Thursday, May 21, 2015

Carole Wells is using my name as Janet Winston

I want a stop to this fraud and identity theft, and the best way is to release this information through my blog in cyber space.

I met Carole Wells at Hollywood High School in September, 1957 through June, 1959 until I left for my senior year at Hollywood Professional.

In 1987 Carole Wells verbally threatened me after I refused to represent her as a divorce consultant with my company Survive A Divorce (SAD).  She said "you can't say I didn't warn you."   What I could never expect was the vast length of her criminal connections to try and destroy me.  She can't use her real name as a woman on the run so she uses mine as Janet Winston all across the country and Canada, where my father was born and lived until his death.  She says she is Phil Watson's daughter who was a former ice hockey star with the NY Rangers and later their coach.  She paid off my step mother to have them as a cover for her as a family.

I want all professional businesses to know this for their protection as my latest doctors have just found out.  It must stop and I am doing that now, after 28 years of hell.


  1. UCLA medical is corrupt without a doubt starting with ENT Dr Akira Ishiyama. He will tell you anything to perform incompacitating or unnecessary surgeries possibly to cover evidence from a pending medical malpractice lawsuit or research and money as he has done to me. He has no sympathy or mercy for patients and will hurt patients if it benefits himself. He has lied to me in order for me to accept a devastating surgery. If facts are presented, this man should be in prison

    1. The first thing you have to do is hire a medical malpractice attorney. They can tell you whether criminal charges would hold up with the District Attorney in Los Angeles.

      In the meantime, you are in your right to demand a complete copy of your medical file at UCLA, including your doctor. They cannot deny you this. Fax UCLA or send a certified letter to UCLA Medical Files Office at UCLA Medical Center stating: "I authorize UCLA Medical Center to release to me my complete medical file from Dr. Akira Ishiyama ENT., and all lab work and results from any & all tests that were performed during my hospital stay (include exact dates). Send to: Ray Nodd (include your address and patient ID number).

      Also include your phone number so they can contact you when the file is ready for you to pick up in person.

      When you get your file, look through it to see if what he told you is what he wrote in the file, and that all of the tests (blood, MRI, etc) match the time of your visits! His "will hurt patients if it benefits him" would be an assault on your body and that is considered a felony. You need FACTS to back up criminal charges and your file will tell you that. Start a blog as I did 7 years ago, and document everything he said and did. A blog can be used as evidence in a court of law.

      Good luck, and don't give up!
