Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The Medical Board of California stated Dr. Chen has to include any third party my denial of being DELUSIONAL and it be CORRECTED

I made a complaint with the Medical Board of California regarding Dr. Megan Eng-Ling Chen report in the medical internet system of St. John's Medical Center that I am DELUSIONAL because I did not believe I had cancer at UCLA Medical Center on May 28, 2008.  The investigators who interviewed me found grounds that I was a victim of Elder Abuse and referred my case to the California Department of Justice to investigate and they did not, but did not close the case as having no merit.  It is really disgusting how the State of California does not give a damn about its citizens over protecting a state owned and operated UCLA Medical Center.  I trust the federal government and I ask is there any way they can create an office to oversee medical investigations into medical professionals in the State of California instead of the State of California?

What Dr. Chen did to me by libel into her medical report and input into the statewide computer system that I am  "delusional", was for one reason only,  to discredit what I have experienced and documented as a "Whistleblower" for the federal government and medicare fraud.  I am trying to expose the entire medical profession who perform medical procedures just for money through medicare fraud.  Dr. Chen as a "Family Practice Physician" with only 8 years of experience with St. Johns Medical Center and not UCLA Medical Center as I thought (that is another  Dr. Megan E. Chen),  could do a "favor" for the medical professionals in California and get new patient referrals from grateful doctors - especially all who have physical harmed me in violation of their oath "To Do No Harm".

I ask the people of California to protect themselves when they are subjected to any surgery...have someone with you at all times.  Question your doctor, what are your options outside of surgery and what evidence do they have that the surgery is necessary and your only option?.  We have to take control of our lives and not trust a doctor who may only be doing it for financial GAIN FOR THEMSELVES AND THE HOSPITAL THEY WORK OUT.

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