Thursday, July 11, 2024

Project 2025 is a Blueprint to Destroy Our Country Under a President Trump

The Heritage Foundation has written a 900-page blueprint to totally destroy this country as we have known it for 248 years under a second term for Donald Trump.  That cannot happen.

President Biden did a good job tonight to show the American people how he would handle any national security problem.  He showed how he is the World Leader for a free democracy for any country in  NATO.   He is our president and the person the free world looks to for guidance and help especially Ukraine now. We cannot let this be destroyed by a former president and his 200 aids who have compiled this 900-page document to eliminate the Rule of Law   

This Project 2025 will eliminate the Department of Justice, FBI, CIA and put it all under control of the Presidency headed by Donald J. Trump starting on January 21, 2025.  As he said "A dictator for a day".  He wants to be a King.  A King doesn't have a four-year reign but a lifetime until he dies.

 While President Biden was giving a strong 50-minute press conference with no notes, Trump was making his plans with the help of our enemies to take over allegedly the United States as "lawless".  All the fines he owes over a half billion dollars will be wiped out under this immunity the "Imperial" Supreme Court has given him.  All lawsuits Jack Smith filed will be dismissed including the Stolen documents in Florida under the federal judge who has delayed the start of that trial for months.  

I ask the American people to register to vote especially Democrats, Independents and Moderate Republicans We cannot let these criminals to take over our country and destroy our Constitution that we have had for 248 years.

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