Tuesday, March 28, 2017

PATIENTS and EMPLOYEES are Expendable By The University of California San Francisco and Los Angeles Campuses

On March 19, 2017 CBS’s 60 Minutes did a segment on employees at the UCSF Medical Center who handle the technical part of the business to run the medical center and not medical staff as it involves UCLA.  However, the results are the same and the goal is the same and that’s MONEY for PROFITS.  The 60 Minutes broadcast had approximately 7 employees who had worked at UCSF for years, only to be let go for employees from INDIA, and not because they deserved to be fired for “cause”.  In order to receive their severance packages, they HAD TO TRAIN the new employees that did not know they were replacing the people who were training them because THEY WERE PAID half of what the AMERICANS were getting paid and the only reason they were let go.  One employee on the program stated he was “pissed” to be let go and then have to train his replacement, and I would be too.

Can’t the Federal government get involved, because where does the $5.8 Billion dollars come from…. The State of California tax payers or from Medicare and Medi-Cal?  My case against UCLA Health System is basically the same in that, foreign nationals are hired to perform major cancer surgery on me for my Medicare and Medi-Cal coverage and for no other reason than profits.  Where the heck does the University of California get off doing this?  They are not a PRIVATE business that is on the stock exchange and beholding to the stockholders, so who are they?  They obviously have forgotten they are owned and operated by the Citizens of California and are Accountable to us!  Is this a pattern of conduct?

They have to be stopped.  I want my case from the medical standpoint to proceed and stop them in a Court of Law by indictment by a grand jury, or whatever means Medicare feels is appropriate.  It has been 6 years since my case was referred to the California Department of Justice and going on 9 years since my surgery.  I ask the Federal Government to step in and shake up the University of California Regents, so that what happened at UCSF cannot and will not happen again. 

Monday, March 6, 2017

A Look Back to the 60’s That Has Meaning in 2017

A novel has just been released that tells the story of who I am and what UCLA Health and University Foot & Ankle Institute has ultimately destroyed.  I had forgotten my legacy for my son and grandchildren, but this novel, Talking 60’s Drive-In Movies by Tom Lisanti has revived that, taking me back to the most important decade of my life – the 1960’s.  

In 1961 I was Miss Hollywood and Miss California, and I worked as an actress and a model.  So suffice to say, my body, especially my legs, was very important to me and indicative as to who I was and the legacy that I carry to this day.  However, my physical body has now changed.  I have lost 55 pounds since I broke my ankle, and due to sciatic nerve damage, and I am no longer the beauty queen on the runway that I once was.

This novel is so precise that it makes me feel like I am looking through the window of a time warp back to my glory days.  The happiest time for me was from 1966-1969.  At that time, I worked as an actress for Columbia Studios on the Matt Helm series, starring Dean Martin.  I then met and married the love of my life Henry Levin, who directed of 2 of the 3 Helm movies, and in1969, our son Tony was born.

I am taken aback by the details Mr. Lisanti has found and included in this novel.  This was a time when our country had changed drastically; with the music of the Beatles, the Viet Nam War, which had created a draft for young men and then tore this country apart, Woodstock, and the Berkeley revolt.  But this novel takes you into the movie theater… movies which served as an escape for not only the population at large, but students especially.  It became a refuge for a few hours. 

Today, 2017 is nothing like the 60’s, but if you want a peak into yesterday, whether you are my age or a teenager, please read this book.  I am very proud to be included in this novel as Jan Watson.