Friday, December 21, 2018

Dr. Megan E. Chen Libeled Me

In my opinion and experience, Dr. Megan E. Chen should not be allowed to practice medicine in the State of California based on what she did to me as her patient.  She committed medicare fraud by using my number for another patient of hers to get cardiology treatment at the St. Johns Health Center at my expense.  She further used fraudulent cancer medical reports from UCLA Medical Center that were not mine and I so informed Medicare and the FBI years before, to say through her medical report posted to the St. Johns computer internet that I’m delusional and had cancer which is available to every medical professional at St. Johns and very possibly every hospital under the Providence ownership which involves thousands of people and liable to me.

This woman is not qualified as a human being to treat people in medical need.

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Looking Forward to 2019 and JUSTICE

After more than 10 years of fraud by UCLA Medical Center and fraud by the University of Foot & Ankle Institute and being used by Saint John’s Medical Center for my medical number, I believe in 2019 I will have the beginning of legal justice.  I am hoping there will be a grand jury indictment of all those involved with Medicare fraud and the case of UCLA Medical Center the fact of torture will be a new element in the medical profession and not a cover up under medical malpractice.

The person who is at the heart of these three crimes is Carole Wells Doheny.  It is so hard to believe that medical professionals would sell out their ethics for cash and that is what all involved did I believe.  Many professionals involved with UCLA Medical Center are on the run all over the world.  Who would think the Director of Clinical Pathology would risk her career as a woman in her 50’s and a good salary to accommodate the most evil woman to walk the earth…. Carole Wells Doheny?  Unfortunately there is no way to alert the entire medical profession of “Doheny” before she gets to them and flashes $100 bills in front of them or the knowledge that is what would be at the end?  I pity all the people taken in by her and their careers are ruined and in some cases federal prison sentence in their future. 

But the worst is what she did to my 17 year old son when she was 49.  The only thing I will say is that she broke the law and did it with malice towards me.  There was nothing I could do after the fact.  If the law will not hold her accountable perhaps God will.  All I know is that I will not be stopped or silenced.  I will do everything in my power to expose these people and hold them accountable in a court of law with at the least criminal complaints filed in federal court. 

I want to wish all my viewers around the world a very Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Happy New Years.  We will continue in 2019.