Tuesday, July 7, 2015

The National Cancer Registry Proves I Never Had Cancer – Thank God!

As I stated in this blog on June 25, 2015, I found out I never had cancer because I WAS NOT LISTED as a cancer patient by the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center et al., as required by law.

I would ask every woman who had Dr. Oliver Dorigo as her surgeon at UCLA for cancer surgery to please check with the National Cancer Registry.  If you have not been contacted by anyone to see if YOU ARE ON THE LIST, then you, like me, never had cancer.  I would like you to join me in holding all involved responsible and criminally charged.

Please feel free to leave a comment if you would like me to contact you, or you can also make a complaint once action has been taken.  I would ask the FBI to check with Medicare Fraud if they can conduct an investigation into the California Department of Justice to see if there was a cover up in order to protect the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center et al., by not asking the question of the National Registry, “Was I on the list?”  7 years have passed and Dr. Dorigo has been allowed to leave the country. 

P.S. To explain how the National Cancer Registry got the name and address as Janet Winston and not my legal name as Janet H. Winston - read my 4th Anniversary of Fraud, May 2012 entry where I state in full the woman I called "The Vulture" is Carole Wells, who does have cancer and used that name as a cover for herself and paid cash/donation to UCLA and didn't have to prove who she was as I did with my medical ID card and driver's license.

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