Saturday, August 3, 2024

As a Whistleblower and Victim, I Stand by My Blog 9th Anniversary of Fraud

I wrote my Blog 9th Anniversary of Fraud on May 22, 2017, and nothing has changed since I wrote it.  All the facts are the same and the injustice I have experienced now for 16 years  

I went to the FBI as a Whistleblower against UCLA Medical Center and all the medical professionals involved with the fraudulent radical hysterectomy I received on May 28, 2008, for cancer and I never had cancer, and they all knew it.

What does one have to do to get justice?  I will be 82 in December and my health is not good.  I am now legally blind due to cataract surgery and can not drive. Reading is very difficult, and it is difficult for me to type this blog. 

As I said in the title of this Blog, I stand by my Blog of May 22, 2017.  Is Carole Wells Doheny, Dr. Oliver Dorigo and Dr. Elizabeth Wagar out of the country?   Why can't UCLA Medical Center and the CEO at the time Dr. David Feinberg be indicted by a Grand Jury.  Everyone jokes "You can indict a ham sandwich" not if you take UCLA on.

I ask the FBI to give me justice.  I will help in any way I can.

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