Monday, May 9, 2011


After Mother's Day on May 8th, the question is asked and answered now..

According to the World News with Diane Sawyer on ABC, the total cost per year for just the basics: cooking, cleaning, driving, homework, not including "extras" like Mar Mitzvahs/Weddings, lessons for piano, ice skating and tennis, amounts to $61,436.00. That means if I had died at UCLA from the unlawful surgery for cancer and all the professionals involved, my son, Tony could have sued them for $1,220,00.00 as my "value" and not based on the $65,000.00 UCLA billed Medicare and Medi/Cal for my medical expenses.

This was aired on ABC on May 6, 2011 and on CBS as well. I could have easily died during surgery which was not necessary, and not I know what my value would have been, although it would have not benefitted me, but my son. It really is shocking what UCLA and the professionals involved with my care did. How many other women would be subjected to what I went through, but yet did not have the nerve or the knowledge to question what was performed on them? Medicare and Medi/Cal have been in trouble for years and it is only getting worse. Perhaps with my experience, I can expose these people and what has been going on for years to save Medicare and Medi/Cal.

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