I ask the FBI Medicare Fraud Department to investigate two different Medicare HMO's as to whether they have committed a crime of aiding in assigning a name that is not on my Medicare card for the benefit of Carole Wells Doheny? I have applied to two different companies, and in both cases even though the agents have taken down my legal name for Medicare, Janet H. Winston, nevertheless the company have come back in their correspondence to Janet Winston and would not change it when I informed them this was not how my account is named. I will now only have original Medicare coverage and will have to assume the added cost in order to protect myself and have peace of mind, because I don't trust any HMO.
They knowingly are engaging in fraud. I will not publicly name them here, but will privately notify FBI Medicare in writing with this blog. Can their accreditation for Medicare be revoked? This only benefits Carole Wells Doheny in her continuation of using my name as Janet Winston for all her medical needs since she can not get insurance in her own name as a criminal, and doesn't want any legal authority to know her whereabouts.
My computer has been hacked. My name can not be found from the Secretary of the State of California to vote, even with my drivers license, birth date, last four numbers of my social security as my legal name as Janet Helen Winston. Only when I contacted the Los Angeles County did I get confirmation my ballot had been received. Who benefits from all this? Only Carole Wells Doheny Karabian who has done this since 1987.
This woman has been a nightmare for me. If the FBI needs me to come into their office to give the names of her children or any other information that could lead to her arrest - just let me know. This woman has to be arrested for all the damage she has done not only to me, but all the medical professionals who aided her in Medicare fraud It will not stop until she is stopped. This started in May, 2008 with UCLA Medical Center.
P.S. Today October 27, 2020, I found out from Medicare, AARP Medicare Advantage Secure Horizons Focus HMO never contacted Medicare on 10/24/20 with my application with them. Instead they got all my Medicare information for allegedly Carole Wells Doheny even though they sent me a confirmation in the name of Janet Winston and would not change the application to my legal name with Medicare Janet H. Winston even though I told them on 10/26/20 it was wrong and I wanted it changed. They never did, so I signed up with Medicare today for coverage as of 1/1/2021. I just found out the confirmation has been deleted from my email account - hacked. The confirmation number was OECETQ 156322622920United Health Care at 3315 Central Ave., Hot Springs, AK 71913 and the agent was John White. He crossed state lines.