When you add up all the publicity regarding the University of California system, it really is shocking as the number one public University in the United States.
Lets start with the most recent, the 5500 women who over 35 years were sexually abused/assaulted in the largest settlement of a public university of 700 million dollars. It was just one doctor involved like Dr. Dorigo in my case, but as a plaintiff's attorney stated in pleadings "UCLA covered up the criminal acts for 35 years." Is this the qualification to be Number one in anything?
In my case, they hired a foreign national from Germany as just one of many to "save money". That is their motivation - MONEY, they have the entire Westside of Los Angeles medical professionals on their side to protect them. Any foreign national can just pick up their passport and flee the United States and consequences as Dr. Dorigo did. That still remains to this day 15 years later.
From 2013 to 2019, UC admitted 64 students with cash connections to 4 of 10 campuses. This was written up in the media. Does that qualify to be number one in anything?
The point being that because UCLA Medical Center has not been held accountable including the CEO at the time Dr. David Feinberg, they have continued and that is just what I know of and the reason I say "Nothing has changed".
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