This is the first time since I started this blog in 2009 to comment on not only the progress of the investigation into the fraud by UCLA Medical Center of my radical hysterectomy, but what has happened in the world during the year. I never thought when I wrote the Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor in 1973 congratulating her on Roe v. Wade that 50 years later it could be overturned, but the threat of the Republicans to make it a federal ban on abortions is real. What has happened to this country?
It has been hell for me now 14 years later to realize all the deception and injustice that has happened to my case. Why is UCLA Medical Center treated like "hands off" they can and have committed a crime in my case and as a result how many other women since 2008 have been subjected to "torture" I suffered? On May 28, 2022, it will be 14 years since I was rolled into the operating room at Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center and not realizing until many years later, I never had cancer and that I was subjected to major surgery just so Carole Wells Doheny could have her cancer surgery when I was wheeled out to recovery, and she was rolled in for her surgery.
I believe now organize crime has infiltrated Medicare and as a result, it is impossible to report Medicare fraud and get some action. Fortunately, I contacted Health and Human Services after I could not get through to Medicare and they sent 2 investigators to my home to interview me for medical fraud. I didn't realize the difference at the time, after all I am not a lawyer. But they put in writing I was a victim of ELDER ABUSE to be investigated by the California Department of Justice which was ab absolute joke. To this day, they never investigated and never had any contact with me if not to say "the case was closed". I went to the FBI in 2015 as a Whistleblower and reported what happened to me as a victim and thank God I did. I believe they will hold those accountable involved in my case as I have named them sooner than later.
Women have to be protected from these criminals. To be subjected to chemotherapy merely to cover-up they never had cancer and the pain and humiliation of losing their hair and to be sick as a dog throwing up for financial gain at UCLA Medical Center. UCLA Medical Center should lose their license to practice medicine in in the OBY/GYM for a good amount of time, fined million of dollars for hiring foreign nationals to "save money" and those directly involved sentence to federal prison. That is my hope.