Friday, June 29, 2018

Beware of Providence Saint John’s Medical Center’s Tower Imaging

On June 28, 2018, I had an appointment (which was made one week in advance) for an MRI of the lumbar in my spine, as ordered by my doctor, Valeri Yarema, who is a board certified neurologist at Saint John’s Medical Center.  I imaging center am referring to is located at 2202 Wilshire Boulevard in Santa Monica, CA. They are directly connected to the hospital, and not an independent business without any hospital affiliation. They also happen to be located directly across the street from University Foot & Ankle Institute, who performed the surgery on my broken ankle and tibia bone in my left leg, and ultimately caused the stress fracture in my foot that I walked on for 8 months not knowing that it was broken, resulting in sciatic nerve damage that put me in so much pain for years. 

When I arrived for my appointment, I was handed a notification form saying that there was no guarantee Medicare would find the MRI medically necessary and that the entire claim could be denied, therefore I would be responsible for the entire amount due (which 10 years ago was $550 and today could be upwards of $1,000). I was shocked!  The document they gave me had the statement, “I agree to this MRI” at the top of the page in bold letters, with a box next to it for an estimated cost, which was left blank. The form also stated that Tower Imaging wanted the entire payment up front, upon services rendered, instead of going through the customary billing process first and then collecting whatever balance is due from me (usually several weeks later) after Medicare has paid their portion. Since Dr. Yarema never said anything in advance that the claim could be denied, why did he even order it?  

The receptionist at the imaging center was rather hostile to me when I expressed concern about the strong possibility that Medicare might not cover the cost of the MRI, and therefore, I declined to have it altogether.  At no time in the 10 years I have had Medicare have I ever been presented with a written notification of possible denial of coverage by Medicare, along with a request for payment up front.  Needless to say, I walked out and subsequently left a message with Dr. Yarema that I am no longer his patient.

After the horrible experience I had with UCLA Medical Center (now under criminal Federal investigation for torture and Medicare fraud), and the torture that University Foot and Ankle Institute has caused me (where I have also asked for a federal criminal investigation), I am very careful of any medical treatment that I receive.  

Whistle blowers are supposed to be protected from retaliation, and thus far, there has been no protection, nor has there been protection of my civil rights under the 14th Amendment.  I guess I’ll have to seek any future medical treatment outside the West-side of Los Angeles for my own personal safety. 

Monday, June 25, 2018

Is INJUSTICE exposed because 14th Amendment Not Involved?

Front page of The Los Angeles Times on June 25, 2018: “USC facing costly battle over doctor case.”  But the difference between the two schools (yet the same medical profession of the doctors) is that INSURANCE will cover USC and not UCLA.  UCLA will not be covered because Torture and Medicare Fraud are felonies, in addition to the fact that no government official is involved with USC, as is with UCLA and Kamala Harris.

Will this new exposure of USC delay my exposing UCLA after 10 years?  Which is worse: sexual harassment and pictures of female genitalia or torture from being subjected to 3 hours of major surgery that could have cost me my life, or permanently damaged me from the operation?  None of the woman at USC were in danger of losing their lives as I was, and any person who is subjected to surgery especially for no reason other than for money.  And that does not include the physical pain that comes after having major surgery.

Dr. Oliver Dorigo fled to his homeland of Germany where he is a citizen, and the doctor at USC was there until 2017 and could be arrested here in Los Angeles.  That is why they have BAIL, like Dr. Fata in Michigan had to post $9 Million Dollars so he wouldn’t flee…  Dr. Dorigo just needed my case to be given to Attorney General Kamal Harris for prosecution, and instead, do nothing.  No lawyer would even speak to me when I said it had been referred to the Department of Justice, as they cannot interfere with an on-going investigation, real or not, but the case remains unclosed to this day since 2011.  Kamala Harris was the best friend to UCLA and all involved!

It took exposure in the media to bring legal action against Bill Cosby and Harvey Weinstein (which started the MeToo movement). It took world-wide exposure from Pope Francis to uncover what has been going on for so long with priests in the Catholic Church, and now exposure of USC by the Los Angeles Times.  Medicare beneficiaries probably don’t even realize they have been tortured with fraudulent surgeries at UCLA (just for money), and will not until UCLA is exposed.  The 14th Amendment matters and I should have “equal protection under the law.”  As of today, I do not.

Friday, June 22, 2018

Three Strikes, You’re Out!

The University of California campuses at Los Angeles, Berkeley and Davis have been accused of not handling hundreds of cases involving faculty members accused of sexual harassment, especially faculty with tenure. 

Just how outrageous to things have to become with the running and management of the University of California before something is done?  And people in authority, such as Janet Napolitano, are held accountable?  

I have been waiting for 10 years for my justice, and because nothing was done to stop Dr. Oliver Dorigo from leaving the country in 2012, shouldn’t all be charge in absentia, and UCLA personnel be held criminally liable and the University of California Regents financially charged?