Saturday, September 10, 2022

Was Dr. Oliver Dorigo in Russia on April 19, 2013?

According to my Blog, I found out Dr. Oliver Dorigo had fled to Germany from UCLA Medical Center on April 19, 2013.  At the same time my Blog showed activity from Russia as well and I just noted it as information not realizing it could be a point of importance. 

Could Dr. Oliver Dorigo be hiding out in Russia like Edward Snowden?  Could he have set up a bank account in April of 2013 for his escape with or without Carole Wells Doheny?

Also I think the FBI should know Carole Wells Doheny would hire a law firm I worked at in order to know exactly where I was at all times during a week for her to go to my apartment and pay the manager or property manager to open my door with her $100.00 bill and stand outside while she went in and went through my drawers.  Her main item was my ADDRESS BOOK so she could contact anyone outside of Los Angeles or the United States or in Sweden and Canada.

How did I know this which took years to figure out?  Because my Uncle Elmer Anderson (now dead) came to the United States from Sweden to have my mother sign a bill of sale for property in Sweden while she was in a wheelchair and BLIND.  I found this out when the Social Security Disability contacted her while she lived with me stating they were discontinuing her payment because she had assets in Sweden. In other words, Carole Wells Doheny contacted my relatives in Osby, Sweden and bought Elmer off to launder money for her in property in Sweden using my mother's name Helen J, Watson and social security number to buy it.

It is beyond belief the lengths Carole Wells Doheny has gone to use me and my family. 

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