Today, the Supreme Court ruled after 67 days on Donald J. Trumps claimed for absolute immunity as President of the United State It is broken down in 3 buckets.
There is Personal Conduct and Official Conduct.
1. A President can assassinate someone and not be held criminally. The example was made in the Appellate Court: "Could a president order Seal Six to kill the president's opponent and not be held liable in a Court of Law?" Based on this ruling today, the answer is YES. That is an Official Act.
2. Personal Conduct would be President Trump signing checks in the Oval Office.
3. A President ordering any military action as Commander in Chief has absolute immunity as an Official Act
4. A President can give an Ambassadorship based on a bribe for money an Official Act and not be held criminally.
5. A President can't be held criminally to pressure the Justice Department to do whatever he wants that is an Official Act and is immunity.
6. Can't look for MOTIVE when considering what is an Official Act.
7. This Court did not take into consideration "No One is Above the Law" except this Imperial Court. They think Donald J. Trump is a King.
8. When the Constitution was written, our Founders could never imagine what just happened today. There has to be someway Congress can do something to add additional Justices and Term imitates to the Justices of the Supreme Court.
This Supreme Court is an outrage as President Biden indicated as a rogue court.
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