Wednesday, February 23, 2011

What Is The Truth Between Suzanne Somers and Cancer?

On February 20th, DATELINE on NBC did an interview with Ms. Somers and Dr. Nancy Snyderman. I was shocked to hear SHE NEVER HAD CANCER. She said in 2001 she had a CT Scan and the doctor (unnamed) at the hospital, (city and state also unnamed) told her "he had never seen so much cancer.." She had "a large mass on her lung, liver, and so many tumors". She said she had "surgery and radiation, but would not have chemotherapy" but later stated, "she was misdiagnosed." A biopsiy showed she had "an infection called Valley Fever." In other words, she never underwent surgery for breast cancer as she lead everyone to believe she had for so many years. The only "surgery" she must have had (from her own lips) was "a biopsy."

Ms. Somers is 64 years old and her recent success is from selling her own books, the main one is called "Knockout" and there were 365,000 copies sold... that is a lot of money! What she is selling is Alternative Cancer Treatments... buy why? She never had cancer so why would she continue on vitamins, supplements and hormone creams daily, to treat something she never had? The Spokeswoman from Sloan-Kettering Cancer Hospital in New York stated that none of Ms. Somers' advice is backed by facts in any shape or form. She endorsed two doctors in her book (Knockout) who are described as "quaks" and she is described on the internet as a "Snakeoil Saleswoman" - what an absolute shock!

She endorsed a man named Dr. Burzenski, who demands between $15,000 -20,000 up front from any and all patients who enter his hospital - insurance will not pay for it! NBC used an example of a 9 year-old girl who died from a brain tumor under Dr. Burzenski's care and treatment. This doctor has a foreign accent like Dr. Dorigo in my case. She also endorsed a Dr. Niclolas Gonzales, and Columbia University stated that his theories and treatment for pancreatic cancer are wrong. Pancreatic Cancer is considered the most dangerous because people typically die within 1 year of diagnosis. Steve Jobs of Apple has this and according to recent tabloid reports, he has about 6 weeks left to live. Dr. Gonzales charges $12,000 per year, which is also not covered by insurance. His patients are typically at stage 3 or 4 when they come to see him, and he recommends they have 4 organic coffee enemas per day (like Steve McQueen did before he died), send hair samples to some woman (who appears to also be a quak with no medical training or scientific background) for results, and take 200 pills per day.

After watching this telecast, I have no respect for Ms. Somers, and it appears to me that her only motivation is money - by selling her books, and who knows why she endorsed these two doctors?

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