Monday, October 3, 2022

Is The Largest Crime Syndicate the Medical Profession?

Where else can you get any drug at will? And at UCLA Medical Center 4 Japanese MOB Bosses got 4 liver transplants for 2.2 million dollars in CASH according to 60 Minutes and the Los Angeles Times, and a liver transplant is worth more than gold and it's against the law to SELL Organs.

UCLA Medical Center is a public university and not subject to outside pressure such as a stockholder or board of directors.  The University of California Regents run the 10-campus system of which UCLA is one of them. The fact it took 35 years to bring to justice the gynecologist who sexually abused 5500 women and settled the class action case for over 700 million dollars and the doctor was sent to prison for years.

But my case for Elder Abuse for performing a radical hysterectomy on me at age 65 for cancer and I never had cancer remains open.  The cover up of this situation is massive.  Westside doctors depend on UCLA Medical Center for work, and will do whatever it takes to protect their "Do No Harm to MY Wallet".

I am very grateful to the FBI for everything they are doing on this case.  The California Department of Justice who got the case in February, 2011 was and is a joke.  They did nothing.  As I ask, "Is the Largest Crime Syndicate the Medical Profession?"

I ask the media to look into this matter and I will give my support 100% to assist in exposing this situation.  How many other women were subjected to fraudulent cancer surgeries just for money.?  As one of my sons doctor told him after he had a heart attack, because of the constant stress from his job at UCLA in the Economic Department, "UCLA is only interested in money and profits," So my son and I were both victims of UCLA management:  Me for the medical center and he for the University as an employee.

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