and lived until his death. She says she is Phil Watson's daughter who was a former ice hockey star with the NY Rangers and later their coach. She paid off my step mother to have them as a cover for her as a family.
I want all professional businesses to know this for their protection as my latest doctors have just found out. It must stop and I am doing that now, after 28 years of hell.
I met Carole Wells at Hollywood High School in September, 1957 through June, 1959 until I left for my senior year at Hollywood Professional.
In 1987 Carole Wells verbally threatened me after I refused to represent her as a divorce consultant with my company Survive A Divorce (SAD). She said "you can't say I didn't warn you." What I could never expect was the vast length of her criminal connections to try and destroy me. She can't use her real name as a woman on the run so she uses mine as Janet Winston all across the country and Canada, where my father was born and lived until his death. She says she is Phil Watson's daughter who was a former ice hockey star with the NY Rangers and later their coach. She paid off my step mother to have them as a cover for her as a family.
I want all professional businesses to know this for their protection as my latest doctors have just found out. It must stop and I am doing that now, after 28 years of hell.
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Last week, Angelina Jolie had her ovaries and Fallopian
tubes removed IMMEDIATELY after the CA-125 Blood Test was performed on her,
which showed that cancer cells were present in her body.
She had them removed, as mine were, by a very small
incision in her lower body (outside of the body), so the procedure was very
quick and was non-evasive, by opening up her stomach. Looking through a
magnifying lens which is attached to the head, the doctor uses a very small
device to remove the ovaries and Fallopian tubes, by pulling them out through the
stomach. The scar that remains is less
than the size of a pencil’s eraser head.
The CA-125 Test proves that I never had cancer as I have said throughout this blog. Unfortunately, Angelia Jolie cannot say the same, and my heart goes out to her and her family.
The CA-125 Test proves that I never had cancer as I have said throughout this blog. Unfortunately, Angelia Jolie cannot say the same, and my heart goes out to her and her family.
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
CT SCANS' Gold for UCLA Medical Center and Future Cancer For Patients
CBS This Morning reported on January 27, 2015 the danger of CT scans excessive radiation can cause cancer in the future for patients and I am one of them! I did not have cancer when major cancer surgery was performed on me in May, 2008 but sometime in the future I could have cancer as a result of the 3 CT Scans I had from April to June in 2008 (2 of which were performed on the same day) billing Medicare at $6,400 per session.
In 1980 there were 3 million CT scans in the United States and today there are 80 million. It is a proven fact that 29,000 patients could have cancer in the future as a result of these scans. I remember when I waited for my first CT scan in April, 2008, I was speaking with a "little old lady from Pasadena." She was a white woman who said she had colon cancer, but felt fine... Then she told me she now had breast cancer and needed a CT scan every 3 months and was to only take pills for her chemotherapy treatment. It makes me sick to my stomach to think that that woman probably never had colon cancer, nor did she have breast cancer when I saw her in 2008, but just for the money UCLA Medical Center could bill Medicare for.
Patients who are told they need a CT Scan should as WHY? And isn't there another test they can perform without the danger of radiation being put into their bodies, such as an MRI? I think Medicare should consider very seriously revoking UCLA Medical Center's Accreditation for Medicare and Medicaid. If I get cancer in the future as a result of these CT scans, then all the people involved in April and June of 2008 should be charged with attempted murder, or whatever the legal term is in this type of medical situation.
In 1980 there were 3 million CT scans in the United States and today there are 80 million. It is a proven fact that 29,000 patients could have cancer in the future as a result of these scans. I remember when I waited for my first CT scan in April, 2008, I was speaking with a "little old lady from Pasadena." She was a white woman who said she had colon cancer, but felt fine... Then she told me she now had breast cancer and needed a CT scan every 3 months and was to only take pills for her chemotherapy treatment. It makes me sick to my stomach to think that that woman probably never had colon cancer, nor did she have breast cancer when I saw her in 2008, but just for the money UCLA Medical Center could bill Medicare for.
Patients who are told they need a CT Scan should as WHY? And isn't there another test they can perform without the danger of radiation being put into their bodies, such as an MRI? I think Medicare should consider very seriously revoking UCLA Medical Center's Accreditation for Medicare and Medicaid. If I get cancer in the future as a result of these CT scans, then all the people involved in April and June of 2008 should be charged with attempted murder, or whatever the legal term is in this type of medical situation.
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