Sunday, October 13, 2024


 Is Dr, David Feinberg still in the United States or has he fled to Asia to avoid prosecution as the former CEO of UCLA Medical Center?  Who else has fled to avoid prosecution for Elder Abuse and Medicare Fraud?

Why was Dr .Oliver Dorigo brought to UCLA Medical Center in 2008 from Germany as a foreign national?  He was not on staff as I thought, so why did Dr. David Feinberg and his assistant select this man to perform a radical hysterectomy on me on May 28, 2008, for cancer when I never had cancer, and they knew it?

The ONLY test they did was the CA 125 test one week before surgery that proved I never had cancer and never did a Pap Smear or any other test.?   There was no proof I had cancer including the pathology after surgery that proved there was no malignant cells in my tissue, there never was cancer.

At  no time did Dr. Oliver Dorigo see me after surgery other than 30 minutes before I was released.  He was with Carole Wells Doheny in the new billion-dollar hospital building over the May 28th holiday as Janet Winston and me as Janet H. Winston was in the old building all by myself except my son Tony who was at my side.

Was Dr. Dorigo brought to the United States to assault my body or even worst cause me permanent damage other than major surgery?

Tuesday, October 8, 2024


Last night Bill Whitaker was the man from CBS 60 Minutes to interview Vice President Kamala Harris as agreed upon.  Donald Trump had agreed to the interview as is the custom for the Republican and Democratic candidates to meet in October for the interview except He Chickened out and cancelled the interview just one week before.  Why did he do this, because 60 Minutes FACT CHECK THE INTERVIEW, and he wanted an apology from Lesley Stahl for the 2020 interview she did with him regarding Hunter Bidens laptop.  She said that was not true. 

Donald Trump is running for president as a "Get Out of Jail card".  If he is elected, he doesn't go to jail and all charges he can have thrown out.

Vice President Kamala Harris was very professional and forthright on her issues going forward as the 47th President.  She will increase the child credit to $6000 for a first child.  She will give a $25,000 tax credit for first time home buyers.  She will give a $50,000 tax credit for new small businesses.  Mr. Whitaker said that will amount to 3 trillion dollars over 10 years and how is she going to pay for it?

She said she plans to make sure the billionaires will pay their fair share in taxes.  She will make sure the multi-billion companies who do international business will pay their taxes.  She said middle class families like firefighters, teachers, nurses pay more in taxes than these people do and that has to stop.  The middle class is the backbone of this country

She was asked "Why the Biden Administration didn't act earlier than this year with the Immigration problem on the border and the thousands, of illegal immigrates who have entered the country?  She said President Biden was hoping Congress would enact an Immigration Law support by both parties.  They had a new law that was supported by both parties this year that would have put 1500 more border control guards that Trump had his Republicans not put it up for a vote because it would help Biden and not him.

Ukraine's fight to keep power despite Russian attacks and we have to support them for the safety of NATO and the world.  We have to   support Israel with equipment to defend themselves. WE support the people of Israel regardless of who the Prime Minister is

Vice President Kamala Harris lived up to her obligation and showed the American people why she deserves to be President, and the No Show Trump does not.  Everyone please votes on November 5, 2024.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

JD Vance is the First Vice President Nominee Who Doesn't Know Who Won the 2020 Election

Ohio Senator JD Vance and Minnasota Gov Tim Walt met in New York to debate who is best qualified to be President of the United States if either Kamala Harris or Donald Trump is elected on November 5, 2024 but during their term is unable to finish and they have to assume the office.  That is what a Vice President is for.

JD Vance would not answer the question when Norah O'Donnell of CBS asked Mr. Vance "Who won the 2020 election"?  Since Donald Trump at age 78 would be the oldest man elected as president and would not answer the simple question honestly with a "Yes" what else would he do if elected to office?

We know he made up the absolute lie that Haitians in Ohio eat cats and dogs who are legally in this country, just to make the press not focus on the success of Kamala Harris campaign after she took over for President Joe Biden.

We know Donald Trump and the Maga Republicans plan to use Project 2025 as their guideline to destroy the democracy and the Rule of Law as we have known it for over 200 years.  Donald Trump has said "He will be a Dictator for one day".  Not a chance in hell.  He thinks he will be King and rule until he dies.  He is not kidding, and we cannot allow that to happen.

Donald Trump says Climate Change is a joke and will make beach front property from floods.  Donald Trump blocked the Iran Deal that has led to the bombing that took place over Israel.  Donald Trump will ban Abortion nationwide, so no woman can get one in the United States whether her life is at stake or not. 

Gov. Tim Walz said his state Minnasota has the best health care in the United States and re-instated a Roe v. Wade policy so women can get abortions in a normal amount of time to make the decision.  He disagreed with JD Vance regarding January 6th and what the Inserection was all about, and the people sentenced to prison for their part in trying to stop the certification of the 2020 election

This debate showed us that Kamala Harris and Tim Walz have to be elected to the office of President and Vice President on November 5, 2024.  Please everyone registers to vote and then vote.  Our democracy and freedom are at stake.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

UCLA University voted #1 but UCLA Medical Center Not Included

 In June of 2019, UCLA Medical Center was charged with sexual abuse to thousands of women over 35 years and had to pay 700 million dollars to settle the case.  This did not include the University as a public school.  

Today the UCLA University was selected as the Number 1 University, but this does not include the Medical Center, and it shouldn't be.  I want the people of California to know exactly what happened to me 16 years ago with ELDER ABUSE and Medicare Fraud.

I went to UCLA after Cedar-Sinai said I had cancer and needed a hysterectomy.  I didn't believe them, so I contacted the office of Dr. David Feinberg, the CEO of the Medical Center to take over my case.  AT NO TIME DID I MAKE AN APPOINTMENT WITH DR. OLIVER DORIGO, Dr. Feinberg's assistant did.  I felt safe and I have suffered 16 years of injustice as a result.

There has been a massive cover-up to protect UCLA from exposing this fact.  I NEVER HAD CANCER and never needed a radical hysterectomy, but I trusted the CEO of the Medical Center.  I was 65 years old and was ripe with Medicare coverage.

Dr. Oliver Dorigo was a foreign national from Germany and was an independent contractor not on staff which I never knew.  Why would the CEO assign a foreign national to perform a radical hysterectomy on 65 years when the CA 125 test proved one week in advance of surgery, I never had cancer.  And the more important question is WHY the cover up?

I contacted the Department of Health and Human services when I found out I never had cancer in February 2011, and they sent 2 investigators to my home who decided I was a victim of ELDER ABUSE, and it needed to be investigated.

Dr. Dorigo was not investigated or interviewed and when I found out I never had cancer picked up his Passport and fled to his homeland of Germany in December 2012 and has never been seen since.

This is where the case is today.  UCLA Medical Center is a fraud and should be charged as a criminal medical center.

Monday, September 23, 2024

OPEN LETTER to President Joe Biden

 Dear Mr. President,

I debated whether to put this letter in the mail and send it to you at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington DC 20500, but I decided your act of such kindness needed to be acknowledged to the public.

I received your photo with the handwritten "Thank you for being a part of this team.  I want you to know our fight is your fight.  Joe Biden"

I want you to know the first Presidential campaign was John F. Kennedy in 1960 that I worked on and have continued on since as a Democratic.  I have never had any kind of acknowledgement such as you did this month.  You are such a class act, and I believe God sent you to the American people to save us from that disgraceful Donald Trump and to the world as the Western leader for NATO.

I future believe you will go down in history of one of our greatest Presidents like Washington for your unselfish act to turn the torch over to Vice President Kamala Harris to be the nominee for President on November 5, 2024.  Donald Trump and JV Vance cannot be elected to the office on November 5, 2024, and you put your country and democracy above your own dream of a second term.

Thank you, Mr. President, for all you did over your 4 years in office and how you change our lives and future.  I wish you and Mrs. Biden the very best when you leave the White House.  

With the Greatest Respect,

Janet H. Winston