Wednesday, January 28, 2015

CT SCANS' Gold for UCLA Medical Center and Future Cancer For Patients

CBS This Morning reported on January 27, 2015 the danger of CT scans excessive radiation can cause cancer in the future for patients and I am one of them!  I did not have cancer when major cancer surgery was performed on me in May, 2008 but sometime in the future I could have cancer as a result of the 3 CT Scans I had from April to June in 2008 (2 of which were performed on the same day) billing Medicare at $6,400 per session.

In 1980 there were 3 million CT scans in the United States and today there are 80 million.  It is a proven fact that 29,000 patients could have cancer in the future as a result of these scans.  I remember when I waited for my first CT scan in April, 2008, I was speaking with a "little old lady from Pasadena."  She was a white woman who said she had colon cancer, but felt fine... Then she told me she now had breast cancer and needed a CT scan every 3 months and was to only take pills for her chemotherapy treatment.  It makes me sick to my stomach to think that that woman probably never had colon cancer, nor did she have breast cancer when I saw her in 2008, but just for the money UCLA Medical Center could bill Medicare for.

Patients who are told they need a CT Scan should as WHY?  And isn't there another test they can perform without the danger of radiation being put into their bodies, such as an MRI?  I think Medicare should consider very seriously revoking UCLA Medical Center's Accreditation for Medicare and Medicaid.  If I get cancer in the future as a result of these CT scans, then all the people involved in April and June of 2008 should be charged with attempted murder, or whatever the legal term is in this type of medical situation.

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