Wednesday, December 23, 2020

40 Women File Class Action Lawsuit For Medical Abuse PS 12/25/20

 On December 22, 2020, 40 women who are held in a detention center in Georgia filed a class action lawsuit after a Whistleblower reported "excessive hysterectomies" by a doctor.  They get their legal justice very quickly after reported.  I am still waiting for mine since February 4, 2011 and I am now 78 years old.  That is not fair.

I never thought in a million years, that as a white, Christian, elderly woman I would be treated as a "minority".  Black Lives Movement got their justice after years of denying their 14th amendment rights under "Equal Protection Under the law".  I, as just one woman, fighting my own battle as not only a Whistleblower against UCLA Medical Center, but the victim of "Elder Abuse" as the investigators with the Health and Human Services found and referred my case to Kamala Harris and the California Department of Justice,  find now over 9 years later I don't matter. 

I went to the FBI in 2015 as a Whistleblower and reported what happened and gave them the letter that referred my case for Elder Abuse to see if they could find Dr. Oliver Dorigo who fled the country to prosecute.  I am hoping my blog, that I asked all medical professionals in the operating room on May 28, 2008,  have or will come forward and tell them exactly what Dr. Dorigo did with the help of Dr. Elizabeth Wagar in pathology, and exactly what role Carole Wells Doheny played as the second woman in the operating room using my name and Medicare number, but paid everyone off with $100.00 bills.  I think it is very possible the people in the operating room did not comprehend what fraud was going on, but they are not responsible, Dorigo, Wagar and Doheny are.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     I trust the federal government to give me the justice the State of California did not.  Kamala Harris enjoys the new position as Vice President of the United States under President Joe Biden on January 20, 2021, and was the best friend UCLA Medical Center ever had.  When will I get my justice and reward for exposing UCLA Medical Center?  

PS This lawsuit was filed in Federal District Court.  In other words, this lawsuit was filed by the federal government not a civil action in State Court.  That is exactly what my case should be, both involve Medicare fraud and criminal intent.  Dated 12/25/20

Monday, December 7, 2020

Damages in Whistleblower Retaliation Case

I found out today that there is the California Whistleblower Protection Act that I never knew existed and applies to me against UCLA Medical Center.  In a Whistleblower Retaliation case settled in 2014 for 10 million dollars by Dr. Robert Pedowitz against The Regents of the University of California, he was chairman of the Orthopedic Surgery Department and was terminated after he raised concerns about colleagues who had financial ties to medical devices makers and other companies that could unduly influence their care of patients or taint important medical research. 

The name of the lawsuit is Pedowitz, M.D. vs. The Regents of the University of California  This was a civil case heard in a California Superior court and not a federal court as mine would be under Medicare fraud, but I am a Whistleblower in addition to the actual victim of ELDER ABUSE at UCLA Medical Center, but RETAILIATION would be protected under either a federal Whistleblower Act or California Protection Act.  I am not a lawyer, so all of this is in the hands of the federal government, Medicare and the FBI.  

My case now comes to the forefront, because of the Hysterectomies performed in Georgia on immigrants and just exposed in September of this year for Medicare payments only.  My case is exactly the same, Dr. Oliver Dorigo performed a radical hysterectomy on me just for Medicare payment at UCLA Medical Center on May 28, 2008 and then fled the country in 2012 when I found out what had happened and that I never had cancer as happened to these immigrants.  Both are federal cases.  It also shows UCLA Medical Center as anything but lily white!  Greed is greed.